• UK To Re-Start "Prison Ships" Program ? What Can USA Do With All The Th

    From 26B.X929@21:1/5 to All on Sat Apr 15 17:39:27 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.uk
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh


    Ministers should consider bringing back prison ships to
    prevent criminals from avoiding jail sentences, a former
    justice secretary has said.

    Sir Robert Buckland said “imaginative” ways of dealing with
    the prison overcrowding crisis should include HMP ships,
    former military bases and “virtual” jails, with convicted
    offenders kept in the community under effective “house
    arrest” through tagging and GPS technology.

    His comments came as it emerged that drug dealers, violent
    offenders, thieves and dangerous drivers have been spared
    jail because judges have ruled that prisons are too full
    to take them.

    . . .

    Sounds kinda familiar to the US audience too ...

    Half the prob is prosecutors that won't prosecute but
    the other half is that much of our prison space is
    full-up. No room for all those little thugs (and gotta
    save space for political prisoners !) Oh, and now
    prisons are supposed to be like living at a holiday
    resort .....

    The UK is kinda small - but it DOES have lots of boats,
    it DOES have disused military bases, it DOES have lots
    of little islands.

    The USA is large, lots and lots of empty space. We CAN
    throw up makeshift prisons. They would not be holiday
    resorts though. GEarth northwestern Nevada sometime -
    basically NOTHING there - some places not even roads.

    Not entirely sure what to do with all the thugs. They
    will still be thugs when they get out of jail. Can't
    exactly toss them into a volcano, so WHAT ? We need
    them gone semi-permanently, but the age of just dumping
    them in some other country has long since ended. No
    more Australia's.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Marque Garfunkle@21:1/5 to All on Mon Apr 17 00:58:03 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.uk
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    On 15 Apr 2023, "26B.X929" <26BX929@zoq22u.net> posted some news:8tecncJaFtgJhKb5nZ2dnZfqnPGdnZ2d@earthlink.com:

    https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2023/04/14/prison-ships-stop-crimi nals-avoiding-sentences-buckland/

    Ministers should consider bringing back prison ships to
    prevent criminals from avoiding jail sentences, a former
    justice secretary has said.

    Sir Robert Buckland said “imaginative” ways of dealing with
    the prison overcrowding crisis should include HMP ships,
    former military bases and “virtual” jails, with convicted
    offenders kept in the community under effective “house
    arrest” through tagging and GPS technology.

    His comments came as it emerged that drug dealers, violent
    offenders, thieves and dangerous drivers have been spared
    jail because judges have ruled that prisons are too full
    to take them.

    . . .

    Sounds kinda familiar to the US audience too ...

    Half the prob is prosecutors that won't prosecute but
    the other half is that much of our prison space is
    full-up. No room for all those little thugs (and gotta
    save space for political prisoners !) Oh, and now
    prisons are supposed to be like living at a holiday
    resort .....

    The UK is kinda small - but it DOES have lots of boats,
    it DOES have disused military bases, it DOES have lots
    of little islands.

    The USA is large, lots and lots of empty space. We CAN
    throw up makeshift prisons. They would not be holiday
    resorts though. GEarth northwestern Nevada sometime -
    basically NOTHING there - some places not even roads.

    Not entirely sure what to do with all the thugs. They
    will still be thugs when they get out of jail. Can't
    exactly toss them into a volcano, so WHAT ? We need
    them gone semi-permanently, but the age of just dumping
    them in some other country has long since ended. No
    more Australia's.

    Create the temporary prisons you've described and place free access
    vending machines with confiscated fentanyl in them. Let the problem take
    care of itself.

    Win win!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Siri Cruise@21:1/5 to Marque Garfunkle on Sun Apr 16 19:28:11 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.uk
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    Marque Garfunkle wrote:
    On 15 Apr 2023, "26B.X929" <26BX929@zoq22u.net> posted some news:8tecncJaFtgJhKb5nZ2dnZfqnPGdnZ2d@earthlink.com:


    Ministers should consider bringing back prison ships to
    prevent criminals from avoiding jail sentences, a former
    justice secretary has said.

    Sir Robert Buckland said “imaginative” ways of dealing with
    the prison overcrowding crisis should include HMP ships,
    former military bases and “virtual” jails, with convicted
    offenders kept in the community under effective “house
    arrest” through tagging and GPS technology.

    His comments came as it emerged that drug dealers, violent
    offenders, thieves and dangerous drivers have been spared
    jail because judges have ruled that prisons are too full
    to take them.

    . . .

    Sounds kinda familiar to the US audience too ...

    I don't know the UK equivalent to the US Constitution. In the US
    cruel and degrading punishment is illegal. If UK is likewise,
    prison ships would have to be safe for prisonners. That increases
    costs. Do prison ships reduce overall costs?

    Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
    'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
    The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 2.0 / \
    of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohammed

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Governor Swill@21:1/5 to All on Mon Apr 17 00:08:18 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.uk
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    On Mon, 17 Apr 2023 00:58:03 -0000 (UTC), Marque Garfunkle <progressive@prisons.com>

    On 15 Apr 2023, "26B.X929" <26BX929@zoq22u.net> posted some >news:8tecncJaFtgJhKb5nZ2dnZfqnPGdnZ2d@earthlink.com:


    Ministers should consider bringing back prison ships to
    prevent criminals from avoiding jail sentences, a former
    justice secretary has said.

    Sir Robert Buckland said “imaginative? ways of dealing with
    the prison overcrowding crisis should include HMP ships,
    former military bases and “virtual? jails, with convicted
    offenders kept in the community under effective “house
    arrest? through tagging and GPS technology.

