• More of my philosophy about the free competition and about free market

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Fri Apr 14 13:04:52 2023

    More of my philosophy about the free competition and about free market and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I have just looked at the following new video from Morocco about economy, and i invite you to look at it:

    Focus sur la charte de l'investissement au Maroc


    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so as you are noticing that the above video is talking about the importance of free competition and Transparency in
    economy , but i think that the economists in the above video are not talking correctly, since they are saying that free competition is good, but they are not talking about the "requirements" of a free competition and of free market, and here is my
    thoughts about them:

    So i think that Economics tells us that free competition and free market work best when consumers have "good" information and "many" options to choose from, so you are noticing the "constraints", and it is also related to Transparency, since you have to
    have good information and you have also to have "many" options to choose from, so now you are understanding that free competition and free market have to have those requirements, and it is like
    Democracy that needs important requirements, also here is my thoughts about the importance of Transparency:

    So i think that the most important thing in politics is Transparency,
    and Transparency implies openness, communication, and accountability. Transparency is practiced in companies, organizations, administrations, and communities, so i also mean that you have to monitor, with indicators, the efficiency and performance of the
    system of a country and you have to know how to criticize it and to talk about it in a serious way, and i think that it needs the good Transparency and i think that it is also the basis of morality, since when people look at the seriousness of the good
    Transparency , they have more the tendency to be good morality.

    More of my philosophy about the pattern to discover and about
    artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so of course you have to discover a pattern with your fluid intelligence, and it is that i am saying that low self-
    esteem needs self-worth , but it also requires a process of self-reflection, self-compassion, and acceptance of oneself, so is it in logical contradiction with what i am explaining below of how self-esteem comes mostly from having a job ? , so the
    pattern that you have to discover with your fluid intelligence is: It is by logical analogy like the individual egoism and egoism of a nation or of a zone like European Union, i mean that self-esteem is not only individual self-esteem, but it is the "
    percentage" of the population of individuals that have self-esteem, so i mean that there is only a minority of population of individuals that have problems of not being self-compassion and not being self-acceptance.

    And read my following previous thoughts:

    More of my philosophy about self-worth and about self-esteem and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    So is self-worth the solution for low self-esteem?, so I think that it needs self-worth , but it also requires a process of self-reflection, self-compassion, and acceptance of oneself, but of course i am saying that so that to accept yourself and be self-
    compassion you have to notice how even in business , not everyone love your product or service, but you have to be smart and know that not everyone want to be with you or not everyone love you, so then you have not to waste too much of your time with the
    ones that don't want to be with you or that don't love you, so you have to know how to be organized and find a women or a man who want to be with you and/or who love you and who want for example to marry you and you have to know that not everyone is
    racist or/and hateful, and of course you have to read my explanation in my below thoughts of how self-esteem comes mostly from having a job, so i invite you to read my below thoughts on different subjects so that to understand my views:

    More of my philosophy about US dollar and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I have just looked at the following new video about the US dollar,
    and i invite you to look at it:

    Are fears about a dying dollar exaggerated?


    So I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i think that the US dollar is not dying, since you have to look at the underlying strong and diversified and
    really resilient economy of USA and at the stability of USA Democracy that all make US dollar a dominant reserve currency, so as you notice that you have to look at the underlying values that make a currency a dominant reserve currency, and here is my
    new proverb about it:

    "Not wanting the US dollar as the world's dominant reserve currency is like swimming against the tide, and it is like choosing communism as a system that is like swimming against the tide."

    So i also think that USA will solve its deficit problem efficiently, and i think that's not the problem, since i also think that USA is borrowing mostly at a low interest rates, since i think in a long-term the interest rates at wich it is borrowing are
    low since USA is also a well diversified and powerful economy that is really resilient, so it is why i think that the USA government can handle a "much" heavier debt load since also USA is a well diversified and powerful economy that is really resilient,
    so it is why i think that USA debt is not problematic, also I think that USA will still be a super power in the future, since the USA debt is not problematic as i am explaining it, and i also say that we can not compare USA to China, since China has many
    defects like the "productivity" of China is not good both qualitatively and quantitatively, and China has a debt problem, so China is constrained by this factor of its debt problem, so China can not attain the level of productivity both quantitatively
    and qualitatively of that of USA in the near to medium future. But the productivity of USA is good both qualitatively and quantitatively, and China has other problems such as the quality of education of its workforce is much less than that of USA, it is
    why China is also lacking much in productivity both qualitatively and quantitatively. And you can look at the following video so that to understand more:

