• 2023-04-13: Tithing: Another Reader Begins to Tithe

    From hwaadmin@21:1/5 to All on Fri Apr 14 20:03:44 2023
    Title: Letters
    Publication: The Good News Magazine
    Publisher: Worldwide Church of God
    Editor in Chief: Herbert W Armstrong
    Issue: Aug 1985
    Number: Vol 32, No 7
    Page: 20
    Type: Letter
    Type Media: PDF

    "How Your Financial Future Is Determined"

    I just read "How Your Financial
    Future Is Determined." Fantastic! This
    was something I really needed. I have
    been unemployed for too long and I need
    to step out on faith and get a job.

    Enclosed is an offering and tithe on
    the few dollars I made on the sale of
    some products, along with a commitment
    to get a job tomorrow or at least make a
    full-time job of getting a job, or turn my
    selling profession into a full-time job by
    going out and doing it.

    I have got to be prudent and produce
    for my family and God's work. I have
    been on welfare and unemployment for
    too long now and blaming "back prob-
    lems." The problems are real -- but not
    real enough to keep me down unless I let

    Mr. Armstrong said: "It is not good
    for a person to get something for noth-
    ing, or for very little effort. This evil
    human urge to GET without giving -- to
    receive without paying -- is the very
    thing in human nature that produces criminals."

    I have got to stop getting something
    for nothing and start producing. As I said
    before, I commit to do this in writing as I
    send my first check for tithes and offer-
    ings of many more to come.


    Title: God Prospers the Tither!
    Publication: The Plain Truth Magazine
    Issue: Aug 1934
    Editor: Herbert W Armstrong
    Number: Vol 1, No 6
    Page: 8
    Type: Article
    Type Media: PDF


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