• More of my philosophy of how look like an arab and about arabs and more

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Thu Mar 16 14:07:20 2023

    More of my philosophy of how look like an arab and about arabs and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    So that you know how look like arabs, i invite you
    to read all my following thoughts of my philosophy in the following
    web links so that to understand my views and thoughts of my being an arab:


    And you can read more of my thoughts of my philosophy here:


    And so that to know more how i am an arab, i invite you to
    read my following proverbs:

    And here is my other new proverb:

    "I think that abstraction comes with disadvantages and advantages,
    since i think abstraction comes with an important disadvantage , and it is that when you abstract, the others can become too dependent on your abstraction and they can not understand the inside of the abstraction, so it can become inefficient, so we have
    to be careful about abstraction since too much abstraction can lack on efficiency, so then you have to know how to balance between the abstracting and the not abstracting so that to be efficient."

    Here is my new other proverb:

    "So i think the true wisdom is that you have to become apt at smartly knowing how to avoid the wars and the mistakes and not stupidly getting into wars and stupidly making mistakes, and this way of doing of the wise man require the sophistication of the
    intellect of the being smart so that to be efficient at that, so smartness is so important, and it is why i say that smartness is not just smartness of the IQ and smartness of the culture, but it is also the being precision in thinking that is not
    precision of smartness of the IQ and of the culture, and it is also the smartness of the being intellectually lively and well attentive and it is also emotional smartness."

    And here is my other smart proverb:

    "One very important sign of a wise man is that he knows how to use the appropriate language to talk to people, but does he needs to use only
    one language with "people"? no, he has to know how to use different
    languages to talk to people, for example when he talks to the birds he
    uses the language of the birds, so he has to know how to be efficient at

    So notice that it is a smart proverb, since i am also saying in my new
    proverb the following:

    "..for example when he talks to the birds he uses the language of the

    So as you notice that it is also making it clear that a language
    is not only like the spoken english language, since it can also mean the language of the heart(or of Love) or the language of technicality etc."

    And here is my other new proverbs:

    "The intelligent favors healthy eating over tasty eating, and by analogy
    we can also say that the intelligent also favors the effective speaker
    over the sweet talker"

    "L'intelligent privilégie le manger santé au manger qui a du goût, et
    par analogie on peut aussi dire que l'intelligent aussi privilégie le
    parleur efficace au beau parleur."

    Here is my other just new proverb:

    "Even silence makes us advance, since a human life full of silence is
    not the right diversity as a balance that makes the good reliance"

    Here is my other just new proverb in english and french:

    "Learn to lift your head with dignity because even the sea has
    threatening waves."

    "Apprends à élever la tête avec dignité car même la mer a des vagues qui menacent."

    More of my philosophy about our humanity and about morality and more of my thoughts..

    So i think i am smart, and i think i am a philosopher and i think
    that we have not to be diversity, but we have to be a smart diversity, so i think it is about morality , and it is not about the being berber or arab or black or european etc. since we are all humans, so what remains is how to make humans follow the
    good morality, so then so that to make humans follow the good morality, you have also to know how to be disciplined at showing that you are the good morality so that to also construct the collective imaginary that makes you successful, so you have to
    know how to create the good human values and the good values that unite humans in following the good morality so that to be successful.

    And notice in my above web links of my thoughts of my philosophy how i am creating the human values and values:

    And read my following previous thoughts:

    More of my philosophy about arabs and about berbers and about civilization and more of my thoughts..

    So i have just looked at the following video, so i invite you to look at it carefully so that you understand:

    Are Moroccans African??


    So i think i am smart, and i will make you understand something important,
    and it is that the moroccan women that are talking in the above video
    are not talking correctly, since as i say in french: C'est aussi une question civilisationnelle, so what i mean is that it is also about civilization, so i mean that it is also a fight between the Liberals and the conservatives, so it is why i am saying
    that it is not just about being berber or arab, so it is
    about conservatism or Liberal, so the above moroccan women are Liberals and not conservatives , and it is why they are saying that
    they are not arabs, since arab culture is "much" more conservative than Liberal, and i think that we can say that it is conservative since it supports conservative political policies, so it is why i say that you have to understand the fight that is
    happening inside north african countries such as Morocco and Algeria and Tunisia etc., and it is a fight between the conservatives and the Liberals, so when the berberists are fighting arabs and they say that they are not arabs, so i think that it is a
    plot, since i think that the main goal of berberism is that it wants to weaken the conservative way of the arab culture and the being arab, so as i say in english: Berberism or Amazighism is a Trojan horse so that to tear down conservatism, so now you
    have to understand it and not to make the mistake of saying that arabs are racist against black africans or something like that, since you have not to weaken the conservative way of thinking and behaving of arabs and you have not to weaken the arab
    culture that is conservative and that supports conservative political policies, so you have not to encourage the decadent way of life of the Liberal way of thinking and behaving.

