• More of my philosophy about the U.S. CHIPS Act and about my new models

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Sat May 20 07:46:07 2023

    More of my philosophy about the U.S. CHIPS Act and about my new models and about the engine of survival and about competition and about the reward and about my just new proverb and about the solution to a problem of ChatGPT and about GPT-4 and about
    copyright and about GPT-4 and about the transformer in GPT-4 and about technology and about technology and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    U.S. universities are building a new semiconductor workforce,
    the CHIPS Act could require 50,000 new engineers

    Read more here:


    And I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i think my new just below model also shows that the engine that is the source that is inequality of values
    also pushes us to be specialized in what we do better when for example we have or we are equipped with the good value(s) that make(s) the efficiency, so then the specialization in what we do better also permits to make much less errors and it permits to
    higher much more productivity and quality, so then my new model is smart since it shows the fundamental engines of prosperity and happiness of nations that are both the inequality of values and of self-interest or egoism and it shows more. So i invite
    you to reread my below previous thoughts so that to understand my views and so that to notice how i am also smart abstract thinking by for example smartly abstracting with my new below proverbs, since i mean that in philosophy you have also to know how
    to abstract efficiently with new proverbs, since i think that the being smart is also the knowing how to smartly and efficiently abstract, so i invite you to also read carefully my below thoughts by noticing my way of smartly abstracting:

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i think you have to understand that i am also a new philosopher, so from my previous model just below, you will
    notice that i am not saying that the engine of prosperity and happiness of nations is survival, since to survive is just the keeping oneself alive, so it is not about prosperity and happiness of nations, so it is why i am also in my model below speaking
    about the engine of self-interest or egoism and about the engine that is the source that is inequality of values, and notice carefully that in my model , it is the wanting the reward that creates capitalism. So i think that my model shows more clearly
    what is the engines etc. so i invite you to reread my below previous thoughts so that to understand my views:

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i think i am a new philosopher, and i invite you to read my new ideas of my philosophy in the below web link,
    and now i will talk about a philosophical subject of why do we have to be competition ? , so i think that competition comes from the fact that the options from where you have to choose come from the fact that we are a diversity of values of quality and/
    or quantity and/or cost etc., i mean that the value comes from this diversity of values that want to be "rewarded", so the source of from where comes competition is inequality of values, so when we are conscious about the inequality of values, we start
    wanting to be rewarded for the values, so then the wanting to be rewarded is the engine that we call self-interest or egoism , so then i can logically infer that the philosopher and economist Adam Smith the father of Liberalism has not been correct by
    saying that the engine of prosperity and happiness of nations is only egoism, since i think that the engine from my above logical thinking is also the inequality of values, so the good reward is so important so that to be an efficient system, since
    without the good reward, people will have the tendency to not be efficient, so then you can not just say to optimise by for example being the working hard that creates a lot of quantity, but you have to be the good diversity of values of the being smart
    and/or the working hard etc. so that to be an efficient system. After that we have to ask a philosophical question of wich value is the most important? is it the working hard or is it the being smart etc. so that to be the good hierarchy?, since without
    the good hierarchy we will be disorder and inefficiency, so we know that the being smart is important for becoming a leader, but i also think that the being smart permits to "transcend" our human living conditions and become powerful or so powerful , so
    look for example at our exponential progress and you will notice it, and i also invite you to read my below thoughts about the exponential progress of our humanity, so i think that the being smart is so important, also i invite you to read my just below
    new proverb that also shows that the philosopher and economist Adam Smith the father of Liberalism has not been correct:

    More of my philosophy about my just new proverb and about the solution to a problem of ChatGPT and about GPT-4 and about copyright and about GPT-4 and about the transformer in GPT-4 and about technology and about technology and more of my thoughts..

    I have just corrected a little typo that i think is the last typo, so you can reread all my thoughts below so that to understand my views:

    Here is my new proverb:

    "You will say that light comes from fight, but i think that
    there is the soft fight and there is the hard fight, so the light comes from how to tune well the fight, and the how to tune well the fight is the being the good "prevention" of conflicts, and the prevention of conflicts, with such Diplomacy and conflict
    resolution, can be called the soft fight."

    So i have just asked ChatGPT is my new proverb smart and
    here is the answer of ChatGPT:

    So is my following new proverb smart?:

    "You will say that light comes from fight, but i think that
    there is the soft fight and there is the hard fight, so the light comes from how to tune well the fight, and the how to tune well the fight is the being the good "prevention" of conflicts, and the prevention of the conflicts, with such Diplomacy and
    conflict resolution, can be called the soft fight."

