• More of my philosophy about free competition and about Antitrust laws a

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Wed May 3 15:04:24 2023

    More of my philosophy about free competition and about Antitrust laws and about the economic model and about the efficient economic system and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    So i think that i have to explain more an important thing, so you have to understand that in the economic system we say that we have to be free competition, but when we talk and say that we have to be free competition, we do not mean that there are no
    rules or regulations governing it. Rather, what we mean is that businesses are free to compete with each other without undue interference from government or other outside parties.

    Laws and regulations are necessary to ensure that competition is fair and that no one is engaging in unethical or illegal behavior that could harm consumers or other businesses. These laws are in place to prevent monopolies, collusion, price-fixing, and
    other anti-competitive practices that could stifle competition and harm consumers.

    However, the aim of these laws and regulations is not to control or limit competition, but rather to ensure that competition is fair and free from unethical or illegal practices. This means that businesses are still free to compete with each other on a
    level playing field, without any unfair advantages or barriers to entry.

    So when we talk about free competition, we are referring to a system in which businesses are free to compete with each other on a fair and level playing field, without any undue interference or constraints from government or other outside parties.

    So i invite you to read my below previous thoughts so that to understand
    my views:

    More of my philosophy about Antitrust laws and about the economic model and about the efficient economic system and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    So i think that you have to correctly understand my thoughts below that i am adding to my previous thoughts, so you have to also read my below new previous thoughts in the below web link so that to holistically understand my philosophy and views on different subjects, so for example i have not talked in this post about Antitrust
    laws, since i have just already said in the below web link of my previous thoughts that when you have not enough options to choose from, so it can cause monopolistic practices that have to be managed with Antitrust laws, so i invite you to read all my
    thoughts below and in the below web link so that to holistically understand my views.

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ , so
    now i will talk more about an interesting subject, so i have just said
    in my below new thoughts in the below web link, that so that free competition and free market work best, it requires the good "information" and it requires the many options to choose from, so when you look at the arab countries and the Arab world, so
    there is competition in the Arab world and in the arab countries , but you have to notice that competition creates a distribution of options, i mean there is competition on the price and competition on the quantity and competition on the quality..., so
    this competition creates a distribution of options, and an option is defined as one thing that can be chosen from a set of possibilities, so as you notice that it is a higher level abstraction that means that an option means a price or a level of quality
    or a level of quantity , so you have also to know that competition also creates the good information that allows people to choose efficiently from the many and different options, and the good information is related to Tansparency that is important, so i
    think that in the Arab world and the Arab countries there is also competition , but even if it can be not a free competition , i think that it is a competition that is valuable, so i think what remains is that you have to know more about the other two
    ways in the model that make the economic system efficient, and they are the smart and efficient government spending that can also efficiently lower the debt and the smart lowering of the taxes that can efficiently lower the debt, and i am speaking about
    them in my below thoughts, other than that, what remains in the model is what i have just talked about and it is that i have just talked in my below thoughts in the below web link about arabs and about the Arab world and about arab countries , so i
    invite you to read carefully my below thoughts about them, but as you notice that i have just said that arab countries are transitioning "rapidly" from a too much "statist" way of growing economy and diversifying economy that is less efficient, to a
    private sector that becomes the motor of growth and diversification of the economy so that to be efficient economic system, and so that to notice it more , i invite you to read the following interesting article that clearly shows that the Middle East is
    well-placed to thrive in the 21st century as the region moves to diversify away from oil and gas:

    From AI to e-commerce: These are the megatrends that will shape the future of the Middle East

    Read more here:


    More of my philosophy about the efficient economic system and
    about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ , so i have just talked about many and different subjects like artificial intelligence and about economy and about
    my new ideas of my philosophy etc. and you can read carefully my thoughts about them in the following web link:


    But now i think i have to talk about other important subjects and they are the following:

    More of my philosophy about Milton Friedman and the modern monetarist school of economics and more of my thoughts..

    As i have just explained, that the modern way is modern monetarist school of economics of Milton Friedman, read about it in my below thoughts, so i think that the way of the modern monetarist school of economics is also the way that we call the
    Quantitative easing (QE) that is also a way where for example the U.S. Federal Reserve print more and more money so that to lend money for investment, so i can also say that the borrowing of this money from Quantitative easing (QE) is an indebtedness
    that creates wealth, but notice that the Federal Reserve is not crazy since it has to manage it correctly and manage inflation correctly, so we have to make a difference between the responsable way of the U.S. Federal Reserve and of that of the
    irresponsibility of the below professor in economics that said that the government can not has a debt problem because it pays its debt by printing more and more money, so read my below thoughts so that to understand my views:

    More of my philosophy about the how we have to grow economy and more of my thoughts..

    And now i will talk about an important subject and it is about the how we have to grow economy , since i think that the Democrats and Republicans in USA have two different ways of how to grow economy, since as i have just for example said that the U.S.
    Congress believes that today's debt will be dwarfed by tomorrow's economic growth. Driving economic growth is one way to reduce the national debt, but Congress tends to disagree on how to create that growth. Most Democrats push increased spending, while
    most Republicans champion lower taxes, and it looks like the different economic ways in Japan of Abenomics and Kishidanomics, and i invite you to read the following article about them:


    But i will also say that Milton Friedman, an American economist awarded the 1976 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics for his contribution to consumption analysis and to monetary history and theory, including his observations of the complexity of
    stabilization policy, was the founders of the modern monetarist school of economics, that held that the business cycle is determined mainly by the supply of money and by interest rates, rather than by government fiscal policy - contrary to the long-
    prevailing view of Keynes and his followers. So then you have to understand that the modern way in economics with wich we manage inflation and unemployment is no more using keynesian economics, but it is by using for example the following way using the
    supply of money and by interest rates: I think i am highly smart, and i think that the Federal Reserve policymakers of USA are trying to slow down the economy and subdue inflation by highering interest rates, and highering interest rates make money
    costlier and borrowing less appealing and that, in turn, slows demand to catch up with supply, which has lagged badly throughout the pandemic, but that's the macroeconomics of it, and its potential effects include lower wages, a halt or even a drop in
    home prices and a decline in stock market valuations etc., but notice that the highering of interest rates reduces the demand, so i think it has a macroeconomic effects of balancing by creating lower prices in one side and part of the economy and this
    compensate much more for the higher prices in the other side and part of the economy, but notice that it doesn't mean that the highering of interest rates solves all the problems.

    More of my philosophy about the responsable economics and more of thoughts..

    I have just looked at the following video where a professor in economics that is a democrat and that has worked for the democrats is speaking and she is saying something irresponsible in economics and it is the following:

    She is saying that the government can not has a debt problem because it pays its debt by printing more and more money, but i think she is irresponsible by saying so, since the US dollar has a price and value
    that also follows globally the supply and demand rule, so for example if you are this irresponsibility, so the demand on the the US Dollar can lower and it can cause problems. So here is the video and look at it carefully so that you notice the


    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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