• When did psychiatry become an official discipline of the medical field?

    From Tell it like it is.@21:1/5 to All on Sat Mar 25 06:58:18 2023

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  • From Tell it like it is.@21:1/5 to Tell it like it is. on Sat Mar 25 08:36:57 2023
    On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 8:58:20 AM UTC-5, Tell it like it is. wrote:
    Unfortunately Big Pharma has taken over the field of psychiatry for many years now. It began with the french working on hibernation as in intersteller space flight, in outer space, way back in the 1950's. Someone took the drug they were experimenting on
    THORAZINE and discovered it put violent patients in a chemical straight jacket. So without anymore reasoning on the subject the drug began being used in the medical field rather than having to chain inmates to the wall. Without understanding anything
    more about THORAZINE companies were formed to create their own version of thorazine and pharmacology took off having to understand the mentally ill became unecessary. So Dr. Sasz wrote "the myth of mental illness" Just drug the motherfucker, the
    psychotic, the neurotic, the basketcase was important.
    I got a letter for academic achievement in my senior year in high school. I was taking aggy, music appreciation, since they didn't have basket weaving so I CHOSE Aggy dumb fahma. Not as
    lucrative as big pharma promoting drugs administered by a psychiatrist.
    My father was so proud of me. Such a son. So smart. My brother was studying calculus and trigonometry college physics and chemistry. Not as schmart.
    It is my understanding, hoever, that queers or same sex marriage results from warfare replacing diplomacy. Every man will defend his country, but though defense is the law of life, brave men try to prevent actual warfare. Since war is insanity. Look at
    the animals. Is that how you wan to live.
    In the ancient Middle East men knew that life on earth didn't result from
    Spontaneous generation.
    They knew there had to be a cause of creation on EARTH. They just didn't know wha it is. If you read the first half of the bible all us ignorant children understood was that the Bible was all about war.
    It was Sigmund Freud who knew the wars happen from ignorance of HUMAN NATURE. After hundred s of years and beaucoups generations the ancient prophets said dudley do right would be born. Christ's birth among the people of the book would be born in Israel, and the chief priest in Jerusalem would have the Jew executed. Because
    Israel was a theocracy, and the Supreme Court would start the Civil War in a Christian majority USA by saying Christ has no place in law. Promoting race above sanity.
    A retard was learning to drive. It was an automatic not a stick shift. He put the car in D for drive, and the car was moving down the road. Then he got excited and shifted into R.
    Toys R Us. Reverse is not Race, you asshole.
    A dildo is not a penis. They say the pen is mightier than the sword.
    What has happened to America someone asked Ben Carson MD.
    Moses wrote ten rules for a sane humanity or we will live on the animal level of existence. Which is where we are today. Reverting back to the animal level of existence.
    I listened to a woman being interviewed over NPR this morning. She was intelligent and disciplined. Professor of international finance at George Washington University.
    When I was in college studying animal husbandry now called animal science, the kids in the class all had an opinion of all their teachers called professor. and compared notes. Not on the class instruction, but on the level of pomposity and or arrogance
    or degree of crackpot theory he was giving out.

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