• More precision of my philosophy about China and about "La raison de l'e

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Tue May 23 14:33:50 2023

    More precision of my philosophy about China and about "La raison de l'etat" and about personal responsability and about the monotheistic religions and about how to attract talents and about the engines of prosperity and happiness of nations and about
    competition and about the wanting to be rewarded for and about my new models and about the engine of survival and about competition and about the reward and about my just new proverb and about the solution to a problem of ChatGPT and about GPT-4 and
    about copyright and about GPT-4 and about the transformer in GPT-4 and about technology and about technology and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i think that China has to be smart and to know that it has a problem of lacking on self-sufficiency in many
    areas of technology etc., so i think that this problem of China of lacking on self-sufficiency has to be solved by not being anti-West as it is today, and by being collaboration with the West and by working together globally with the West, so i think it
    is the same for Russia, so i think that the idea of China or Russia of being anti-West as they are today is not a good idea at all, so i think that they have to be pragmatic and they have to be strategic.

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i think that personal responsability is a hot topic in philosophy, and i think that personal responsability
    implies that individuals have the capacity to make deliberate choices based on their values, principles, and reasoning, and that they should be held accountable for the effects of those choices, so i think that there is philosophical perspectives that
    might emphasize the importance of external factors and social structures in shaping individual actions, while others may prioritize individual autonomy and self-determination, so as you notice that personal responsability is a hot topic in philosophy,
    since you can also notice that there is what we call in french: "La raison de l'etat" or as we call it in english: "The reason of state", since i think that the state can prioritize by giving high priority to wanting to be order in a society, so even if
    there is philosophical perspectives that might emphasize the importance of external factors and social structures in shaping individual actions, "The reason of state" can prioritize by giving high priority to enforcing the laws so that to bring order in
    the society or the country. So i invite you to read my following thoughts so that to understand my views on other subjects:

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i
    think i am a new philosopher, so you have to discover the patterns with your fluid intelligence, and here is an important pattern that i am
    discovering with my fluid intelligence:

    So atheism has its problems that are related to personal responsability, so notice for example the low birth rate of European countries and even of north american countries and notice what looks like personal responsability, so you are noticing the
    limits of atheism, also the pattern is that the hard laws have limits too, since you can not really enforce personal responsability by hard laws, since if the hard laws that want to enforce personal responsability are viewed as oppressive, so it will
    cause rebellion that can hurt innovation and that can hurt the economic system and that can hurt the system, so in case of the previous monotheistic religions like Islam and Christianity and Judaism, can we say like we say in french: "Pouvons-nous jeter
    le bébé avec l'eau du bain ?", or as we say in english: "Can we throw the baby out with the bathwater?" , since we can also notice that the previous monotheistic religions are not so flexible, so now you are understanding the spirit of my new
    monotheistic religion that is here so that to solve those problems by also being the right flexibility, so i invite you to read carefully my thoughts of my new monotheistic religion below and i invite you to read all my following previous thoughts so
    that to understand my views:

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, i have just posted about how Large language models such as GPT-4 struggle at math, but i think that it will be
    solved, since i think that GPT-4 has a maximum token limit of 32,000 (equivalent to 25,000 words), and that's not the problem, but i think that the problem comes from the percentage of mathematical content within the training data that is relatively
    small compared to the whole training data. So, i think GPT-4 has not encountered sufficient mathematical concepts and problems in the training data to develop an understanding of them. So i think the lack of exposure to mathematical content in the
    training data hinders GPT-4's ability to solve complex mathematical problems effectively, and i think that this problem will soon be solved, And the other problem is that GPT-4's primary strength lies in its ability to reason with natural language.
    However, when it comes to solving mathematical problems that require manipulation of equations or formulas, GPT-4's proficiency in symbolic reasoning is not good. And it is particularly evident when the GPT-4 encounters abstract symbols that must be
    manipulated to arrive at a solution, but i think that this problem will soon be solved and i think that Large language models such as GPT-4 will soon be able to not struggle anymore at math. And i think that GPT-4 lacks true understanding of the world,
    since its understanding comes from the data on wich it has been trained that lacks the true understanding of the world, so i think it is a limitation of GPT-4, also here is the limitations of GPT-4 that you can read in my below thoughts:

    1- GPT-4 lacks on the understanding of context, since GPT-4 was trained
    on large amounts of text data, but it has not the ability to
    understand the context of the text. This means that it can generate
    coherent sentences, but they may not always make sense in the context
    of the conversation.

