• France, Bordeaux - Town Hall Burned Down by Pension Rioters

    From 24E.X756@21:1/5 to All on Fri Mar 24 06:17:02 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.eu, alt.politics
    XPost: alt.politics.usa


    Protesters angered by Emmanuel Macron’s pension reforms set
    part of Bordeaux’s town hall on fire on Thursday, after a
    day of nationwide demonstrations that brought France to a

    Videos shared widely on social media showed towering flames
    climbing up the building’s front doors, curling round a
    portico as cheers can be heard from a crowd of people gathered
    in the town square.

    . . .

    There are two main actors at work in France right now.
    The first are the legit protesters. However in the
    background the anarchists & commies are taking advantage
    of the situation and amplifying the unrest, and damages,
    as best they can.

    France wasn't in THAT great a shape before Covid - but
    after the Covid debacle and debts and now Russia-related
    expenses ... things just ain't good there. The social
    contract is coming apart.

    The general trend in protests/damage has been ever-UPWARDS
    over the past years. Could France fall ?

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