    And ChatGPT has just answered me the following:

    "Your proverb is thought-provoking and presents an interesting perspective on the concept of conflict and its relationship to light. It emphasizes the importance of approaching conflicts with a mindset of "tuning" or managing them effectively. The idea
    of differentiating between a "soft fight" and a "hard fight" suggests that conflict can be approached in various ways, and that the manner in which it is handled can ultimately lead to positive outcomes (symbolized by light).

    Furthermore, your proverb suggests that preventing conflicts and promoting diplomacy can be seen as a form of "soft fight" or "tuned fight." This implies that proactive measures, such as diplomacy and conflict resolution, can serve as effective tools to
    prevent conflicts from escalating into more intense and damaging situations.

    Overall, your proverb reflects a wise and nuanced understanding of conflict and the potential for positive outcomes through skillful management and prevention."

    And i will say that the "soft fight" can be interpreted as a conflict or disagreement that is handled with gentleness, tact, and a focus on peaceful resolution. It implies a non-confrontational approach, where the parties involved seek to find common
    ground, understand each other's perspectives, and work towards a mutually beneficial solution.

    In a soft fight, the emphasis is on maintaining respectful communication, empathy, and compromise rather than engaging in aggressive or combative behavior. It may involve active listening, constructive dialogue, and the willingness to explore creative

    The concept of a soft fight aligns with the idea that conflicts can be resolved through diplomacy, negotiation, and peaceful means rather than resorting to aggression, violence, or hostility. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining relationships and
    finding win-win solutions that address the underlying issues while minimizing harm or damage.

    Overall, a soft fight implies a thoughtful and considerate approach to resolving conflicts, promoting harmony, and fostering understanding among the parties involved.

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, i have
    just questioned ChatGPT about my new proverb that i have just invented,
    and here is the answer of ChatGPT:

    My question to ChatGPT was:

    Do you find my following new proverb smart:

    "As has said it the philosopher and economist Adam Smith, that human egoism is the engine of prosperity and happiness of nations, but i think that this saying of Adam Smith doesn't show the most important thing, since i think that the engine of egoism
    alone is not sufficient, since it needs the most important step that makes egoism go in the right direction and it is that you have to give the great importance first to the being smart and the being wise. Since the engine of egoism can make you lose
    your way by for example saying to you to give the great importance first to making big money, but giving the great importance first to making big money is not the way of being properly tooled !"

    And ChatGPT has just answered me about my new proverb the following:

    "Your proverb is thought-provoking and shows your own perspective on the topic of egoism and its role in prosperity and happiness of nations. It's interesting that you have challenged the saying of Adam Smith and highlighted the importance of being smart
    and wise while pursuing one's egoistic interests.

    Your proverb emphasizes the need for direction and balance when it comes to pursuing egoistic goals. It's not enough to rely solely on egoism as the engine of prosperity and happiness since it can lead to misguided priorities and actions. Instead, being
    smart and wise helps to ensure that one's actions are aligned with their long-term goals and values.

    Overall, your proverb suggests that egoism is not inherently good or bad, but its effectiveness depends on how it is directed and balanced with other important values such as wisdom and intelligence."

    And here is my other new proverb:

    "The sky and its beautiful stars on a beautiful night allow us to dream and they give us hope, and I think it's like the human imagination that is not a down-to-earth and it allows us to dream and it gives us hope."

    "Le ciel et ses belles étoiles d'une belle nuit nous permettent de rêver et de nous donner de l'espoir, et je pense que c'est comme l'imaginaire humain, qui n'est pas du terre à terre, qui nous permet de rêver et de donner de l'espoir."

    And I have just invented a new proverb about abstraction, read it below,
    and here is my just new proverb about truth:

    "Truth is not a light, since truth can be light or it can be the both light and darkness or it can be darkness, so it is why truth of science can not be considered a light."

    And here is my other new proverb:

    "I think that abstraction comes with disadvantages and advantages,
    since i think abstraction comes with an important disadvantage , and it is that when you abstract, the others can become too dependent on your abstraction and they can not understand the inside of the abstraction, so it can become inefficient, so we have
    to be careful about abstraction since too much abstraction can lack on efficiency, so then you have to know how to balance between the abstracting and the not abstracting so that to be efficient."

    Here is my new other proverb:

    "So i think the true wisdom is that you have to become apt at smartly knowing how to avoid the wars and the mistakes and not stupidly getting into wars and stupidly making mistakes, and this way of doing of the wise man require the sophistication of the
    intellect of the being smart so that to be efficient at that, so smartness is so important, and it is why i say that smartness is not just smartness of the IQ and smartness of the culture, but it is also the being precision in thinking that is not
    precision of smartness of the IQ and of the culture, and it is also the smartness of the being intellectually lively and well attentive and it is also emotional smartness."