    More of my philosophy about how was Morocco the first nation to recognize America's independence and about arabs and more of my thoughts..

    Here is more how Morocco was the first nation to recognize America's independence:

    USA was declared as sovereign nation by Morocco In December 1777, and Moroccan sultan Muhammad III included the United States of America in a list of countries to which Morocco’s ports were open in a reason to diversify foreign trade market, so the USA
    looked like a good trade partner back then even before the formal end of the liberation war . Morocco thus became the first country whose head of state publicly recognized the new United States.

    Relations were formalized with the Moroccan–American Treaty of Friendship negotiated by Thomas Barclay, and signed by Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Muhammad III in 1786, the treaty is lasting more than 220 years, making it the longest unbroken
    treaty relationship in United States history.

    And currently Tangier (Moroccan city) is home to the oldest U.S. diplomatic property in the world. Now a museum, the Tangier American Legation Museum is also the only building outside of the U.S. that is now a National Historic Landmark.

    More of my philosophy about creativity of arabs and about arabs and more of my thoughts..

    You can read the following web page about the arab from Egypt who won a Nobel prize for Chemistry in 1999:


    And I think that arabs are smart people, read also the following article about arabs:

    In fact, the U.S. is the main home for Arab inventors globally, distantly followed by France (513 patent applications), Canada (361), Germany (342), Saudi Arabia (307), Japan (279) and the United Kingdom (273)

    The Innovative Flair Arab Inventors Bring to America

    Read more here:


    And read the following interesting article about arabs:

    Arab Americans better educated than most in U.S

    Read more here to notice it:


    And read why are Arab American Students Among the Highest GPA Achievers?

    Read more here:


    Also read the following about Arabs:

    Research: Arab Inventors Make the U.S. More Innovative

    It turns out that the U.S. is a major home for Arab inventors. In the five-year period from 2009 to 2013, there were 8,786 U.S. patent applications in our data set that had at least one Arab inventor. Of the total U.S. patent applications, 3.4% had at
    least one Arab inventor, despite the fact that Arab inventors represent only 0.3% of the total population.

    Read more here:


    Even Steve Jobs the founder of Apple had an arab Syrian immigrant father called Abdul Fattah Jandal.

    Read more here about it:


    And i think arabs are smart people, and read the following about Babylonians that were racially arabs so that to notice it:

    3,700-year-old Babylonian tablet rewrites the history of maths - and shows the Greeks did not develop trigonometry

    Read more here:


    More of my philosophy about the cost of using GPT-4 and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    And as i have just explained in my below previous thoughts, that the systems like ChatGPT take a lot of computational power. The cost of running ChatGPT is $100,000 per day. It’s possible to make it work for a few million daily users, but scaling it up
    to billions of people will be extremely expensive. A single AI answer costs more than ten regular Google search requests, and you can notice it carefully by reading the following:

    "The new model of ChatGPT that uses GPT-4 will be available to paid ChatGPT subscribers and will also be available as part of an API which allows programmers to integrate the AI into their apps. OpenAI will charge about 3 cents for about 750 words of
    prompts and 6 cents for about 750 words in response."

    Read more here:

    OpenAI announces GPT-4, claims it can beat 90% of humans on the SAT


    And read my following previous thoughts:

    More of my philosophy about ChatGPT and about hallucinations and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    Hallucinations could blunt ChatGPT’s success, and OpenAI says the problem’s solvable, and Yann LeCun says we’ll see

    Read more here:


    More of my philosophy about GPT-4 and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    "We report the development of GPT-4, a large-scale, multimodal model which can accept image and text inputs and produce text outputs. While less capable than humans in many real-world scenarios, GPT-4 exhibits human-level performance on various
    professional and academic benchmarks, including passing a simulated bar exam with a score around the top 10% of test takers. GPT-4 is a Transformer-based model pre-trained to predict the next token in a document. The post-training alignment process
    results in improved performance on measures of factuality and
    adherence to desired behavior. A core component of this project was developing infrastructure and optimization methods that behave predictably across a wide range of scales. This allowed us to accurately predict some aspects of GPT-4’s performance
    based on models trained with no more than 1/1,000th the compute of GPT-4.