    Why won't China Surpass the United States? - VisualPolitik EN


    And about the underlying values of a currency, read my following thoughts about it so that to understand my views:

    And let me take for example cryptocurrency , so cryptocurrency has a problem, since the value of the cryptocurrency is not like well diversified, i mean that the value is just coming from the rule of supply and demand, but the US dollar is not like the
    cryptocurrency, since it comes with like diversified values, i mean that the US dollar follows the supply and demand rule, but the US dollar can be also that you can exchange it with goods and services, so it is by analogy like a more diversified economy
    that is more resilient, since i think that it is a diversification of values that makes the currency has a much higher value, so i think that it also look like stock prices, since the stock shares are also composed of like from what is composed a
    currency, and the stock shares come with diversified values like in the case of a currency, since the diversified values come not only from the supply and demand rule, but i think it is also the return of investment in stocks that also permits you to
    sell much easily your shares of stock.

    More of my philosophy about the philosopher and economist Adam Smith
    and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so the philosopher and economist Adam Smith the father of economic Liberalism has said that: "Egoism is the engine
    of prosperity and happiness of nations", and it has to also be understood that egoism creates competition too, but i think that the pattern that you have to discover is also that individual egoism or individual self-interest creates egoism or self-
    interest of a group or nation or zone like European Union , so you have not just to look at individual egoism or individual self-interest , since it is also transformed into a much bigger egoism or self-interest of a group or nation or zones such as
    European union and this creates responsability towards the nation or zone such as European Union or the world and it even creates solidarity, so i think it has to be understood as such, and you have also to know that self-interest or egoism is most of
    the time regulated by competition to not lead to corruption, fraud, price-gouging, and cheating, and we can enlarge the point of view of economic competition of Adam Smith by being competition inside a Democracy that fights efficiently corruption by
    using different political parties and different political groups inside the congress etc. and by being competition that fights efficiently corruption that is for example the separation of powers in USA, since the U.S. constitution establishes three
    separate but equal branches of government: the legislative branch (makes the law), the executive branch (enforces the law), and the judicial branch (interprets the law), so you have not to lack this kind of "competition" that balances this way the powers,
    and i invite you to read all my below thoughts about different subjects so that you understand my views:

    More of my philosophy about fusion energy and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    UK fusion energy company reveals what its power plant will look like

    The plant could be up and running within the next ten years.

    Read more here:


    More of my philosophy about the self-esteem and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so
    you are noticing my second just new idea of my philosophy below and it is the following:

    2- So about self-esteem, i think that self-esteem comes mostly from having a job, so i think that there is no problem in philosophy about self-esteem.

    So when you look at its abstraction above, so it will look like a little
    bit strange, but here is my explanation of it so that you understand my views correctly:

    I think that the having self-esteem comes mostly from having a job,
    so then we can logically infer that since when a human is not able
    to do a kind of job, he can for example change and do another kind of job, so i think that self-esteem is much more safer, so then you are noticing that the having a job not only creates self-esteem , but it also reduces much more the class conflict and
    the conflicts from inequalities of humans, but you have to know that when you have a "high" self-esteem and it is a "real" high self-esteem, so i think that it becomes an engine that can make you climb or move up much more the Ladder.

    More of my philosophy about the logical proof of how the standard of living has improved much more and about my philosophy and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    I have just said the following:

    "But you have to understand my new thoughts below where
    i am saying that having a job reduces much more the class conflict
    and the conflicts from inequalities of humans, since i think that in our
    today world, the standard of living has improved much more, so then
    having a job in the "context" of the improved standard of living, means
    that it reduces much more the class conflict and the conflicts from inequalities of humans, so you have to take the "context" of the job into account."

