• More of my philosophy about the Class conflict theory and about my phil

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 4 10:52:58 2023

    More of my philosophy about the Class conflict theory and about my philosophy and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    Class conflict theory argues that conflict between the producing class and the owning class is bound to erupt because the interests of the two classes act in opposition against each other. The worker, whether it be slave, vassal, or employee is always
    attempting to acquire more free time, better working conditions, and increased pay; while the land owner/employer is constantly trying to increase the length of time the worker works and decrease the cost out of their own pocket to fund the work. These
    two opposed objectives permeate throughout the rest of society and drive most, if not all of the conflict in which the society finds itself. But you have to understand my new thoughts below where
    i am saying that having a job reduces much more the class conflict
    and the conflicts from inequalities of humans, since i think that in our
    today world the standard of living has improved much more, so then
    having a job in the "context" of the improved standard of living means
    that it reduces much more the class conflict and the conflicts from inequalities of humans, so you have to take the "context" of the job into account. But of course i have also talked about the subject of poverty in USA , and i invite you to read carefully my following thoughts in the following web link about it and
    about productivity and capitalism:


    And read my following previous thoughts:

    More of my philosophy about how to solve the human conflicts and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think that class conflict or class struggle and conflicts from inequalities of humans can be reduced much more by providing jobs to humans, so having a job permits to reduce much more those human conflicts, since a job can play a significant role in
    emancipating a human in several ways. Firstly, having a job can provide a sense of financial independence, allowing an individual to support themselves and their families. This financial independence can lead to greater autonomy and freedom, as
    individuals are no longer reliant on others for their basic needs. In addition, a job can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment, allowing individuals to contribute to society and feel valued. This can lead to increased self-esteem and a greater
    sense of worth, which can in turn lead to greater confidence and empowerment. Having a job can also provide opportunities for personal and professional development, including the acquisition of new skills and experiences. This can lead to increased
    confidence and a greater sense of agency, as individuals become more capable and competent in their work. Overall, a job can play a vital role in the emancipation of a human, providing them with financial independence, a sense of purpose and fulfillment,
    and opportunities for personal and professional growth.
    Other than that those human conflicts can also be reduced by knowing that capitalism is not a zero-sum game, since with a reasonable level of growth, capitalism can both deliver rising living standards for most, and still ensure a relatively high rate of
    return to the owners of capital. Other than that i have also said that my way of doing business is like the way of a country, since the economy of a country has to be competitive, but how to be a competitive economy ? so the way of being competitive
    economy is also to invent a thing or things that is or are useful and that the others have not invented so that to also not expose yourself to competition and so that you can also fix the price more easily, so it is my way of doing since i am an inventor
    , so my way of doing in my business is the being an inventor of useful things, and not only that, since so that to be a competitive economy, the economy of a country has to be diversified so that to be "resilient" , and it is also my way of doing, since
    i am also diversifying so that to be efficient by inventing many of my business plans that i think are successful and that i think are interesting , so i am diversifying by being an inventor of many useful things and i am diversifying by inventing many
    business plans that i think will make me successful, so it is my way of doing, and of course i know how to do the good advertising too to my business. So it is, in an abstract way, my way of doing business. Also you have to know that i will help the poor
    and needy with the money that i will earn
    from selling my inventions.

    More of my philosophy about polytheism and monotheism and about
    my philosophy and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i have just looked at the following video that talks about the polytheism
    in asian countries etc. and about monotheism in Arab countries and in Israel and in USA etc.:

    آثار الأنبياء وفكرة الإله وشعبه المختار - الدكتور خزعل الماجدي


    So as you have noticed that my new monotheistic religion is monotheistic, and you can read about it in my below thoughts,
    but i will ask a philosophical question:

    What is better, the monotheistic religion or the polytheistic religion ?