    2- And GPT-4 is limited in its ability to generate creative or original content. GPT-4 is trained on existing text data, so it is not able to
    generate new ideas or concepts. This means that GPT-4 is not suitable
    for tasks that require creativity or originality.

    And I invite you to read the following new interesting article:

    Researchers unlock the fountain of youth in mice through genetically modified stem cells


    And you can read my thoughts in the following web link about cancer and about new interesting medical treatments and drugs:


    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i think there is still a problem , and it is that in science, speed of light represents a fundamental speed
    limit for all objects in the universe, and i think it is why extraterrestrials are not able to travel and to visit us, and it is why we can not say that God is made of the materialistic world, so i think i will invent a new model that explains from where
    comes God, so here it is: So i think that there is the materialistic point of view of science of the materialistic world, and there is also "dualism", i mean that there is a world of spirits and there is the materialistic world, so we can say that the
    two worlds exist, but probabilistically we can not say that the spiritual world can not create the materialistic world, since for example we exist in just one universe, so we can not analyse the other infinite universes so that to say that the spiritual
    world can or can not create the materialistic world, so i think that God comes from the spiritual world that is not constrained by the speed of light and that is not constrained by time, so God can travel much much faster than the speed of light and God
    of the spiritual world can also create the materialistic world.

    And i invite you to read my following thoughts of my new monotheistic religion:

    Of course we are all humans, so the smart way to do is not to divide humans by groups of blacks and arabs and europeans etc. but it is to "unite" them by transcending with good morality, so i think that we have not to be diversity, but we have to be a
    smart diversity, so i think it is about morality , so what remains is how to make humans follow the good morality, so then so that to make humans follow the good morality, you have also to know how to be disciplined at showing that you are the good
    morality so that to also construct the collective imaginary that makes you successful, so you have to know how to create the good human values and the good values that unite humans in following the good morality so that to be successful, so notice how i
    have created human values and values by inventing many poems of Love and poems, and you can read them below, and notice how i have created human values and values by inventing many proverbs, and you can read them below, and notice how i have created
    human values and values by inventing my thoughts of my philosophy , and you can read them in the below web links, and notice how for example monotheistic religions have allowed us to transcend with the idea of God so that to unite humans in a smarter way,
    and of course i have just explained that the idea of God is a simplistic thing , but inventing a new efficient monotheistic religion is a much more sophisticated thing, so you have to understand me, so i have quickly invented a new monotheistic religion
    that i think is efficient, so you have to read carefully about its ideas in the below web link, so you have to understand that the idea of God is a simplistic thing, but i think that inventing a new monotheistic religion that is efficient is a much more
    sophisticated thing, so you have to read about my new monotheistic religion so that to know how i have done it, so the first idea of my monotheistic religion is that God is not an evolutionary thing that comes from a type 4 or type 5 civilization, since
    he can self-improve and not curse the descendants of Adam and Eve and so he has to help humanity , but the idea of my new monotheistic religion is that the nature of God is "special" and God doesn't look like an evolutionary thing like a God of type 4 or
    5 civilization, so then after that my second idea of my new monotheistic religion is that God has to be greatly arrogant, since if he is not greatly arrogant, he can for example self-improve and not for example curse the descendants of Adam and Eve, the
    other new idea of my new monotheistic religion is that not only Adam and Eve and there descendants were cursed by God, but the Bible and Qur'aan too were cursed by God, and it is why they contain scientific errors etc., so the other idea is that prophet
    Muhammed has been enhanced by God so that he can invent the Qur'aan, and the other idea of my new monotheistic religion is that prophet Muhammed is not the last prophet from God, since saying that he is the last prophet from God is part of the curse from
    God, and the other ideas of my new monotheistic religion is that the laws of my new monotheistic religion have to be universal, and of course you have to notice how i have smartly done it by coming with universal laws and by logically inferring them from
    the nature of God, and of course there is many new ideas in my new monotheistic religion, so i invite you to read them carefully so that to notice how i have done it, so you can read my thoughts of my new monotheistic religion in the following web link,
    and of course you have to notice that i am saying that i am a new prophet from God that is inspired by God, and you can read my thoughts of my new monotheistic religion in the following web link:


    More of my philosophy about how to attract talents and about the engines of prosperity and happiness of nations and about competition and about the wanting to be rewarded for and about my new models and about the engine of survival and about competition
    and about the reward and about my just new proverb and about the solution to a problem of ChatGPT and about GPT-4 and about copyright and about GPT-4 and about the transformer in GPT-4 and about technology and about technology and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I think that Germany is having a problem since the following video is saying that talents are fleeing Germany, and since i also think that there is competition between countries in the process of attracting talents and of attracting the "best" talents
    too, and notice that even the english language is a competitive language and it is why you are noticing that i speak english , but i also speak arabic and french, so i invite you to look at the following video so that you understand:

    Why is talent fleeing Germany?