    And here is the logical proof of how the standard of living has improved much more: So read carefully the following interesting article of John V. C. Nye that is professor of economics at Washington University in St. Louis, professor of economics at
    George Mason University, and holder of the Bastiat Chair in Political Economy at the Mercatus Center:

    Standards of living and modern economic growth


    And read my other new ideas of my philosophy below:

    More of my philosophy about philosophy and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i think that the just new ideas of my philosophy are the following:

    1- Since there is like no meaning of human life, read about it in my below thoughts, so you have to construct a meaning of human life by first knowing how to create the positive energy , like by using the good vibes and by creating hope, and of course
    you have to understand the other ideas of my philosophy where i have also invented a new monotheistic religion so that to create the meaning of human life.

    2- So about self-esteem, i think that self-esteem comes mostly from having a job, so i think that there is no problem in philosophy about self-esteem.

    4- And tolerance that creates harmony is the key to happiness and is
    also the key to success.

    5- So i think that the most important thing in politics is Transparency,
    and Transparency implies openness, communication, and accountability. Transparency is practiced in companies, organizations, administrations, and communities, so i also mean that you have to monitor, with indicators, the efficiency and performance of the
    system of a country and you have to know how to criticize it and to talk about it in a serious way, and i think that it needs the good Transparency and i think that it is also the basis of morality, since when people look at the seriousness of the good
    Transparency , they have more the tendency to be good morality.

    And you can read my poems of Love and poems and my new proverbs
    and my other new thoughts and my other new ideas of my philosophy in the following web link:


    More of my philosophy about password security and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    "Researchers from cybersecurity firm Home Security Heroes have trained an AI to crack millions of passwords. It took him less than a minute to find most of them. The researchers explain that, to radically curb the ardor of the AI, the ideal is to compose
    a password combining lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers and special characters, out of a total of fifteen characters. At this level of security , it would currently take 14 billion years for the AI ​​to crack the password."

    Read more here (And you can translate the article from french to english)


    More of my philosophy about white supremacists and about Hitler and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i have just looked at the following video about Hitler, and i invite you to look at it carefully:

    Hitler's Creatures: The Nazis' Obsession with the Animal Kingdom | Documentary


    So i think i am smart, and i am discovering a pattern in the above video, so notice how the above video is saying that nazis were ultra-nationalists, but i think that it is a big mistake to say so, since the pattern that you have to discover with your
    fluid intelligence is the following:

    So Hitler and nazis were not only ultra-nationalists and racists, but Hitler has wanted to rapidly to racially perfect his own german white people , so it is the defect, since for example he has not only wanted to rapidly eliminate the low IQs of his own
    german white people, but he has even wanted to eliminate the average IQs of his own german people and to multiply the high IQs of his own german white people so that to become a powerful master race, but i think that it is the defect, since the pattern
    is that Hitler has been an extremist of performance, so he has wanted to rapidly to racially perfect his white german people so that they become a powerful master race so that they be a performant system, so the problematic of nazism and neo-nazism and
    white supremacism is that they are too much violent philosophies and it is not good for the stability of the system, and they look like the defect of the below thoughts of the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, i mean that Friedrich Nietzsche says that you
    have to suffer and the suffering has to be intense and cruel so that the system be performant, but i think that it is an extremism , since suffering this kind of way is not good for the stability of the system , so as i am saying below that you have to
    know how to "balance" by knowing how to create the meaning of human life that balances, so it is why i am saying below that you have to know how to be tolerance that creates harmony.

    More of my philosophy about Democracy and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i have just looked at the following video about neo-nazism and i invite you to look at it:

    What neo-Nazis have inherited from original Nazism | DW Documentary


    So i think that the above video is not talking about a so important thing, and it is that neo-nazism has the tendency to seek the exactness,
    so they want the system to be exact so that to be performant, so they want for example to calculate with exactness who is useful and who is not useful to the system so that to persecute them or kill them, but i think that the big weakness of neo-nazism
    is that science says that we have to be a level of doubt about this kind of exactness since it is so difficult to do exact calculations about it, so a level of Doubtfulness about it in science is something to welcome and is something to be encouraged,
    also neo-nazism has to be a dictatorship so that to proceed with such actions, but i think that here again dictatorship has also the same problem that i have just talked about it just before, so it is why i think that the best way is also to be tolerance
    that creates harmony and to be tolerance brought by Democracy.

