• Dem Rep Sez USA WIll Collapse Without 'Immigrants' - And, Alas, She's R

    From 27E.G756@21:1/5 to All on Sat Mar 25 01:06:10 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.politics.usa
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans


    Democratic lawmaker declares America would ‘collapse without

    Rep. Jayapal lamented that immigrants are used as a 'political football.'

    . . .

    The other day I posted a thread entitled "Malthusian Crisis ..."

    Very unfortunately Rep Jayapal is largely correct. The
    birth-rate amongst native USAians is now around HALF
    the replacement rate. Govt perks work by robbing the
    future generation - but there ain't gonna BE much of
    a future (native) generation and AI is gonna steal a
    lot of the good jobs.

    The only way to get enough people to tax is to IMPORT

    Yea, yea ... fewer give-away programs ...... but you
    can't DO that politically. Once you give people "free
    money" for something they EXPECT IT FOREVER and will
    destroy anyone who stands in the way. France is a
    good object lesson in this of late - it's in FLAMES
    over 'pension reform' - basically raising retirement
    age by only two years. MILLIONS in the streets day
    after day. This could actually bring down the govt,
    or maybe worse, prompt serious martial law.

    Even highly xenophobic countries like Japan and China
    are now suddenly entertaining "foreign workers" because
    their birth-rates have cratered. No 'welfare'/pensions/
    health-plans for the natives UNLESS you can bring in
    lots of workers to tax.

    Sorry, that's how the numbers work out - and you just
    can't politic another answer.

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