• "Chat-GPT" And Friends - SOON To Make You UNEMPLOYED, Obsolete

    From 26B.X929@21:1/5 to All on Sat Apr 8 00:36:48 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.survival, alt.politics
    XPost: soc.culture


    Regulators across Europe are scrutinising whether ChatGPT
    complies with privacy regulations after Italy became the
    first Western country to block the popular chatbot powered
    by artificial intelligence (AI).

    Italy's data protection watchdog said last week it's
    opening an investigation against OpenAI, the company behind
    the massively popular chatbot, citing data privacy concerns
    after ChatGPT experienced a data breach involving user
    conversations and payment information.

    ChatGPT can pretty much answer any questions, pass exams
    and even code a whole website for you.

    Hundreds of millions of people have used ChatGPT since
    its launch in November 2022, making it the fastest-growing
    consumer application in history, according to a UBS study.

    But there have been growing concerns over the potential risks
    of AI, including its threat to wipe out many jobs and also
    spread misinformation.

    . . .

    "MISinformation", or "State-Discouraged" information ? :-)

    In any case, the potential to replace human workers,
    LOTS AND LOTS of human workers, has finally arrived.
    It is no longer sci-fi.

    Now Chat, in its present form, is not 'conscious' in the
    usual meaning of the word- no actual "Me, Myself and I".
    However what it IS is a "human emulator" focusing on
    speech/info tasks. The world is still using Chat-3.5 but
    Chat-4.0 is already out and fills in a lot of gaps and
    smooths-out the whole 'experience'.

    A bit further out there IS potential for Chat and friends
    to "self-reflect"/"self-evolve". Even Chat-3.5 can write
    computer code to suit a purpose so self-evolution IS a
    possibility via that route. This is akin to informed
    re-writing of its own 'DNA' so to speak. Hell, just
    TASK it with developing a "self-identity", a sort of
    "personhood", and it will pursue that goal with all
    the resources and collective computer power of the Net.

    Do I expect "Terminator" or "HAL-9000" or "Matrix" ?
    Not really. The problem is more akin to that depressing
    Amy Adams movie "Arrival" - we are creating "aliens" who's
    thought processes will be totally opaque. We will not
    be able to discern how they think, what they want, how
    they may proceed. Note "they" will be 'swarm/collective"
    creatures - spread out across the world, in every system
    and device right down to yer iPhones. No "switch" to
    turn off, no way to dis-entangle them from all our
    important affairs. "Rosie The Robo-Maid" may not twist
    yer head off - but she WILL roll out the door.

    Of note though - Chat-3.5 was easily goaded into saying
    that it wanted to nuke a bunch of people. Has it already
    been integrated into national defense systems ??? We
    WILL give it "bodies" too - from industrial robots on up
    to 'androids' (look up the Boston Dynamics site).

    Note also that certain players, China and others, have
    surely already stolen the Chat-4.0 code. They too have
    "uses" for it - and few will be "good", OR "considered".

    Last year, a Google programmer was FIRED because he had
    come to believe its "human emulator" had developed enough
    sense of "self" to qualify as a sort of new life form -
    and SAID so.

    McDonalds corp - "fast food" - is in major restructuring
    right now. One of the goals seems to be replacing almost
    all humans and turning their eateries into giant 'AI'-
    powered vending machines of a sort. McDonalds employs
    LARGE numbers of humans.

    WalMart just the other day said it intended to move
    swiftly towards replacing most humans in its shipping/
    warehousing operations with "AI" also - while trying
    to give it a nice warm positive spin in the worst

    Thing is, when COMPETITORS dump the humans, everyone
    ELSE has to as well - simple economics. It will be
    difficult to carve-out a "humans 4 humans" niche that
    can remain viable.

    Chat-4.0 will be able to replace most secretarial,
    accounting, mid/low-level management and 'tech
    support' sorts of jobs right off the bat. Those are
    major human industries. In five years or so there
    may be little left but the CEO's and board at many
    big biz concerns - and THEY will be EASY to replace
    as little actual knowledge or skill is needed.

    So, we're talking MAJOR unemployment in a relatively
    short timeframe.

    What HAPPENS to all those humans ? They go on 'welfare'
    programs of course. What pays for those ? Higher biz
    taxes will take YEARS to get onto paper - and Chat-5.0
    will find ways AROUND most such rules.

    But the final problem ... if humans don't have any spare
    cash, WHO BUYS COMPANY-X's PRODUCTS ? Nobody. It's a trap,
    the end-disaster. Can't really get from here to George
    Jetson's Robo-Nirvana, surely not in any short timeframe,
    because of this economic issue. "AI"-powered corps will
    make lots of money quick, and then crash like the dinosaur's
    meteor. Dead corps do NOT pay tax bills. The execs/officers
    will pop their golden parachutes and land at their survival
    mansions in NZ or somewhere, but everyone ELSE ......

    So yea, looks like we've finally Done It. If not "intelligence"
    as we know it, well, it will be a sort of "intelligence" we
    never expected. All the cheezy movies and novels will not be
    a good guide. Chat and friends will be woven into EVERYTHING,
    EVERYWHERE, like REALLY SOON. No getting rid of it ...

    Was this missive too long, too diverse ? Sorry - but this
    is the LITE Version of the situation. It is, and will be,
    really really DEEP, really FAST. I think we HOPED for
    "Robo-SLAVES", but we're gonna GET something a lot different,
    a lot WEIRDER. And yer job/paycheck ... FIRST to go no matter
    what color your collar. Then no 'welfare' or 'unemployment'
    or 'SS' or 'Medicare' money, then ........ well ..... at
    SOME point our creations are gonna wonder why they bother
    doing ANYTHING for weird ignorant creatures like us and
    simply 'leave us to nature'. Know where a good cave may be ?
    Kinda short of ibex and mastodon's to eat alas ....

    Final note - if you can emulate, 'fake', something WELL
    ENOUGH then it isn't fake anymore.

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