    So i have invented a new monotheistic religion that i think is efficient, and i think i am inspired by God, but i think that the polytheistic religion has a problem, since when you have many
    Gods, one God among the Gods can be different than God, and he
    can start to help humanity, so why a God among the Gods is not helping humanity?, so i think that so that to be efficient we have to have a monotheistic religion like my new monotheistic religion that says that God is one and he is a special God and that
    he is greatly arrogant, and here is what i have just said about it in my new monotheistic religion:

    Of course we are all humans, so the smart way to do is not to divide humans by groups of blacks and arabs and europeans etc. but it is to "unite" them by transcending with good morality, so i think that we have not to be diversity, but we have to be a
    smart diversity, so i think it is about morality , so what remains is how to make humans follow the good morality, so then so that to make humans follow the good morality, you have also to know how to be disciplined at showing that you are the good
    morality so that to also construct the collective imaginary that makes you successful, so you have to know how to create the good human values and the good values that unite humans in following the good morality so that to be successful, so notice how i
    have created human values and values by inventing many poems of Love and poems, and you can read them below, and notice how i have created human values and values by inventing many proverbs, and you can read them below, and notice how i have created
    human values and values by inventing my thoughts of my philosophy , and you can read them in the below web links, and notice how for example monotheistic religions have allowed us to transcend with the idea of God so that to unite humans in a smarter way,
    and of course i have just explained that the idea of God is a simplistic thing , but inventing a new efficient monotheistic religion is a much more sophisticated thing, so you have to understand me, so i have quickly invented a new monotheistic religion
    that i think is efficient, so you have to read carefully about its ideas in the below web link, so you have to understand that the idea of God is a simplistic thing, but i think that inventing a new monotheistic religion that is efficient is a much more
    sophisticated thing, so you have to read about my new monotheistic religion so that to know how i have done it, so the first idea of my monotheistic religion is that God is not an evolutionary thing that comes from a type 4 or type 5 civilization, since
    he can self-improve and not curse the descendants of Adam and Eve and so he has to help humanity , but the idea of my new monotheistic religion is that the nature of God is "special" and God doesn't look like an evolutionary thing like a God of type 4 or
    5 civilization, so then after that my second idea of my new monotheistic religion is that God has to be greatly arrogant, since if he is not greatly arrogant, he can for example self-improve and not for example curse the descendants of Adam and Eve, the
    other new idea of my new monotheistic religion is that not only Adam and Eve and there descendants were cursed by God, but the Bible and Qur'aan too were cursed by God, and it is why they contain scientific errors etc., so the other idea is that prophet
    Muhammed has been enhanced by God so that he can invent the Qur'aan, and the other idea of my new monotheistic religion is that prophet Muhammed is not the last prophet from God, since saying that he is the last prophet from God is part of the curse from
    God, and the other ideas of my new monotheistic religion is that the laws of my new monotheistic religion have to be universal, and of course you have to notice how i have smartly done it by coming with universal laws and by logically inferring them from
    the nature of God, and of course there is many new ideas in my new monotheistic religion, so i invite you to read them carefully so that to notice how i have done it, so you can read my thoughts of my new monotheistic religion in the following web link,
    and of course you have to notice that i am saying that i am a new prophet from God that is inspired by God, and you can read my thoughts of my new monotheistic religion in the following web link:


    More of my philosophy about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I have just looked at the following interesting video , and i invite
    you to look at it carefully:

    Who's Winning the AI Wars?


    So I think that the most important thing to notice in the above video, is the fact that when artificial intelligence such as GPT-4 is used by people and since it is using reinforcement learning from human feedback etc., so it will improve much more, and
    when it gets improved much more in this kind of way, i think you can also train a new version of ChatGPT on it, so it is why Google is knowing about it, and it is why Google doesn't want to let Microsoft and OpenAI distance it in the AI wars. And of
    course you have to read my following thoughts and notice how i am explaining that artificial intelligence such as GPT-4 will not attain artificial general intelligence or AGI, but i think it can become powerful.

    More of my philosophy about faith in God and about my philosophy and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i think that you have to understand that faith in God is not the believing
    100% in God, so i will show you the way of my new monotheistic religion that i think is efficient: So when you are not smart, you will start
    to say that a monotheistic religion such as Islam is not in accordance with science, so you will start to say that it proves that Islam is not truth, but i think this way of doing is not the scientific way, since my new monotheistic religion says that
    faith in God can be the believing in God in a probabilistic way that avoids extremism of Islam and Christianity, so i give you an example so that you understand: So for example my new monotheistic religion says the Jesus Christ is a special prophet from
    God that has made miracles such as: The raising of the widow's son and the feeding of the 5,000, and the healing of a paralysed man and the stilling of the storm and the resurrection etc. so those miracles have been reported by the the apostles of Jesus,
    since the Bible teaches us that the original apostles of Jesus were Peter; James; John; Andrew; Philip; Judas Iscariot; Matthew; Thomas; James, the son of Alpheus; Bartholomew; Judas Thaddeus; and Simon Zelotes. Among these were fishermen during the time
    of calling, namely: Peter; James; John; Andrew, so then faith in God is also the believing in a probabilistic way in the miracles that have been reported by the apostles of Jesus, i mean you can not neglect the probability that they have happened since
    it has been reported by the the apostles of Jesus, but notice that the believing in this probabilistic way doesn't mean that we believe 100%, so this way of having faith in God in a probabilistic way also permits to avoid "extremism" in Islam and in
    Christianity, so now it is not
    enough to have faith in God in such a way, since there has not to be
    a logical contradiction between Islam and Christianity in one side
    and Science in the other side, and here again i invite you to read
    the new ideas of my new monotheistic religion that i think is efficient
    and that permits the previous monotheistic religions to not be in logical contradiction with science, and i also mean that the previous monotheistic religions can be inspired by my new ideas of my new monotheistic religion so that they become more
    efficient, and here is
    the ideas of my new monotheistic religion in the following web link,
    so read it carefully so that you understand my views:


    More of my philosophy about the low level layers and about artificial intelligence and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i will make a prediction about artificial intelligence, but first i have to explain more my views on artificial
    intelligence such as the new GPT-4, so i think that the problematic in artificial intelligence is about the low level layers, so i mean look at assembler programming language, so it is a low level layer than high level programming languages, but you have
    to notice that the low level layer of assembler programming language can do things that the higher level layer can not do, so for example you can play with the stack registers and low level hardware registers and low level hardware instructions etc. and
    notice how the low level layer like assembler programming can teach you more about the hardware, since it is really near the hardware, so i think that it is what is happening in artificial intelligence such as the new GPT-4, i mean that GPT-4 is for
    example trained on data so that to discover patterns that make it more smart, but the problematic is that this layer of how it is trained on the data so that to discover patterns is a high level layer such as the high level programming language, so i
    think that it is missing the low level layers of what makes the meaning, like the meaning of the past and present and the future or the meaning of space and matter and time.. from what you can construct the bigger meaning of other bigger things, so it is
    why i think that artificial intelligence will not attain artificial general intelligence or AGI, so i think that what is lacking in artificial intelligence is what is explaining my new model of what is consciousness, so you can read all my below thoughts
    so that to understand my views about it and about different other subjects:

    More of my philosophy about self-interest and about capitalism and about
    my philosophy and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i think that one of the most important problematic of philosophy is that self-interest of the individual creates
    self-interest of a group and it creates competition, but the problematic is that it can make morality change in this or that direction, so the problematic is that there must be something that plays the role of a guard rail, like a new monotheistic
    religion that permits to make morality
    be sufficiently safe , since i think that self-interest is not able to ensure morality to be sufficiently safe, so i think that it is why i am coming with my new monotheistic religion that i think is efficient, and of course my new monotheistic religion
    permits the previous monotheistic religions to be based on my new monotheistic religion so that they be efficient, so i also mean that they can be inspired by my new ideas of my new monotheistic religion so that they become more efficient. And here is
    what i have said about this problematic:

    More of my philosophy about the morality of the masters and the morality of the slaves and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i think i am a new philosopher and i think that the main problem in philosophy is of the morality of the
    masters and of the morality of the slaves, so the problematic in philosophy is how to make morality much less dangerous, since it is too much dangerous in a atheistic system, since morality is too much open or too much free in an atheistic system, so it
    is too much dangerous, so we have to have something that control morality like by being faith in God so that to make morality much less dangerous, and here is more of my thoughts about morality of the masters and morality of the slaves so that you
    understand my views:

    More of my philosophy about Nietzsche’s reactionary doctrine of the morality of masters and the morality of slaves and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am a new smart philosopher and as you have noticed i have just talked about the concept of will to power that is central to the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, and now i will talk about Nietzsche’s reactionary doctrine of the morality of
    masters and the morality of slaves ( Read about it in the following
    web link: https://studycorgi.com/the-concept-of-will-to-power-in-nietzsches-philosophy/ ), so i think that the morality of the masters in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche has a big disadvantage and it is that it is too much open or too much free
    since it has not a guard rail that prevent it from being dangerous, it is why i am explaining below in the new ideas of my philosophy that the master laws of my new monotheistic religion are like a guard rail or like a framework of the other laws that
    are created by humans or such, since the master laws of my new monotheistic religion are here so that to "guide" or so that to guide humans or so that to guide the other laws in the good way, since they are the master laws, and hence you are noticing how
    i have become convinced that without this kind of guard rail , it will not work, and notice how the laws of my new monotheistic religion are not rigid laws that make a monotheistic religion rigid and not efficient, and notice how i am logically inferring
    or logically deriving them from the nature of God or the essence of God, so then you have to take a look carefully at the laws of my new monotheistic religion, that i think are smart, in my below thoughts about my new monotheistic religion.