    His comments came as it emerged that drug dealers, violent
    offenders, thieves and dangerous drivers have been spared
    jail because judges have ruled that prisons are too full
    to take them.

    . . .

    Sounds kinda familiar to the US audience too ...

    Half the prob is prosecutors that won't prosecute but
    the other half is that much of our prison space is
    full-up. No room for all those little thugs (and gotta
    save space for political prisoners !) Oh, and now
    prisons are supposed to be like living at a holiday
    resort .....

    The UK is kinda small - but it DOES have lots of boats,
    it DOES have disused military bases, it DOES have lots
    of little islands.

    The USA is large, lots and lots of empty space. We CAN
    throw up makeshift prisons. They would not be holiday
    resorts though. GEarth northwestern Nevada sometime -
    basically NOTHING there - some places not even roads.

    Not entirely sure what to do with all the thugs. They
    will still be thugs when they get out of jail. Can't
    exactly toss them into a volcano, so WHAT ? We need
    them gone semi-permanently, but the age of just dumping
    them in some other country has long since ended. No
    more Australia's.

    Create the temporary prisons you've described and place free access
    vending machines with confiscated fentanyl in them. Let the problem take >care of itself.

    Win win!

    My solution is similar. Make drugs legal for adults with recreational licenses (for which
    the city/county/state can charge a fortune, buy generic and then tax the hell out of it.
    We could use the tax$ and those who can't control themselves will self dive out of the
    gene pool.

    The difference between Jesus and Trump is, Jesus took his beating like
    a man.

    Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

    Slva Ukrajni! Glory to Ukraine! Putin is a condom!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From 26B.X929@21:1/5 to Marque Garfunkle on Mon Apr 17 04:36:04 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.uk
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    On 4/16/23 8:58 PM, Marque Garfunkle wrote:
    On 15 Apr 2023, "26B.X929" <26BX929@zoq22u.net> posted some news:8tecncJaFtgJhKb5nZ2dnZfqnPGdnZ2d@earthlink.com:


    Ministers should consider bringing back prison ships to
    prevent criminals from avoiding jail sentences, a former
    justice secretary has said.

    Sir Robert Buckland said “imaginative” ways of dealing with
    the prison overcrowding crisis should include HMP ships,
    former military bases and “virtual” jails, with convicted
    offenders kept in the community under effective “house
    arrest” through tagging and GPS technology.

    His comments came as it emerged that drug dealers, violent
    offenders, thieves and dangerous drivers have been spared
    jail because judges have ruled that prisons are too full
    to take them.

    . . .

    Sounds kinda familiar to the US audience too ...

    Half the prob is prosecutors that won't prosecute but
    the other half is that much of our prison space is
    full-up. No room for all those little thugs (and gotta
    save space for political prisoners !) Oh, and now
    prisons are supposed to be like living at a holiday
    resort .....

    The UK is kinda small - but it DOES have lots of boats,
    it DOES have disused military bases, it DOES have lots
    of little islands.

    The USA is large, lots and lots of empty space. We CAN
    throw up makeshift prisons. They would not be holiday
    resorts though. GEarth northwestern Nevada sometime -
    basically NOTHING there - some places not even roads.

    Not entirely sure what to do with all the thugs. They
    will still be thugs when they get out of jail. Can't
    exactly toss them into a volcano, so WHAT ? We need
    them gone semi-permanently, but the age of just dumping
    them in some other country has long since ended. No
    more Australia's.

    Create the temporary prisons you've described and place free access
    vending machines with confiscated fentanyl in them. Let the problem take care of itself.

    Win win!

    RoboCop FOR REAL ? Not far away now ... except it'll be pure 'AI'.
    One xtra programming line "if TYPEID("thug") : Shoot()" ???

    We have a problem. The "thug" mentality is now deeply ingrained.
    Can't just un-thug people. Instead they will have to be removed
    from our society entirely. The US has lots of holdings in the
    Pacific ... not our ideal of 'civility' but that's the prob, not
    nearly enough civility anymore - just hot and cold running thugs.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From max headroom@21:1/5 to Siri Cruise on Mon Apr 17 05:11:19 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.uk
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    On 4/16/2023 10:28 PM, Siri Cruise wrote:
    Marque Garfunkle wrote:
    On 15 Apr 2023, "26B.X929" <26BX929@zoq22u.net> posted some


    Ministers should consider bringing back prison ships to
    prevent criminals from avoiding jail sentences, a former
    justice secretary has said.

    Sir Robert Buckland said “imaginative” ways of dealing with
    the prison overcrowding crisis should include HMP ships,
    former military bases and “virtual” jails, with convicted
    offenders kept in the community under effective “house
    arrest” through tagging and GPS technology.

    His comments came as it emerged that drug dealers, violent
    offenders, thieves and dangerous drivers have been spared
    jail because judges have ruled that prisons are too full
    to take them.

    . . .

        Sounds kinda familiar to the US audience too ...

    I don't know the UK equivalent to the US Constitution. In the US cruel
    and degrading punishment is illegal.

    Illegal? Really? What about Abu Ghraib prison and Guantanamo Bay
    detention camp, where the US has been committing all the torture and
    human rights violations?

    If UK is likewise, prison ships would have to be safe for prisonners.
    That increases costs. Do prison ships reduce overall costs?

    Just ship them to the US. The UK can pay the US to torture UK prisoners
    in GTMO. Apparently it is legal. The US has been doing that for more
    than 20 years.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)