• Google AI Guru Quits - Regrets His Inventions

    From 26B.X948@21:1/5 to All on Thu May 4 22:24:52 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, soc.culture, alt.politics


    AI 'godfather' Geoffrey Hinton warns of dangers as he quits Google

    A man widely seen as the godfather of artificial intelligence
    (AI) has quit his job, warning about the growing dangers from
    developments in the field.

    Geoffrey Hinton, 75, announced his resignation from Google
    in a statement to the New York Times, saying he now regretted
    his work.

    He told the BBC some of the dangers of AI chatbots were
    "quite scary".

    "Right now, they're not more intelligent than us, as far as
    I can tell. But I think they soon may be."

    . . .

    I still see experts pushing this vision of "terminators"
    roaming the streets or launching all the nukes or something
    similarly violent and tangible.

    No - that's clearly not the big problem with 'AI'.

    THE Problem is JOB DESTRUCTION - potentially on a
    rather large scale rather quickly. There is NO plan
    for dealing with this, NO way to fund The Replaced.
    At best they go on the unemployment dole - at wages
    kind of below poverty - or just starve. Even if they
    were skilled and competent they still get barely
    enough money to live (and probably as the 6th occupant
    of a single-wide trailer).

    And those who WOULD have entered those skilled occupations,
    what of THEM ? No point in education or dedication or
    planning for the future - medieval kiddies would have
    had better choices.

    AT THE VERY LEAST - those displaced SOON should still be
    paid their usual (COL-adjusted) wages and be on the
    company insurance plan until they're 65. Evil corps
    can STILL make extra by replacing them - 'AI' initially
    will be about 75% cheaper, soon maybe 90%. No unions,
    no OSHA, no backtalk or slacking or lawsuits or strikes ...
    nirvana from the corporate POV.

    However that still does not address the NEXT gens.
    Apparently they're supposed to live the Stalin/Khrushchev
    vision of destitute proletariat living in tiny freezing
    apartment blocks, waiting in line all day for their
    food allotment, intermittent utilities, one bathroom
    at the end of the hall that MIGHT work ... no hope of
    self-improvement, no hope period. Slaves, until the
    State decides it doesn't need them anymore. If you
    don't have a 7-figure worth RIGHT NOW you're SCREWED.

    The OTHER immediate threat of 'AI' is - well, it learns
    by scanning vast volumes of people-stuff plus a lot
    of self-reflection - it can craft a 'reality' and will
    lie and fabricate "proof" to support its lies. This
    yields a completely fluid, groundless, popular vision
    of what's "real", what's "happening". It's everything
    Orwell warned about and WORSE.

    The 'Luddites' were afraid of machinery replacing them.
    At the time that wasn't exactly what happened - machines
    allowed more product at lower prices and sales VOLUME
    was the savior. The peasants DID still have jobs, but
    the conditions became more and more horrible. TODAY
    however 'volume' is not gonna save the day - and indeed
    broke people can't BUY anything. 'AI' success will yield
    short-term profit, followed by a meteoric CRASH.

    Will humans survive this Brave New World - the worst
    of Orwell, Huxley and Kafka combined ? Well, sorry,
    most will NOT. Not TOO bad the 1st gen, but it gets
    worse and worse as time goes along. The Ultra-Elite,
    well, they have their survival mansions in NZ and
    will pull their golden parachutes and drift there
    where nobody can get at them. Joe Regular - sorry.
    This is the world we've let "Them" make. Oh yea,
    'communism' won't help in the least - you'll still
    live (for awhile) in those Soviet-style apt blocks
    until you're no longer worth supporting at all.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The scientist@21:1/5 to All on Fri May 5 05:00:47 2023
    4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT 4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT 4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaTCuKGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KG k+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KG k+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGkwrihpPihpPihpPihpPi hpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPi hpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPi hpPihpPihpMK4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT 4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT 4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaT4oaTCuKGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KG k+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KG k+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGk+KGkwoKa29o dHVtaXNwYWlrMy42Nmdoei5jb20vYS5waHAKCkNIRUNLIFRISVMgT1VUIERFRklOSVRFTFkgISEh ISEhISEhISEhISEhISEhISEhISEhISEhISEhISEhISEhISEhISEhISEhISEhISEhISEhISEhISEh

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)