• Re: Compromised Scumbag FBI agent who retired amid Hunter Biden probe s

    From Y V A@21:1/5 to Fred J McCall on Tue Apr 18 20:17:04 2023
    Look my post from: groups.google.com/g/soc.culture.usa/c/N1nqMbv7n38

    On Monday, April 17, 2023 at 1:05:06 PM UTC+2, Fred J McCall wrote:
    In article <sneqdm$4f9$3...@news.dns-netz.com>
    governo...@gmail.com wrote:

    Every case this prick ever worked on should be tossed.
    Every agent who knew about this prick and said nothing should
    have their head removed and placed in their lap.

    Legal counsel for an FBI agent ,who retired last week following
    allegations that he tried to run interference into the Hunter
    Biden laptop probe, are denying reports that he was politically

    Assistant Special Agent in Charge Tim Thibault was named by
    Senate Judiciary ranking member Chuck Grassley in a July 18
    letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General
    Merrick Garland. Grassley cited whistleblowers who alleged a
    pattern of political bias from high-ranking officials, including

    Morrison & Foerster LLP, who is representing Thibault clarified
    that their client retired from the FBI and was not fired, nor
    forced to retire or asked to retire. Morrison said Thibault
    turned in his security badge and walked out of the FBI field
    office with two long-time special agent friends.

    Thibault, who had been with the FBI for more than 30 years, was
    eligible for retirement and informed his supervisors about a
    month ago of his intentions, Morrison said.

    The firm pointed out that Thibault had led and supervised
    multiple investigations into public corruption by both Democrats
    and Republicans.

    Morrison said the Office of Special Counsel is investigating
    allegations that Thibault’s social media posts potentially
    violated the Hatch Act, which restrains the political activities
    of federal employees.


    "Thibault is cooperating with that investigation, urges the
    Office to complete its review, and expects to be fully
    exonerated," Morrison said, adding that Thibault, regardless of
    retirement, welcomes any investigation into allegations that he
    "took certain actions in investigations for partisan political

    "He firmly believes that any investigation will conclude that
    his supervision, leadership and decision making were not
    impacted by political bias or partisanship of any kind,"
    Morrison said. "He is confident that all of his decisions were
    consistent with the FBI’s highest standards for ethics and

    The firm reiterated that Thibault was not involved in either the
    planning or execution of the FBI raid on former President
    Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida earlier this month.

    The firm also said Thibault "did not supervise the investigation
    of Hunter Biden," which, they added, is now being handled by the
    Baltimore Field Office.

    "In particular, Mr. Thibault was not involved in any decisions
    related to any laptop that may be at issue in that
    investigation, and he did not seek to close the investigation,"
    Morrison said.


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