• More of my philosophy about copyright and about ChatGPT and about the h

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Tue May 2 12:50:21 2023

    More of my philosophy about copyright and about ChatGPT and about the how to increase standard of living and about automation and about AI and about the jobs to be replaced by AI and robots and about the value and about artificial intelligence and about
    my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    So i think ChatGPT has another problem, and it is that the generated content can infringe on the copyright of existing works. This could occur if ChatGPT generates content similar to existing copyrighted material of the data on wich it has been trained.
    So you have to be careful, since it can hurt your business, but you have to know that copyright does not protect ideas, concepts, systems, or methods of doing something. But copyright law for example protects the expression of ideas rather than the ideas
    themselves. In other words, copyright law protects the specific form in which an idea is expressed, rather than the underlying idea or concept. And you have to also know that there is another problem with ChatGPT and it is that it can generate an
    invention, but it could be argued that the creators of the model,
    OpenAI, should be able to patent the invention. However, it could also be argued, that the source material used to train the model should be considered as prior art, meaning that the invention would not be considered new and therefore not patentable, and
    i invite you to look at the following most important other limitations of GPT-4 and such artificial intelligence so that to understand:

    1- GPT-4 lacks on the understanding of context, since GPT-4 was trained
    on large amounts of text data, but it has not the ability to
    understand the context of the text. This means that it can generate
    coherent sentences, but they may not always make sense in the context
    of the conversation.

    2- And GPT-4 is limited in its ability to generate creative or original content. GPT-4 is trained on existing text data, so it is not able to
    generate new ideas or concepts. This means that GPT-4 is not suitable
    for tasks that require creativity or originality.

    More of my philosophy about the Arab world and about the how to increase standard of living and about automation and about AI and about the jobs to be replaced by AI and robots and about the value and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy
    and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i think that white supremacists are not understanding correctly arabs, since i think that arabs of arab
    countries are "enough" smart, but the problem of many arab countries is that they were too much "statist" in there way of growing economy and diversifying economy, so i think that the solution to this problem is that there private sector must become the
    motor of growth and diversification of the economy, so i think that it is the most important thing, also i have just explained that the GDP per capita is strongly correlated with the level of corruption, so i think that the empirical tendency is that
    when the GDP per capita in a country becomes high , the level corruption in that country becomes low, so then i think that most of arab countries are transitioning "rapidly" from a too much "statist" way of growing economy and diversifying economy, to a
    private sector that becomes the motor of growth and diversification of the economy, so then i think that we have to be optimistic about the arab countries and about the Arab world , and of course the Democratic principles are easy to implement, and of
    course you have to read my below thoughts about the economic model that i am explaining about free competition and free market so that you understand more, and of course you have to read my below thoughts about Transparency that is so important for

    And so that to understand more about how arabs are smart, i invite you
    to read my following thoughts so that to understand my views:

    As the jews are smart people, I think that Arabs are smart people too, since other than the smart Arab from Egypt who won a Nobel prize for Chemistry in year 1999, read about it below, there is a new smart Arab from Egypt who has just invented the
    fastest optical “transistor” that is a million times faster than the speed of the current semiconductor-based transistor, and you can read about it in the following two articles:

    Egyptian world of attoseconds.. the fastest optical “transistor”

    Read more here:


    And read also in the following article:

    Optical switching at record speeds opens door for ultrafast, light-based electronics and computers

    Read more here:


    And you can read the following web page about the arab from Egypt who won a Nobel prize for Chemistry in year 1999:


    And I think that arabs are smart people, read also the following article about arab american immigrants so that to notice it:

    In fact, the U.S. is the main home for Arab inventors globally, distantly followed by France (513 patent applications), Canada (361), Germany (342), Saudi Arabia (307), Japan (279) and the United Kingdom (273)

    The innovative flair arab Inventors bring to America

    Read more here:


    And read the following interesting article about arabs:

    Research: Arab Inventors Make the U.S. More Innovative

    It turns out that the U.S. is a major home for Arab inventors. In the five-year period from 2009 to 2013, there were 8,786 U.S. patent applications in our data set that had at least one Arab inventor. Of the total U.S. patent applications, 3.4% had at
    least one Arab inventor, despite the fact that Arab inventors represent only 0.3% of the total population.

    Read more here:


    And so that to notice how Arabs are smart people, i invite you to read
    my following thoughts about them on the following web link:


    More of my philosophy about the how to increase standard of living
    and about automation and about AI and about the jobs to be replaced by AI and robots and about the value and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so you have to be smart and understand my below following important advantage of automation:

    5. Automation is the only means of increasing standard of living. Only
    through productivity increases brought about by new automated methods of production, it is possible to advance standard of living. Granting wage increases without a commensurate increase in productivity
    will results in inflation. To afford a better society, it is a must to
    increase productivity.