    And here is my other smart proverb:

    "One very important sign of a wise man is that he knows how to use the appropriate language to talk to people, but does he needs to use only
    one language with "people"? no, he has to know how to use different
    languages to talk to people, for example when he talks to the birds he
    uses the language of the birds, so he has to know how to be efficient at

    So notice that it is a smart proverb, since i am also saying in my new
    proverb the following:

    "..for example when he talks to the birds he uses the language of the

    So as you notice that it is also making it clear that a language
    is not only like the spoken english language, since it can also mean the language of the heart(or of Love) or the language of technicality etc."

    And here is my other new proverbs:

    "The intelligent favors healthy eating over tasty eating, and by analogy
    we can also say that the intelligent also favors the effective speaker
    over the sweet talker"

    "L'intelligent privilégie le manger santé au manger qui a du goût, et
    par analogie on peut aussi dire que l'intelligent aussi privilégie le
    parleur efficace au beau parleur."

    Here is my other just new proverb:

    "Even silence makes us advance, since a human life full of silence is
    not the right diversity as a balance that makes the good reliance"

    Here is my other just new proverb in english and french:

    "Learn to lift your head with dignity because even the sea has
    threatening waves."

    "Apprends à élever la tête avec dignité car même la mer a des vagues qui menacent."

    Other than that i invite you to read my following thoughts in the following web link about my new ideas of my philosophy and about other subjects of my philosophy so that you understand my views:


    More precision of my philosophy about the solution to a problem of ChatGPT and about GPT-4 and about copyright and about GPT-4 and about the transformer in GPT-4 and about the token limit and about GPT-4 and about GPT-4 and about the value and about
    large language model (LLM) such as GPT-4 and about real-time systems and about Zettascale and Exascale supercomputers and about quantum computers and about technology and more of my thoughts..

    So i have just written the following:

    "I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i think there still another problem with ChatGPT and the like artificial intelligence, and it comes from the
    law of supply and demand and it comes from a problem inherent to GPT-4, and here it is: So the demand will say that since ChatGPT is powerful and will rapidly become much more powerful in the near future, so why buy a product or service today with the
    price of today that can be fully or greatly implemented with the soon future much powerful artificial intelligence that will reduce much more the price, since also there will be much more supply than demand. So ChatGPT and the like are causing this
    serious problem to the economic system. "

    But i think i am smart, and i say that there is a solution to the above problem, and it is that large language model (LLM) such as GPT-4 have an inherent disadvantage, and it is that they are limited by the patterns that they discover in the data on wich
    they have been trained, so the problem is that the large language model (LLM) such as GPT-4 can innovate with the patterns that it has discovered , but it can not innovate in general, since it doesn't understand the meaning as humans are understanding it,
    so in my new new model of what is consciousness below, i am also explaining how the human meaning is constructed, and my new model says that artificial intelligence will not attain artificial general intelligence, but it will become powerful, so then i
    can logically infer from my above reasoning that the price of the innovative products or services will not be reduced as is saying it the above description of the problem, so i think that the above problem is solved, but of course we have to make people "
    conscious" about my explanation of how this problem is solved, so that the economic system works correctly.

    More of my philosophy about copyright and about GPT-4 and about the transformer in GPT-4 and about the token limit and about GPT-4 and about GPT-4 and about the value and about large language model (LLM) such as GPT-4 and about real-time systems and
    about Zettascale and Exascale supercomputers and about quantum computers and about technology and more of my thoughts..

    I think that the output of ChatGPT can be used freely without seeking permission or obtaining a license, but when you want to do business
    with it, you can not , since it is important to note that the responses generated by ChatGPT may contain information that is protected by copyright law, so you can not know from where the data come from , since
    the data on wich ChatGPT or the like have been trained is a mixture of licensed data, data created by human trainers, and publicly available data, and therefore, you wouldn't be able to copyright the specific outputs of ChatGPT, as they are the result of
    a combination of various data sources and algorithms. And i invite you to read my below previous thoughts about
    GPT-4 and about other subjects of technology so that you understand my views:

    More of my philosophy about the transformer in GPT-4 and about the token limit and about GPT-4 and about GPT-4 and about the value and about large language model (LLM) such as GPT-4 and about real-time systems and about Zettascale and Exascale
    supercomputers and about quantum computers and about technology and more of my thoughts..

