• Re: Not in life will I ever forget you

    From Postiljon Petskin@21:1/5 to Ilya Shambat on Sat Apr 22 05:20:07 2023
    On Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 3:01:39 AM UTC+2, Ilya Shambat wrote:
    not in life will i ever forget you
    even if i don't see you again
    even if all i feel is regret and
    a sharp uncontrollable pain

    you were elegant, sweet and tender,
    you were brilliant, artful and kind,
    you were painting deliciously rendered
    and a masterpiece of a mind

    years and oceans are now between us
    years and oceans of time and space
    but whatever is here, can see us,
    and the memories don't get erased -

    how much more can i say that i loved you
    how much more than i can feel and see
    on a rock at the dawn in the sunrise
    a soft cloud of you, shirtless, and me -

    thirteen years down the road - why now?
    just because it was truer than life
    in it, what, who, where and how
    are impaled on the end of a knife -

    which is sometimes twisting and turning
    to wake up what i knew in my mind
    to remind me of passion and yearning
    and the beauty that was left behind -

    you will always be there, won't you, truly?
    when i need it, will you not be here?
    and the world we have known, won't it fully
    in the day, in the night, reappear?

    and the splendor we've known and the torment
    will it not come back, time and again
    to make endlessness of each moment
    and a door into truth made of pain -

    and the world that we knew, not regretting,
    i will come to, in joy or in wrath -
    not in life will i ever forget you
    nor in death, nor in death, nor in death.

    Ilya Shambat

    Privjet joshik. Nice to see, that You have ideas to express !

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