• Reconsideration of Spending Money Looking For "Alien Radio"

    From 26B.X938@21:1/5 to All on Sat Apr 29 22:26:57 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.science, alt.politics
    XPost: soc.culture


    The search for radio signals from extraterrestrial civilizations
    has yet to yield evidence of alien technological activity. Research
    carried out at EPFL suggests we continue searching while optimizing
    the use of available resources.

    For over sixty years, amateur and professional astronomers have
    been monitoring the sky in the search for extraterrestrial
    intelligence (SETI). So far, to no avail. But how should we
    read the absence of alien radio signals? Is it time we stop
    looking ?

    . . .

    Sorry, but it IS time to stop wasting money on deliberate
    searches for Alien Radio.

    They either aren't out there, aren't anywhere remotely near
    or are before/after the point in the tech curve where you
    use electromagnetic waves for info transmission. If there
    have never been MANY of them then that 'window' becomes
    all the more relevant.

    Humans are already delving into using quantum effects for
    info transmission (some such effects may provide faster-
    than-light communications). Face it, light is already
    TOO SLOW for human likes and needs.

    While drawing conclusions from a single example is risky,
    do consider that OUR prime "radio era" may only be about
    150 years - a dew-drop in the cosmic bucket. Meanwhile
    we are increasingly optimizing our use with more directed
    signals, which will diminish what goes out from the planet,
    and fiber-optics where the signal never leaves the little
    glass strand.

    Now we DO monitor RF all the time, for a variety of
    practical purposes, plus radio astronomy still has
    much to yield. We may accidentally come across alien
    signals yet, but spending money JUST to look for
    them now seems foolish. Hobby observers like Woz are,
    of course, free to pursue their obsessions on their
    own dime.

    Recent revelations by the US military in particular tend
    to suggest "They" - or at least machine-agents - have been
    watching US for a rather long time. Multiple photos and
    vids of roughly spherical flying objects capable of
    almost instantaneous hypersonic acceleration have been
    made public. They seem drawn to conflicts and military
    installations, perhaps a "documentary" mission. During
    WW-2, pilots called them "Foo Fighters" but there are
    much earlier mention of such things in the sky.

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