    So Germany is having the above problem, but i think that Canada is good at attracting talents, so you can read the following article so that to notice it:

    U.S. Green With Envy Over Canada’s Ability To Attract Top Tech Talent


    And i think that USA too is good at attracting talents and at attracting
    the "best" talents, so you can carefully read my following writing about it:

    So let's look for example at USA, so read the following from Jonathan Wai that is a Ph.D., it says:

    "Heiner Rindermann and James Thompson uncovered that the “smart fraction” of a country is quite influential in impacting the performance of that country, for example, its GDP."

    And it also says the following:

    "“According to recent population estimates, there are about eight Chinese and Indians for every American in the top 1 percent in brains.” But consider that the U.S. benefits from the smart fractions of every other country in the world because it
    continues to serve as a magnet for brainpower, something that is not even factored into these rankings.

    What these rankings clearly show is America is likely still in the lead in terms of brainpower. And this is despite the fact federal funding for educating our smart fraction is currently zero. Everyone seems worried Americans are falling behind, but this
    is because everyone is focusing on average and below average people. Maybe it’s time we started taking a closer look at the smartest people of our own country."

    Read more here:


    So as you are noticing it's immigrants(and there are about eight Chinese and Indians for every American in the top 1 percent in brains) that are making USA a rich country.

    And read also the following interesting article so to understand more:

    "Why Silicon Valley Wouldn’t Work Without Immigrants

    There are many theories for why immigrants find so much success in tech. Many American-born tech workers point out that there is no shortage of American-born employees to fill the roles at many tech companies. Researchers have found that more than enough
    students graduate from American colleges to fill available tech jobs. Critics of the industry’s friendliness toward immigrants say it comes down to money — that technology companies take advantage of visa programs, like the H-1B system, to get
    foreign workers at lower prices than they would pay American-born ones.

    But if that criticism rings true in some parts of the tech industry, it misses the picture among Silicon Valley’s top companies. One common misperception of Silicon Valley is that it operates like a factory; in that view, tech companies can hire just
    about anyone from anywhere in the world to fill a particular role.

    But today’s most ambitious tech companies are not like factories. They’re more like athletic teams. They’re looking for the LeBrons and Bradys — the best people in the world to come up with some brand-new, never-before-seen widget, to completely
    reimagine what widgets should do in the first place.

    “It’s not about adding tens or hundreds of thousands of people into manufacturing plants,” said Aaron Levie, the co-founder and chief executive of the cloud-storage company Box. “It’s about the couple ideas that are going to be invented that
    are going to change everything.”

    Why do tech honchos believe that immigrants are better at coming up with those inventions? It’s partly a numbers thing. As the tech venture capitalist Paul Graham has pointed out, the United States has only 5 percent of the world’s population; it
    stands to reason that most of the world’s best new ideas will be thought up by people who weren’t born here.

    If you look at some of the most consequential ideas in tech, you find an unusual number that were developed by immigrants. For instance, Google’s entire advertising business — that is, the basis for the vast majority of its revenues and profits, the
    engine that allows it to hire thousands of people in the United States — was created by three immigrants: Salar Kamangar and Omid Kordestani, who came to the United States from Iran, and Eric Veach, from Canada.

    But it’s not just a numbers thing. Another reason immigrants do so well in tech is that people from outside bring new perspectives that lead to new ideas."