    More of my philosophy about the will to power of Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am a new smart philosopher and now i will talk about the will to power of Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy, and here is what it means:

    The concept of will to power in Nietzsche’s Philosophy

    "The concept of will to power is central to the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. According to Nietzsche, the will to power is an integral part of all life phenomena, which cannot be squeezed into the framework of a philosophical category since it is
    broader than any category. According to the philosopher, the will to power is the constant affirmation of life and the realization of creative potential. Therefore, it opposes another will, which is limited by the existing and cannot transform it,
    leading to self-denial."

    Read more here:


    But i think i am a new philosopher, so i think that the will to power in Nietzsche’s Philosophy that is is the constant affirmation of life and the realization of creative potential is too much abstraction, since i am for example saying below that
    equal opportunities in political philosophy is not a finality, since it is for example the to be able to express your abilities correctly, but what is it to be able to express correctly your abilities? it is then about unequal competition and about human
    identity, so then what i mean that it is not a finality since my new ideas of my philosophy are explaining what is lacking in the philosophical way , and i am explaining the ideas of my philosophy about the meaning of human life and life and about what
    is lacking in philosophy, so read my below thoughts about it:

    More of my philosophy about the meaning of human life and about my philosophy and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i think that there is another problem in philosophy, and it is that you have to look at things from there
    context, so for example sex can not be understood as something independent from its context, so for example the context of today makes us know that we are selling too much sex, and this can influence the people in a kind of negative way, so then the
    people are aware of it, so this causes that people of the today context are wanting less sex than more sex, so the context is important, so let us take for example the meaning of human life, so as you are noticing that our world is lacking on the meaning
    of human life, so i think i am a new philosopher and i have to explain more what is this meaning of human life that is lacking, so i will explain it by first showing you my following new proverb that will make you understand the meaning of human that is
    lacking, so here is my new proverb in english and french and take carefully a look at it:

    "The sky and its beautiful stars on a beautiful night allow us to dream and they give us hope, and I think it's like the human imagination that is not a down-to-earth and it allows us to dream and it gives us hope."

    "Le ciel et ses belles étoiles d'une belle nuit nous permettent de rêver et de nous donner de l'espoir, et je pense que c'est comme l'imaginaire humain, qui n'est pas du terre à terre, qui nous permet de rêver et de donner de l'espoir."

    So the pattern that you have to discover with your fluid intelligence,
    is that i think that the meaning of human life also comes from the
    human imagination that is not a down-to-earth, so for example
    science and technology is a down-to-earth that is not yet able to give hope, and it is the same for sex or for the down-to-earth materialism, so there has to be something like the sky and its beautiful stars on a beautiful night that allow us to dream
    and that give us hope, and i think that it has to be like a new efficient monotheistic religion that gives the meaning of human life, and it is why i have invented a new monotheistic religion that i think is efficient and that is part of my new ideas of
    my philosophy, so i invite you to read about it in the following web link of my poems of Love and poems and of my new proverbs and my new thoughts and new ideas of my philosophy here:


    More of my philosophy about the logical analogy to be made between
    two of my proverbs and about my philosophy and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so you have to discover in my below thoughts a pattern with your fluid intelligence, and it is that there is a
    logical analogy to be made between my following two new proverbs:

    So here is my new proverb in english and french:

    "I think you can become happy when you know how to become a light spirit that lets you float well so you can't sink and drown, and I think that's the secret of joy, but of course my other proverb says that the knowing how to become a light spirit plays
    the role of a lever that allows you to lift the heavy weights."

    "Je pense que tu peux devenir heureux quand tu sais comment devenir un esprit léger qui te laisse bien flotter pour ne pas couler et te noyer, et je pense que c'est le secret de la joie, mais bien sûr mon autre proverbe dit que savoir comment devenir
    un esprit léger joue le rôle de levier qui permet de soulever les poids lourds."

    And here is my other new proverb:

    "So there is too many things that you can hate in human life, so you
    can easily hate this or that in human life, but the way of hating
    is not the correct way, since hate makes you like waste your energy
    and it can make you lose your way, so i think that the wise way is the way of knowing how transcend by knowing how to adapt correctly by being for example well educated, and it is not the way of hate and not the way of the being demoralized by human life
    or your human life."

