• CNN's Don Lemon ALSO Got The Boot Today - But The "Reason" Ain't What T

    From 26B.X938@21:1/5 to All on Mon Apr 24 20:53:40 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.media


    Don Lemon firing from CNN linked to explosive on-air exchange
    with Vivek Ramaswamy

    . . .

    It wasn't that and we KNOW it. Lemon INSULTED WOMEN, esp
    ones of an age and position to be movers and shakers.

    NEVER EVER make comments about women being "OLD" or
    "PAST THEIR PRIME". They'll GET you for it.

    And DID.

    This weird 'racism' thing, that was just the EXCUSE.

    They didn't even bother to TELL Lemon ... basically
    the security people just showed up, handed him a
    paper and immediately escorted him out of the

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