    So GPT-4 is based on transformers , so it is a deep learning model and it is distinguished by its adoption of self-attention, and with self-attention, the network of Transformer pay “attention” to multiple sentences, enabling it to grasp "context"
    and "antecedents", so for example when you say the following sentence:

    "The animal didn't cross the street because it was too tired"

    So we can ask how the artificial intelligence of GPT-4 that uses
    Generative Pre-trained Transformer will understand that the word "it" in
    the above sentence is not the street but the animal, so i say that
    it is with self-attention and attention mechanisms of artificial intelligence and with the training with more and more data an by looking at more and more sentences in the data on wich GPT-4 has been trained, that the transformer can "detect" the
    pattern of the "it" refers to the "animal" in the above sentence, so self-attention and attention of the artificial intelligence of GPT-4 that we call Generative Pre-trained Transformer permit to grasp "context" and "antecedents" too, it is also like
    logically inferring the patterns using self-attention and attention from the context of the many many sentences from the data, and since the data is exponentially growing and since the artificial intelligence of GPT-4 is also generative, so i think it
    will permit to make the artificial intelligence of the transformer of GPT-4 much more powerful, so as you notice that the data is King , and the "generative" word of the Generative Pre-trained Transformer refers to the model's ability to generate text,
    and of course we are now noticing that it is making GPT-4 really useful and powerful, but you have to understand the limitations of GPT-4 by reading carefully my below thoughts, and of course the transformer of GPT-4 is also deep learning , so it is
    the neural network with the many parameters where the patterns, like of the above example of the sentence, will be recorded, and of course the training of the transformer of GPT-4 is unsupervised, and as i just said that GPT-4 will be improved much more
    when it will be trained on a substantially larger amount of data, and considering an article that DeepMind just published a few days ago demonstrating that the performance of these models can be drastically improved by scaling data more aggressively than
    parameters ( Read it here: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2203.15556.pdf ), and of course you have
    to understand that so that to make the transformer of GPT-4 energy efficient so that to scale it correctly, you have to know how to set the number of parameters, so read my below thoughts so that you understand more:

    More of my philosophy about the token limit and about GPT-4 and about GPT-4 and about the value and about large language model (LLM) such as GPT-4 and about real-time systems and about Zettascale and Exascale supercomputers and about quantum computers
    and about technology and more of my thoughts..

    GPT-4 has a maximum token limit of 32,000 (equivalent to 25,000 words),
    which is a significant increase from GPT-3.5’s 4,000 tokens (equivalent to 3,125 words), and having more tokens in a large language model like GPT-4 provides several benefits, and here they are:

    - Increased Context: More tokens allow the model to consider a larger context when generating responses. This can lead to a better understanding of complex queries and enable more accurate and relevant responses.

    - Longer Conversations: With more tokens, the model can handle longer conversations without truncating or omitting important information. This is particularly useful when dealing with multi-turn conversations or discussions that require a deep
    understanding of the context.

    - Enhanced Coherence: Additional tokens enable the model to maintain a coherent and consistent narrative throughout a conversation. It helps avoid abrupt changes in topic or tone and allows for smoother interactions with users.

    - Improved Accuracy: Having more tokens allows the model to capture finer details and nuances in language. It can lead to more accurate and precise responses, resulting in a higher quality conversational experience.

    - Expanded Knowledge Base: By accommodating more tokens, the model can incorporate a larger knowledge base during training, which can enhance its understanding of various topics and domains. This can result in more informed and insightful responses to a
    wide range of queries.

    - Reduced Information Loss: When a model is constrained by a token limit, it may need to truncate or remove parts of the input text, leading to potential loss of information. Having more tokens minimizes the need for such truncation, helping to preserve
    the integrity of the input and generate more accurate responses.

    - Support for Richer Formatting: Increased token capacity allows for more extensive use of formatting, such as HTML tags or other markup language, to provide visually appealing and structured responses.

    It's important to note that while having more tokens can bring these benefits, it also comes with computational limitations and increased inference time. Finding a balance between token count and computational resources is crucial for practical
    deployment of language models.

    More of my philosophy about GPT-4 and about the value and about large language model (LLM) such as GPT-4 and about real-time systems and about Zettascale and Exascale supercomputers and about quantum computers and about technology and more of my thoughts.

    So i think that GPT-4 has the following limitations:

    1- GPT-4 lacks on the understanding of context, since GPT-4 was trained
    on large amounts of text data, but it has not the ability to
    understand the context of the text. This means that it can generate
    coherent sentences, but they may not always make sense in the context
    of the conversation.