    So you have to be smart by reading it, since when you are smart
    you will take into account the context of the sentence, so notice
    that it is not just saying:

    "Automation is the only means of increasing standard of living."

    So you can not take it out of context so that to understand the why it is saying the "only means", so when you add in the context of the sentence the following:

    " Only through productivity increases brought about by new automated methods of production, it is possible to advance standard of living. "

    So then you will understand it by taking the context of the sentence into account, and that it means the advancement compared to and that comes after the previous state of condition of the standard of living before the automation, and i think it is how
    it is understood by the experts.

    More of my philosophy why we have to increase productivity and about automation and about AI and about the jobs to be replaced by AI and robots and about the value and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so as you are noticing in my below thoughts, that i am thinking and writing about the advantages of automation, and
    that Automation is the only means of increasing standard of living. Only through productivity increases brought about by new automated methods of production, it is possible to advance standard of living, so it is why i have also talked about how to
    increase productivity, so i have just said, in my thoughts in the below web links, that productivity is also increased by being higher quality in every step of the chain that leads to a massive reduction in defects and rework, and it is also why Germany
    is so successful in spite of least working hours, but you have to understand my other thoughts that explain how to increase productivity by being "specialization" in what you do better and by optimizing the "coherency" and by lowering the "contention"
    and by using AI and automation etc. and you can carefully read my interesting thoughts about it in the following web link about productivity and capitalism and more, so that to understand my views about it and why we have to increase productivity using
    AI and automation etc.:


    And read my thoughts on the following web link where i am showing
    the technicality of why the being higher quality in every step of the chain , leads to a massive reduction in defects and rework, and this increase productivity too, and it is also why Germany is so successful in spite of least working hours, so read my
    following thoughts about it
    in the following web link:


    And read my following previous thoughts so that to understand my views:

    More of my philosophy about automation and about AI and about the jobs to be replaced by AI and robots and about the value and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think we have to favor a tax that would make robot producers have to compensate for any job that is replaced by an AI. Such a tax would have the effect of maintaining the salary and paying for the training of the person concerned, during the transition
    period. It would also be possible to envisage a 4-day working week accompanied by a day dedicated to continuing education in sectors expressing strong demand, and here
    is my thoughts and writing about automation:

    More of my philosophy about automation and about Google and more of my thoughts..

    "A study by researchers from MIT and Boston University claims that automation is responsible for more than half of the increase in the income gap between the most educated and the least educated workers in the United States. The study estimates that
    automation reduced the wages of men without a high school diploma by 8.8% and of women without a high school diploma by 2.3%. These figures have been adjusted for inflation. According to the study by Acemoglu and Restrepo, growing income inequality could
    also stem from, among other things, the decline in the prevalence of unions (a highly sensitive topic today in technology companies), market concentration resulting in a lack of competition for labour, or other types of technological change.
    Acemoglu and Restrepo's study comes at a time when the debate over whether or not to tax robots is heating up. More and more voices rise to call for a tax on robots to combat the effects of automation on income inequality. In this regard, a study
    published last month by economists at MIT suggests that introducing a tax on robot labor, preferably a modest tax, would incentivize companies to retain workers, while offsetting some of the payroll taxes lost through downsizing. Of course, the
    conclusions of the study are not unanimous.

    According to economists' calculations, an effective tax on robots would probably be between 1% and 3.7%. The report estimates that if the tax is much higher, it would exaggerate the role that robots play in the operational routines of companies; and if
    it is lower, companies would have no incentive to retain human employees at all."

    Read more here (and you can translate the web page from french to english):

    Study claims automation has caused more than half of US income inequality since 1980


    And following are the most important advantages of automation:

    1. Automation is the key to the shorter workweek. Automation will allow
    the average number of working hours per week to continue to decline,
    thereby allowing greater leisure hours and a higher quality life.

    2. Automation brings safer working conditions for the worker. Since
    there is less direct physical participation by the worker in the
    production process, there is less chance of personal injury to the worker.

    3. Automated production results in lower prices and better products. It
    has been estimated that the cost to machine one unit of product by
    conventional general-purpose machine tools requiring human operators may
    be 100 times the cost of manufacturing the same unit using automated mass-production techniques. The electronics industry offers many
    examples of improvements in manufacturing technology that have
    significantly reduced costs while increasing product value (e.g., colour
    TV sets, stereo equipment, calculators, and computers).

    4. The growth of the automation industry will itself provide employment opportunities. This has been especially true in the computer industry,
    as the companies in this industry have grown (IBM, Digital Equipment
    Corp., Honeywell, etc.), new jobs have been created.
    These new jobs include not only workers directly employed by these
    companies, but also computer programmers, systems engineers, and other
    needed to use and operate the computers.