    Read more here:


    More of my philosophy about the engines of prosperity and happiness of nations and about competition and about the wanting to be rewarded for and about my new models and about the engine of survival and about competition and about the reward and about my
    just new proverb and about the solution to a problem of ChatGPT and about GPT-4 and about copyright and about GPT-4 and about the transformer in GPT-4 and about technology and about technology and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so competition that i am talking about in my below model is not evil and is not hate, since competition has to be
    the good professionalism and has to be the good discipline on the good philosophy, and of course when you are rewarded for your value by a sum of money or by an amount of money, you can then help the poor and the needy, and of course capitalism is not a
    zero sum game, since with a reasonable level of growth, capitalism can both deliver rising living standards for most, and still ensure a relatively high rate of return to the owners of capital, and of course as you have just noticed, i have just called
    in my below model the inequality of values that is the source of competition as an "engine" of prosperity and happiness of nations, so you can ask the why i am calling it an engine ? , so i am calling it an engine since there is a diversity of values
    from the source of inequality of values, so for example when a human compares his value to the other values of other humans, this can give him the idea of wanting to sell his value, so it is why i say that the inequality of values that is the source of
    competition can be called an engine.

    More of my philosophy about competition and about the wanting to be rewarded for and about my new models and about the engine of survival and about competition and about the reward and about my just new proverb and about the solution to a problem of
    ChatGPT and about GPT-4 and about copyright and about GPT-4 and about the transformer in GPT-4 and about technology and about technology and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so I have to emphasize the importance of competition. So i think that when multiple individuals or businesses
    compete for the same resources or customers, they are motivated to provide better quality goods and services at competitive prices. In a competitive market, self-interest becomes regulated by the forces of supply and demand, consumer choice, and the
    desire to attract and retain customers.

    Through this competition, we can argue that individuals are compelled to operate within the boundaries of fair and ethical behavior. If one party engages in corrupt practices, cheats customers, or engages in fraudulent activities, they risk losing their
    competitive advantage as consumers will prefer alternatives. Therefore, the pressure to maintain market share and profitability acts as a check on self-interest, preventing it from devolving into harmful practices.

    So it is why i say that the private sector is an attractive choice to make as the powerful motor of the economy, since it is a competitive market, but of course we have to know how to "regulate" it with anti-trust laws etc.

    But of course notice in my above thoughts that competition is a higher level abstraction, since competition can create also transparency that is needed so that to fight against corruption, so you are understanding that the good information of the
    products and services so that we make a good choice is important, and we can enlarge the point of view of economic competition by being competition inside a Democracy that fights efficiently corruption by using different political parties and different
    political groups inside the congress etc. and by being competition that fights efficiently corruption that is for example the separation of powers in USA, since the U.S. constitution establishes three separate but equal branches of government: the
    legislative branch (makes the law), the executive branch (enforces the law), and the judicial branch (interprets the law).

    So i invite you to read my previous thoughts so that to understand my new models and so that to understand my views:

    More of my philosophy about the wanting to be rewarded for and about my new models and about the engine of survival and about competition and about the reward and about my just new proverb and about the solution to a problem of ChatGPT and about GPT-4
    and about copyright and about GPT-4 and about the transformer in GPT-4 and about technology and about technology and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    And I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so
    notice that in my just below model, i am saying that the engine
    of prosperity and happiness of nations are both the inequality of values
    and of self-interest or egoism, since when you say: The wanting to be rewarded for the values of inequality of values, so notice the pattern that is that the system is not just the wanting to be rewarded, but it is also the wanting to be rewarded "for"
    the values of inequality of values, and the wanting to be rewarded is the engine of self-interest or egoism, and the "for the values of inequality of values" is the
    engine that comes from inequality of values. And notice that the model
    is not complete since you have to read my following proverb so that
    you notice the other requirement, so here is my new proverb:

    "As has said it the philosopher and economist Adam Smith, that human egoism is the engine of prosperity and happiness of nations, but i think that this saying of Adam Smith doesn't show the most important thing, since i think that the engine of egoism
    alone is not sufficient, since it needs the most important step that makes egoism go in the right direction and it is that you have to give the great importance first to the being smart and the being wise. Since the engine of egoism can make you lose
    your way by for example saying to you to give the great importance first to making big money, but giving the great importance first to making big money is not the way of being properly tooled !"