    More of my philosophy about how to monitor the performance of a system and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of thougths..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i will
    ask a philosophical question of:

    How to monitor the performance of a system?

    So i have just talked about the philosophy of the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, read it below, but you have to notice by reading below my
    thoughts about it, that the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche is giving too much weight of importance to performance, i mean that he is for
    example saying that you have to suffer and the suffering has to be intense and cruel so that the system be performant, but i think
    that it is an extremism , since suffering this kind of way hurts
    the meaning of human life, so it is not good for the stability of the system and it can hurt the system, so as i am saying below that you have to know how to "balance" by knowing how to create the meaning of human life that balances, so it is why i am
    saying below
    that you have to know how to be tolerance that creates harmony.

    More of my philosophy about morality and about artificial intelligence
    and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i think i have just discovered another pattern with my fluid intelligence and it is an important pattern and it
    is related to morality and it is the following:

    So i think that the most important thing in politics is Transparency,
    and Transparency implies openness, communication, and accountability. Transparency is practiced in companies, organizations, administrations, and communities, so i also mean that you have to monitor, with indicators, the efficiency and performance of the
    system of a country and you have to know how to criticize it and to talk about it in a serious way, and i think that it needs the good Transparency and i think that it is also the basis of morality, since when people look at the seriousness of the good
    Transparency , they have more the tendency to be good morality. And of course the other pattern is that the key to happiness is to know how to be tolerance that creates harmony, and you can read all my below thoughts so that to understand my views on
    different subjects.

    More of my philosophy about happiness and about artificial intelligence
    and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i have
    just looked at the following french philosopher that is talking about
    how to be happiness, so i invite you to look at it here:

    Frédéric Lenoir: la quête du bonheur et autres échanges philosophiques avec Franck Nicolas


    I think i am a smart philosopher, and i think that the way to be happy
    is not to seek happiness in not being harmony, but it is
    seeking to be happiness in the being harmony, but you have to
    understand my conception, i mean when you look at the conception
    of what is suffering of the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche in my below previous thoughts, you will notice that what is lacking is the meaning
    of human life that balances, so , i think that the key to success is
    the knowing how to be tolerance, i mean that people have to know how
    to be tolerance that creates harmony, so if you are smart , you will
    notice that performance in the conception the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche doesn't unite people and it brings instability and disorder
    and violence, so i think that so that to be safe you have to know
    how to educate people at being tolerance that creates harmony, but tolerance doesn't mean to accept LGBT or sadists lifestyle or the like, but it is that even LGBT community has to know how to tolerate by not forcing their conception of their lifestyle
    on others. So i think that the key to happiness is to know how to be tolerance that creates harmony.

    And read my previous thoughts:

    More of my philosophy about Friedrich Nietzsche and about suffering
    and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ,
    so i have just looked at the following video about the philosopher
    Friedrich Nietzsche, so i invite you to look at it here:

    Nietzsche et l'importance de la souffrance dans le développement de la volonté de puissance


    So i think i am a smart philosopher and i think that Friedrich Nietzsche
    has said in the above video that suffering is important and good for advancement, and he has also said that humans must suffer so that to advance, and he has also said that suffering has to be intense and cruel, but i think that i am a smart philosopher
    and i said that the big weakness of the Friedrich Nietzsche conception is that there has to be meaning of human life, so if you say to people that they have to suffer and suffer more, so there will be a logical contradiction, since we also have to have
    meaning of human life that balances the suffering, so the Friedrich Nietzsche conception about suffering is not the right one, so we have to know how to be tolerance and how to balance. And here is my thoughts of my philosophy about the meaning of human
    life so that to understand more:

    More of my philosophy about the relative meaning and the absolute meaning and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart philosopher, and i will explain more what i want to say about the meaning of human life or life, so what i mean
    is that there is a meaning that is relative and there is a meaning that is absolute, and there is also the weight of importance that you have to take into account, so when you say that someone has a high IQ, so
    it is not a correct measure since you are measuring relatively to
    the normal distribution of the IQs, but it is not the correct measure since you can also say "like" absolutely that humans are so weak in front of life and that means that the highly IQ becomes in fact a not highly smart IQ, so i am a smart philosopher
    that is measuring the meaning of human life in this kind of way, so i say that there is a relative meaning of saying like nazism or neo-nazism that for example the working in a job is good and it gives meaning to human life, but it is not the correct way
    of measuring since humans will still believe strongly that human life or life is bad, so it is why we can say that since they say that human life is so bad, so it makes the meaning of human life or life not a worth meaning, and the not worth meaning
    become like having no meaning of human life or life since it is a so strong
    not worth meaning, so then read my below thoughts so that to understand more my views about it as a smart philosopher:

    More of my philosophy about philosophy about the meaning of human life and life and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am a smart philosopher, so i have to explain more
    what i have just said, and here is what i have just said:

    "So in the philosophy of Existentialism, the philosophers Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus said that the meaning of human life must be constructed through courageous choice in the face of this absurd situation of life, and this kind of choice cannot be
    understood as achieving moral certainty; rather it is moral heroism within an essentially morally vague and chaotic world, but i think i am a philosopher and i say that the way of constructing the meaning of the philosophers Jean-Paul Sartre Sartre and
    Albert Camus is not logical, since i say that the engine that is able to construct the meaning of human life can not come from the absurd situation of life and the fact that they want to use courage as an engine that constructs the
    meaning is a weak way of doing it, since the absurd situation of life is so strong."

    So i think i am a smart philosopher and i will explain my above thoughts, so when i say above:

    "The philosophers Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus said that the meaning of human life must be constructed through courageous choice in the face of this absurd situation of life."

    So what it means, it is what i say in french: Le sens de la vie est en devenir, mais le sens de la vie n'existe pas, et il faut s'appuyer sur le courage pour le construire, so what means the above thoughts of Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus is that the
    meaning of human life doesn't exist, but the meaning of human life must be constructed through courageous choice in the face of this absurd situation of life, but i am saying as a smart philosopher that it is the defect of philosophy, since not everyone
    is so courageous.

    More of my philosophy about how vaccines for cancer and other diseases could be ready by 2030 and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    Vaccines for cancer and other diseases could be ready by 2030

    Read more here:


    More of my philosophy about my new web links and about cancer and about my philosophy and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    I have just added an important web link to the following web link
    of my thoughts about obesity and about cancer and about new interesting medical treatments and drugs, and here it is and read it carefully:


    An oxygen-eating battery implant cures 90 percent of cancer in mice

    Read more here:


    And the days of cancer relapse are over, thanks to this novel chemoimmunotherapy

    Novel nanoparticles know how to kill cancer for good.

    Read more here:


    And I think you will soon be able to pass a blood test that could detect cancers early, read about it here:

    A blood test that could detect cancers early will undergo trials in the U.S.

    Read more here:


    And i think the following new treatment will allow to beat cancer,
    so i invite you to read about it carefully in the following article:

    Scientists attempt to beat cancer by suffocating cells within four hours


    And read my following thoughts in the following web link about
    obesity and about cancer and about new interesting medical treatments and drugs, and here it is:


    More of my philosophy about Free Will and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    "Are we free to make our own choices, or are we automatons controlled by some mysterious conductor? Until recently, a debate raged in neuroscience circles concerning this very question because an experiment showed that the brain decides before we are
    aware of it. Fortunately, the experiment was recently debunked, leaving us to face the hard reality that we must be responsible for our actions. Choose wisely."

    Read more here on Big Think:

    Do the laws of physics and neuroscience disprove free will?


    More of my philosophy about how to be optimistic about capitalism
    and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I have just said , read it below, that we have to be optimistic
    about capitalism, but you have to understand why, since i am saying in my following thoughts in the following web link, that we have to implement progressive capitalism so that to make capitalism be successful and you can read my thoughts about
    progressive capitalism

    [continued in next message]

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Kristjan Robam@21:1/5 to All on Wed May 24 02:36:43 2023
    8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7w n4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCf jJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+M nvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye 8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7w n4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCf jJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+M nvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye 8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7w n4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCf jJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+M nvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye 8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7w n4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCf jJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+M nvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye 8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7w n4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCf jJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+M nvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye 8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7w n4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCf jJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+M nvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye 8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7w n4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCf jJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+M nvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye 8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+Mng==

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)