    5. Automation is the only means of increasing standard of living. Only
    through productivity increases brought about by new automated methods of production, it is possible to advance standard of living. Granting wage increases without a commensurate increase in productivity
    will results in inflation. To afford a better society, it is a must to
    increase productivity.

    More of my philosophy about World Bank’s Economic report and and about Supranationalism and about religion and about the model in economy and about the value and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i have just talked about the Algerian economy, read it in previous thoughts below, but you have to be smart and
    read between the lines of the new World Bank’s Economic report about Algeria, and it is that when the World Bank’s Economic report says that, in Algeria, the non-hydrocarbon private sector must become the motor for Algerian growth and diversification
    of the economy, so it has to be understood that the statist way of growing and diversifying the economy has its limits, and i think that even Russia has this problem and it has to diversify and grow its economy by making the non-hydrocarbon private
    sector be the motor for Russian growth and diversification of economy, and it is and of course that the way of diversification of economy and diversification of Trade makes the economy resilient. So reread my previous thoughts so that to understand my

    More of my philosophy about the Algerian economy and about Supranationalism and about religion and about the model in economy and about the value and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i have just also talked, read it below, of why Democracy has become much more difficult to "fully" be
    implemented in Algeria, and now i will talk about the Algerian economy, so the World Bank’s Economic Update projects Algeria’s economy to grow by 2.3 percent in 2023. Yet the macroeconomic outlook remains vulnerable to fluctuations in global
    hydrocarbon prices. In the medium to long term, the report says, the non-hydrocarbon private sector must become the motor for Algerian growth and diversification of the economy. So as you notice that the diversification of economy is important for Arab
    countries, but i think that the diversification of Trade is also important, since i have also just said to notice that even Canada is diversifying Trade, since we can ask a question of is Canada too dependent on the US for Trade? and the answer is: “
    Not necessarily”, and you can read carefully the following interesting article about it:


    More of my philosophy about Supranationalism and about religion and about the model in economy and about the value and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i have just looked at the following song of an algerian berberist singer called Matoub Lounès , and i invite
    you to look at it:

    Matoub Lounès Slaavitt ay avehri sous titré


    But as i said yesterday , that the problematic in Algeria and such
    countries is that the berberists that are against arabs are making
    Democracy much more difficult to "fully" be implemented in Algeria or such countries, and the other problem is i think that berber languages are not as efficient as the arab language, since the Arab world is much greater and it can make Algeria or
    Morocco much more efficient, and it is why countries that we call Arab countries have constructed a greater world called the Arab world, so you are noticing that the Arab world is an advancement from for example berberism to the arabism that is much
    greater and that we call the Arab world, and it is i think what we call Supranationalism that is the state or condition of transcending national boundaries, authority, or interests. Other than that, i think that the monotheistic religion can make us grow
    into a Supranationalist world like being the Islamic world or such, and it is why i have also invented a new monotheistic religion that i think is efficient, and you can read about it in my following thoughts:

    More of my philosophy about the model of the soul or consciousness and
    about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i have just read the following article about the scientific explanation for out-of-body experiences, and i
    invite you to look at it:

    Is there a scientific explanation for out-of-body experiences?


    So notice that it is saying the following:

    "People’s recollections of seeing themselves from above – such as observing surgeons working on their body – could be a form of hallucination or false memory, as they try to make sense of their experiences."

    So i think that science is making a mistake, since the experience
    of out-of-body experiences is not in accordance with what is saying
    the above article, since people’s recollections of seeing themselves from above – such as observing surgeons working on their body - is not a form of hallucination or false memory, since read the following
    article that says that a 57-year old man seemed to confirm an outer body experience by recalling everything that was going on around him with eerie accuracy while he was technically dead, so then
    the recalling with "eerie accuracy" is not what we call hallucination or false memory, so read the following article about the this 57-year old man so that to notice:


    And read the following that also talks about study the two per cent of outer body experience that exhibited full awareness with explicit recall of “seeing” and “hearing” events – or out-of-body )

    Read more here:


    So i think that the model of science that is materialistic is not
    the correct one, since the above facts about 57-year old man etc.
    seems to prove that the what we call human "soul" does in fact exists,
    and since i have met an Angel from God etc. so i think that the one
    that we call God exists, so you have to read in the following web link about my new monotheistic religion that i think is efficient so that to understand it correctly:


    More of my philosophy about the model in economy and about the value
    and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    In economics, a model refers to a simplified representation of a real-world economic system, process, or phenomenon, so it has to be understood that the how i am answering in my below previous thoughts the western english white european man in the video
    below is by explaining some models in economy, i mean that so that free competition and free market work best, it needs "good" information and "many" options to choose from, and i think it can be called a model in economy, and notice that the "good"
    information in this economic model has to be understood as related to Transparency, and of course you have to notice that the many options in this economic model also shows that you have to have Antitrust laws when there is not enough options to choose
    from, and Antitrust laws are the broad group of state and federal laws that are designed to make sure businesses are competing fairly,
    and the “trust” in antitrust refers to a group of businesses that team up or form a monopoly to dictate pricing in a particular market. So then i mean that the western english white european man in the below previous video has to know how to be
    informed about the options in Marrakesh in Morocco, and an option from many options to choose from is one thing that can be chosen from a set of possibilities, so then we can say that the choosing from many options in economy is also the choosing from
    different prices of a product or service , and of course that it has to be understood that the existing of both free competition and the many options to choose from have the tendency to also lower the price, so i invite you to read my previous thoughts:

    More of my philosophy about free market and about competition and about the value and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i have just looked at the following video of a western english white european man that is talking about Morocco
    and about Marrakesh, so i invite you to look at it and my answer to the video is just below:

    Scam City: Marrakesh, Morocco - A Maze Without a Guide | Free Documentary


    So I think that the western english white european man of the above video is not so smart, and i think that i am highly smart , so i will answer him and his above video by saying the following:

    So he is saying that the prices here and there in Marrakesh in Morocco are too much high and it is scam for him, so he is concluding that Marrakesh in Morocco is a Scam city, but i think that he is not thinking correctly, since i say that he has to look
    at the "requirements" of a free competition and of free market, so the requirements are that Economics tells us that free competition and free market work best when consumers have "good" information and "many" options to choose from, so i think that the
    above western english white european man has to look to if those requirements are satisfied in Marrakesh in Morocco, so i think that in Marrakesh in Morocco there is free competition and you have to look at if you have many options to choose from, since
    those two requirements have the tendency in economy to lower the price, so i think that we have to be optimistic about Morocco and not be as pessimistic as the above western english white european man, and here is what i have just said about it:

    More of my philosophy about the free competition and about free market and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I have just looked at the following new video from Morocco about economy, and i invite you to look at it:

    Focus sur la charte de l'investissement au Maroc


    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so as you are noticing that the above video is talking about the importance of free competition and Transparency in
    economy , but i think that the economists in the above video are not talking correctly, since they are saying that free competition is good, but they are not talking about the "requirements" of a free competition and of free market, and here is my
    thoughts about them:

    So i think that Economics tells us that free competition and free market work best when consumers have "good" information and "many" options to choose from, so you are noticing the "constraints", and it is also related to Transparency, since you have to
    have good information and you have also to have "many" options to choose from, so now you are understanding that free competition and free market have to have those requirements, and it is like Democracy that needs important requirements, also here is my
    thoughts about the importance of Transparency:

    So i think that the most important thing in politics is Transparency,
    and Transparency implies openness, communication, and accountability. Transparency is practiced in companies, organizations, administrations, and communities, so i also mean that you have to monitor, with indicators, the efficiency and performance of the
    system of a country and you have to know how to criticize it and to talk about it in a serious way, and i think that it needs the good Transparency and i think that it is also the basis of morality, since when people look at the seriousness of the good
    Transparency , they have more the tendency to be good morality.

    More of my philosophy about the car driver and about the value and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    Here is my new proverb in english and french, and read my other new proverbs below:

    "So that the car, in the following beautiful video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_g2g2v4QiZM, arrives at its destination, the car has to be reliable and the car driver has to be reliable, that's what human life looks like, since one would have to
    follow the good philosophy so that to reach the destination or the goal.

    "Afin que la voiture, dans la belle vidéo suivante : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_g2g2v4QiZM, arrive à sa destination, la voiture doit être fiable et le conducteur doit être fiable, voilà à quoi ressemble la vie humaine, car il faut suivre la
    bonne philosophie pour arriver à sa destination ou son objectif."

    So i invite you again to look at this beautiful video of the car driver that wants to arrive at his destination or goal:

    Bryan Adams - Run To You (Classic Version)


    More of my philosophy about the value and about the meaning of human life and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i think i am a new philosopher, and i think i am discovering a pattern with my fluid intelligence, so i think
    that the Neoclassicals say that the value in economy comes from the price, but i think it is not a correct abstraction, since the price is constrained too, so it is not just about the price , since the abstraction has to show the constraints such as what
    i am saying in my below philosophy of that people are seeking and searching for the good value since they want to create a meaning of human life for themselves, and a meaning of human life that is efficient comes from the knowing where is the good value ,
    and of course i am also explaining from where comes the good value in my below thoughts, so then you have to be careful about it since the value is changing rapidly and it is following the path or way to the goal that is that the people are seeking and
    searching for the good value, so i think i am a philosopher that is changing the focus from the price to a better abstraction. So reread my previous thoughts of my philosophy so that to understand my views on different subjects:

    More of my philosophy about the LGBT community and about the meaning of human life and about the value and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i have just looked at the following video about how a Gay has sexual fantasies:

    Psychiatric teaching interview with Gay Teenager


    [continued in next message]

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