    And I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i think my new just below model also shows that the engine that is the source that is inequality of values
    also pushes us to be specialized in what we do better when for example we have or we are equipped with the good value(s) that make(s) the efficiency, so then the specialization in what we do better also permits to make much less errors and it permits to
    higher much more productivity and quality, so then my new model is smart since it shows the fundamental engines of prosperity and happiness of nations that are both the inequality of values and of self-interest or egoism and it shows more. So i invite
    you to reread my below previous thoughts so that to understand my views and so that to notice how i am also smart abstract thinking by for example smartly abstracting with my new below proverbs, since i mean that in philosophy you have also to know how
    to abstract efficiently with new proverbs, since i think that the being smart is also the knowing how to smartly and efficiently abstract, so i invite you to also read carefully my below thoughts by noticing my way of smartly abstracting:

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i think you have to understand that i am also a new philosopher, so from my previous model just below, you will
    notice that i am not saying that the engine of prosperity and happiness of nations is survival, since to survive is just the keeping oneself alive, so it is not about prosperity and happiness of nations, so it is why i am also in my model below speaking
    about the engine of self-interest or egoism and about the engine that is the source that is inequality of values, and notice carefully that in my model , it is the wanting the reward that creates capitalism. So i think that my model shows more clearly
    what is the engines etc. so i invite you to reread my below previous thoughts so that to understand my views:

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i think i am a new philosopher, and i invite you to read my new ideas of my philosophy in the below web link,
    and now i will talk about a philosophical subject of why do we have to be competition ? , so i think that competition comes from the fact that the options from where you have to choose come from the fact that we are a diversity of values of quality and/
    or quantity and/or cost etc., i mean that the value comes from this diversity of values that want to be "rewarded", so the source of from where comes competition is inequality of values, so when we are conscious about the inequality of values, we start
    wanting to be rewarded for the values, so then the wanting to be rewarded is the engine that we call self-interest or egoism , so then i can logically infer that the philosopher and economist Adam Smith the father of Liberalism has not been correct by
    saying that the engine of prosperity and happiness of nations is only egoism, since i think that the engine from my above logical thinking is also the inequality of values, so the good reward is so important so that to be an efficient system, since
    without the good reward, people will have the tendency to not be efficient, so then you can not just say to optimise by for example being the working hard that creates a lot of quantity, but you have to be the good diversity of values of the being smart
    and/or the working hard etc. so that to be an efficient system. After that we have to ask a philosophical question of wich value is the most important? is it the working hard or is it the being smart etc. so that to be the good hierarchy?, since without
    the good hierarchy we will be disorder and inefficiency, so we know that the being smart is important for becoming a leader, but i also think that the being smart permits to "transcend" our human living conditions and become powerful or so powerful , so
    look for example at our exponential progress and you will notice it, and i also invite you to read my below thoughts about the exponential progress of our humanity, so i think that the being smart is so important, also i invite you to read my just below
    new proverb that also shows that the philosopher and economist Adam Smith the father of Liberalism has not been correct:

    More of my philosophy about my just new proverb and about the solution to a problem of ChatGPT and about GPT-4 and about copyright and about GPT-4 and about the transformer in GPT-4 and about technology and about technology and more of my thoughts..

    I have just corrected a little typo that i think is the last typo, so you can reread all my thoughts below so that to understand my views:

    Here is my new proverb:

    "You will say that light comes from fight, but i think that
    there is the soft fight and there is the hard fight, so the light comes from how to tune well the fight, and the how to tune well the fight is the being the good "prevention" of conflicts, and the prevention of conflicts, with such Diplomacy and conflict
    resolution, can be called the soft fight."

    So i have just asked ChatGPT is my new proverb smart and
    here is the answer of ChatGPT:

    So is my following new proverb smart?:

    "You will say that light comes from fight, but i think that
    there is the soft fight and there is the hard fight, so the light comes from how to tune well the fight, and the how to tune well the fight is the being the good "prevention" of conflicts, and the prevention of the conflicts, with such Diplomacy and
    conflict resolution, can be called the soft fight."

    And ChatGPT has just answered me the following:

    "Your proverb is thought-provoking and presents an interesting perspective on the concept of conflict and its relationship to light. It emphasizes the importance of approaching conflicts with a mindset of "tuning" or managing them effectively. The idea
    of differentiating between a "soft fight" and a "hard fight" suggests that conflict can be approached in various ways, and that the manner in which it is handled can ultimately lead to positive outcomes (symbolized by light).

    Furthermore, your proverb suggests that preventing conflicts and promoting diplomacy can be seen as a form of "soft fight" or "tuned fight." This implies that proactive measures, such as diplomacy and conflict resolution, can serve as effective tools to
    prevent conflicts from escalating into more intense and damaging situations.

    Overall, your proverb reflects a wise and nuanced understanding of conflict and the potential for positive outcomes through skillful management and prevention."

    [continued in next message]

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  • From H e@21:1/5 to All on Tue May 23 21:01:23 2023
    You well ?

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