• Re: Ethics Quote Of The Day: Ethics Villain Dr. Anthony Fauci

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    Kristjan Robam

    On Monday, May 1, 2023 at 2:29:46 PM UTC+2, Michael Ejercito wrote:

    Ethics Quote Of The Day: Ethics Villain Dr. Anthony Fauci
    APRIL 30, 2023 / JACK MARSHALL

    “Man, I think, almost paradoxically, you had people who were on the
    fence about getting vaccinated thinking, why are they forcing me to do
    this? And that sometimes-beautiful independent streak in our country
    becomes counterproductive.”
    —Dr. Anthony Fauci, major architect of the Wuhan virus lockdown catastrophe, in a discussing how the government’s dictatorial
    vaccination policies caused a drop in pubic trust of all vaccinations.

    I have a lot to write about Dr. Fauci’s long interview in the New York Times, as well as some of his other jaw-dropping comments last week, but I’m lacking time and energy right now, and this quote demands immediate attention.

    Fauci, who used his reputation and influence to trap the United States
    into a disastrous course of action that caused lasting harm to the
    nation, its culture, its economy, its children and society, articulates above the totalitarian’s lament about the United States of America. We
    are hearing this a great deal of late, as the Democratic Party, now the locus of totalitarian aspiration here, is increasingly open and candid
    about what so many of its leaders hate about America. Too many people
    just refuse to take orders from the smarter, more virtuous, more social justice-minded in power. Clearly, something needs to be done about it.

    There’s nothing paradoxical about the phenomenon Fauci’s whining about at all. The lying, manipulation, false “facts” and abuse of authority used by health officials, Fauci prominent among them, eventually became apparent. Americans, who call themselves that rather than United Kingdom citizens because a nation was organized around the bold theory that the people—not kings, not unaccountable groups, not “experts”— have the right and duty to decide what’s in their best interest, returned to core values. Millions of people moved here to embrace the new experiment, and
    as a result, the independent streak is more deeply embedded in the
    culture than our native fans of dictatorship seem to comprehend. Decades
    of indoctrination from the now fully complicit news media and most of
    the education sector have weakened it and threaten it, but like the flag over Fort McHenry, it’s still there.

    Our betters and would-be philosopher kings like Fauci find this incomprehensible. If only, if only, Americans weren’t so stubborn about that Bill of Rights thingy! Think of the lives that could be saved! And, similarly, all the income that could be redistributed, all the
    businesses that could be nationalized and all the hateful speech and dangerous ideas that could be censored! Fauci is perplexed that other nations’ citizens were much more rational about falling into line and doing as they were told during the pandemic. Well, rational isn’t the
    word I would use. “Submissive,” perhaps. “Compliant,” maybe. How about
    “naive”? They trust the people who have power over them. Americans, enough of us anyway, don’t. Good. The past couple of decades have demonstrated that these people–including, and spectacularly so, Dr.
    Fauci, are not trustworthy. That is an existential problem in a
    republic, and we’re still looking for a solution—but trusting people and institutions who have shown beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are not trustworthy is a surrender, not an answer. Americans still tend to
    believe that it is important to be minimally obeisant to authority, even though sometimes defiance may get you killed, as it did those men on the monument above.


    Do you know what neither the New York Times interviewer or Fauci
    mentioned at all in their discussion about why so many Americans stopped following orders and the edicts of “experts”? The June, 2020 open letter signed by by 1,288 “public health professionals, infectious diseases professionals, and community stakeholders” explaining why Black Lives Matter protesters could gather in mobs across the country while
    churches, schools, businesses and the rest of society were being told to lock down or insist on “social distancing” never came up.

    What a surprise.

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