• US Claims It Can Handle Taiwan Situation - But I Don't Think So

    From 26B.X929@21:1/5 to All on Mon Apr 10 23:09:32 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.military


    The U.S. is very confident it can protect American interests
    in the Indo-Pacific as the Chinese military surrounds Taiwan,
    the White House said Thursday.

    National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby offered
    the assessment to reporters during a Monday briefing. China
    is conducting extensive and ongoing military drills around
    the self-governed island throughout the past week, going so
    far as to simulate strikes on the island this past weekend.

    . . .

    I'm gonna say he's LYING.

    US military assets/budgets are badly stretched
    at this point - plus if China actually moves to
    blockade Taiwan there's really not much we can
    DO about it without starting WW3. Besides,
    'pronouns' are MUCH more important than defense,
    aren't they ...

    Also, commercial shipping interests/insurers will
    Just Say NO. A blockade is The End for Taiwan.
    Not a shot need be fired. Threat is enough.

    Yea, yea, we'd probably try the Berlin Airlift thing
    with Taiwan for awhile, but its economy will implode
    instantly and Taiwan is a lot LARGER than Berlin. We
    can't afford that sort of thing for very long at all.

    So, I'm gonna call it ... China has already won.

    We had a LONG time to set up a different outcome
    but WOULD NOT. Every POTUS, every EU leader, they
    LET this happen. Couldn't be bothered. Great stuff
    for the campaign stump, but For REAL ... nope.

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