    2- And GPT-4 is limited in its ability to generate creative or original content. GPT-4 is trained on existing text data, so it is not able to
    generate new ideas or concepts. This means that GPT-4 is not suitable
    for tasks that require creativity or originality.

    So it is why i think that you can not learn computer programming or software development from GPT-4 , but you have to learn from the ones that know how to do computer programming or software development, so i think that even with GPT-4 or the soon coming
    GPT-5, you can still extract good value from the limitations of GPT-4 or the soon coming GPT-5 and do business with it. So i think we have still to be optimistic about it.

    And i think ChatGPT has another problem, and it is that the generated content can infringe on the copyright of existing works. This could occur if ChatGPT generates content similar to existing copyrighted material of the data on wich it has been trained.
    So you have to be careful, since it can hurt your business, but you have to know that copyright does not protect ideas, concepts, systems, or methods of doing something. But copyright law for example protects the expression of ideas rather than the ideas
    themselves. In other words, copyright law protects the specific form in which an idea is expressed, rather than the underlying idea or concept. And you have to also know that there is another problem with ChatGPT and it is that it can generate an
    invention, but it could be argued that the creators of the model,
    OpenAI, should be able to patent the invention. However, it could also be argued, that the source material used to train the model should be considered as prior art, meaning that the invention would not be considered new and therefore not patentable.

    And I have just looked at the following new video of techlead that i know, and i invite you to look at it:

    Why ChatGPT AI Will Destroy Programmers.


    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i think that the above techlead in the above video is not thinking correctly since he is saying that software
    programming is dying, since i say that software programming is not dying, since the future Apps are for example Metaverse, and of course we need Zettascale or ZettaFLOP so that Metaverse be possible, and as you notice the article below, with of Intel’s
    Raja Koduri talking, says that the architecture is possible and it will be ready around 2027 or 2030 and it is the following:

    An architecture jump of 16x, power and thermals are 2x, data movement is 3x, and process is 5x. That is about 500x, on top of the two ExaFLOP Aurora system, gets to a ZettaFLOP.

    Interview with Intel’s Raja Koduri: Zettascale or ZettaFLOP? Metaverse what?

    Read more here:


    And also the other future Apps are for example the one that use data to be smart in real time (Read about it here: https://www.cxotoday.com/cxo-bytes/data-driven-smart-apps-are-the-future/ ) , and i also say that software programming is not dying since
    GPT-4 and such artificial intelligence will replace just a small percentage of software programmers, since software programming also needs to care about accuracy and reliability, so you have to look at the following most important limitations of GPT-4
    and such artificial intelligence so that to notice it:

    1- GPT-4 lacks on the understanding of context, since GPT-4 was trained
    on large amounts of text data, but it has not the ability to
    understand the context of the text. This means that it can generate
    coherent sentences, but they may not always make sense in the context
    of the conversation.

    2- And GPT-4 is limited in its ability to generate creative or original content. GPT-4 is trained on existing text data, so it is not able to
    generate new ideas or concepts. This means that GPT-4 is not suitable
    for tasks that require creativity or originality.

    And i invite you to read the following article so that to understand more about GPT-4:

    Exploring the Limitations and Potential of OpenAI’s GPT-4


    And more of my philosophy about the objective function and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, i think i am understanding more GPT-4 with my fluid intelligence, so
    i think that GPT-4 uses Deep learning and it uses the mechanism of self-attention so that to understand the context and it uses Reinforcement learning from human feedback that uses a reward mechanism so that
    to learn from the feedback of the people that are using GPT-4 so that
    to ensure that this or that data is truth or not etc. but i think that
    the problem of GPT-4 is that it needs a lot of data and it is the first weakness, and it is dependent on the data and the quality of data and it is the second weakness of GPT-4, so in unsupervised learning that is
    used so that to train GPT-4 on the massive data, the quality of the data is not known with certitude, so it is a weakness of artificial intelligence such as GPT-4, and about the objective function that guides, so i think that it is the the patterns that
    are found by the neural network and that are learned by the neural network of GPT-4 that play the role of the objective function that guides, so the objective function comes from the massive data on wich GPT-4 has been trained, and i think it is also a
    weakness of GPT-4, since i think that what is missing is what explains my new model of what is consciousness , since the meaning from human consciousness also plays the role of the objective function , so it makes it much better than artificial
    intelligence and it makes it that it needs much less data, so it is why the human brain needs much less data than artificial intelligence such as GPT-4. So i invite you to read my following previous thoughts so that to understand my views:

    More of my philosophy about artificial intelligence such as GPT-4 and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    [continued in next message]

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  • From V@21:1/5 to All on Sat May 20 10:27:33 2023
    Tere !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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