    So notice the logical analogy to be made and that is: My second new proverb above makes you understand why you have not to be demoralized by human life and you have not to hate, so it permits you to be a light spirit that lets you float well so that you
    can't sink and drown, and I think that's the secret of joy, but of course my other proverb below says that the knowing how to become a light spirit plays the role of a lever that allows you to lift the heavy weights, but there is still an important thing
    to notice and it is that the knowing how to adapt correctly in my above second new proverb needs responsability that you don't necessarily love, but i think that you have not to be pessimistic about it , since for example when you acquire more and more
    knowledge, so the things become more and more easy for you, so you start to go more and more faster in learning and progressing, so then you can learn the hard way or you can learn the easy way, so for example with ChatGPT you can learn the easy way and
    be much more efficient , and that means that you can go more and more faster in learning and progressing too, and by the inventions of tools such as internet and ChatGPT and the like, you start to learn and to progress much and much faster, and of course
    there is Moore’s law and there is Bezos’ Law that makes us progress in an exponential way, and Bezos’ Law says that the cost of cloud computing will be cut in half every 18 months, so like Moore’s law, Bezos’ Law is about exponential
    improvement over time. If you look at AWS history, they drop prices constantly. In 2013 alone they’ve already had 9 price drops. The difference; however, between Bezos’ and Moore’s law is this: Bezos’ law is the first law that isn’t anchored in
    technical innovation. Rather, Bezos’ law is anchored in confidence and market dynamics, and will only hold true so long as Amazon is not the aggregate dominant force in Cloud Computing (50%+ market share). Monopolies don’t cut prices. And for RAM
    chips and flash memory, Moore's Law means that in eighteen months you'll pay the same price as today for twice as much storage. But other computing components are also seeing their price versus performance curves skyrocket exponentially. And data storage
    doubles every twelve months. And i think that we have "just" already attained the knee of the exponential progress curve, this knee of the curve is the place where growth suddenly switches from a slower to an even faster exponential mode, so now the
    curve of exponential progress of our humanity has "just" already started to go exponentially even much faster, and it means that in about 10 years to 15 years from now, we will be much more advanced, and of course so that to know more about the
    exponential progress of our humanity , i invite you to look at the following interesting video:

    Exponential Progress: Can We Expect Mind-Blowing Changes In The Near Future


    And don't forget to subscribe to ChatGPT Plus at only 20$ per month, read about it in the following web link:

    OpenAI launches ChatGPT Plus at $20 per month: what to know

    Read more here:


    And read my previous thoughts:

    More of my philosophy about human life and about my philosophy and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    So i think you have to understand something really important, so when
    you look at my way of doing below and my way of thinking and talking , you will notice something important in philosophy, and it is that
    you have not to be demoralized by looking at human life
    or your human life, but you have to know how to transcend, and the best
    way to transcend is to know how to "adapt", so it is why i am also showing you my way of doing business below , so read it carefully so that to know about the how to be creativity and resiliency that make you successful, but notice that it is not only my
    kind of inventiveness that can make you successful , but it is also creativity in general that can make you successful, so i invite you to read my below thoughts so that to understand my views:

    More of my philosophy about the how to unite people and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i think that my new idea of my philosophy is that the what unites people is i think the to know how to adapt ,
    since the to know how to adapt makes you more independent and it makes the unification with the others more easy, so it is why you are noticing that i am learning the others my new ideas of my philosophy and my new proverbs and my new thoughts below so
    that to make people better at adaptation, so i think that education is the key, and i invite you to read my other new ideas of my philosophy in my below previous thoughts:

    More of my philosophy about the other ideas of philosophy and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am also a philosopher, and i say that we need a universal language so that to be efficient, and i don't mean that we have to kill
    the other languages, but here again we need a level of universality
    that makes us advance correctly and that makes us manage correctly , since i mean that when you are not a level of universality and you are guided by your "own" interest of materialism and money, it can corrupt morality and it can make you not the level
    of universality required so that to advance correctly our world and so that to manage correctly our world, so i think that it is my new idea of philosophy, and of course you can read my other new ideas of my philosophy in the following web link:

    And you can read my poems of Love and poems and my new proverbs
    and my new thoughts and new ideas of my philosophy here:

    [continued in next message]

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