• Musk's BFR Goes Down In Flames

    From 26B.X939@21:1/5 to All on Thu Apr 20 23:43:39 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, sci.space, alt.politics

    Oh well, he only gave it a 50% chance ...

    The Problem happened right when the booster was
    supposed to separate. It didn't. Therein was the
    fatal issue. They had to push The Button.

    But, they have those things LOADED with sensors.
    They'll know all the problems down to the finest
    detail in a week and iron them out.

    Musk has a "fail early" philosophy for SpaceX,
    CRASH lots of prototypes because you'll learn
    SO much SO quickly. It really wasn't long where
    the Falcon-9s went from exploding to mainline,
    and re-usable, service.

    I think the Falcon Heavy is next to launch at
    KSC. For some reason they are NOT gonna try to
    recover the boosters ... dunno what that's all
    about. Maybe the big sats will require ALL of
    the boosters fuel ?

    Anyway, with the F9/Heavy, SpaceX has a good and
    useful line-up for now. Starship is for The Future.
    It's sheer cargo capacity will make it quick and
    cheap to ferry all the parts for moon-huts and
    such - eventually Mars-huts and such.

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