    Other than that, GPT-4 significantly reduces hallucinations relative to previous models (which have themselves been improving with each iteration). GPT-4 scores 40% higher than our latest GPT-3.5 on our internal adversarial factuality evaluations."

    Read more here:

    pdf: https://cdn.openai.com/papers/gpt-4.pdf

    blog: https://openai.com/research/gpt-4

    Read my previous thoughts:

    More of my philosophy about the new version of ChatGPT that is coming next week and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    "The next version, GPT-4, was expected for this year, but the launch is now said to be imminent. At a German KI im Fokus conference on Artificial Intelligence, Andreas Braun, CTO of Microsoft Germany, said GPT-4 is expected to be announced in the coming
    days. This new version of GPT is announced as being multimodal, in other words capable of understanding and generating several types of information such as images, audio and videos, unlike GPT-3.5 (and therefore ChatGPT ) which is limited to text . GPT-4
    could integrate (or even replace) the firm's other AIs, such as Dall-E , which generates realistic images from a sentence, or Whisper , the next-generation voice recognition."

    Read more here (And you can translate the article from french to english):


    More of my philosophy about how to solve the computational power problem of ChatGPT and the like and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ,
    and as i said previously that the other problem of ChatGPT and the like is the following:

    I think one of the problems of ChatGPT is also the business model for it, since systems like ChatGPT take a lot of computational power, and i invite you to read the following article so that to understand more about it:

    "High cost of computational power

    Systems like ChatGPT take a lot of computational power. The cost of running ChatGPT is $100,000 per day. It’s possible to make it work for a few million daily users, but scaling it up to billions of people will be extremely expensive. A single AI
    answer costs more than ten regular Google search requests."

    Read more here:


    But i think that the above problem of computational power will be solved by the following kind of solution of IBM from USA, read about it in the following new interesting video of Anastasi In Tech:

    IBM’s New Device Computes x10000 faster


    So there remain the following problem of ChatGPT and the like artificial intelligence, read about it carefully in my following thoughts:

    And the other problem of artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT is the following:

    ChatGPT goes straight into the wall of knowledge!

    Read more here (You can translate the web page from french to english):


    More of my philosophy about artificial intelligence and about the exponential progress of our humanity and more of my thoughts..

    Biocomputing with mini-brains as processors could be more powerful than silicon-based AI

    Read the following interesting article about it:


    And i invite you to read carefully the following, since notice
    how Amazon launches its AI that is more powerful than ChatGPT
    and that significantly reduces hallucinations:

    Amazon launches its AI and claims it's more advanced than ChatGPT

    "Amazon researchers have just posted an article and the source code for a new language model. They were interested in a type of reasoning called "chain-of-thought" (CoT) which could be translated as "thread of thought", a way of asking questions by
    adding steps to the reasoning through the use examples or demonstrations. It's not completely new, but this time they used a multimodal approach ( Multimodal-CoT ). In other words, their AI was able to understand the examples in images in addition to the
    text, as a child would. They tested their model on the new ScienceQA test, a battery of 21,208 multimodal multiple-choice science questions. They compared the results to other language models, like GPT 3.5 found in ChatGPT . Amazon's AI scored 91.68%,
    beating the benchmark score for humans by 88.40% and significantly reducing hallucinations. And above all, with only 738 million parameters, it beat GPT 3.5 which obtained only 73.97% despite its 175 billion parameters."

    Read more here (And you can translate the article from french to english):


    And here is more of my thoughts of my philosophy about the exponential progress of our humanity and about artificial intelligence:


    And I think that you have to understand how our humanity is progressing in an exponential way, so for example when you acquire more and more knowledge, so the things become more and more easy for you, so you start to go more and more faster in learning
    and progressing, so then you can learn the hard way or you can learn the easy way, so for example with ChatGPT you can learn the easy way and that means that you can go
    more and more faster in learning and progressing too, and by the inventions of tools such as internet and ChatGPT and the like, you start to learn and to progress much and much faster, and of course there is Moore’s law and there is Bezos’ Law that
    makes us progress in an exponential way, and Bezos’ Law says that the cost of cloud computing will be cut in half every 18 months, so like Moore’s law, Bezos’ Law is about exponential improvement over time. If you look at AWS history, they drop
    prices constantly. In 2013 alone they’ve already had 9 price drops. The difference; however, between Bezos’ and Moore’s law is this: Bezos’ law is the first law that isn’t anchored in technical innovation. Rather, Bezos’ law is anchored in
    confidence and market dynamics, and will only hold true so long as Amazon is not the aggregate dominant force in Cloud Computing (50%+ market share). Monopolies don’t cut prices. And for RAM chips and flash memory, Moore's Law means that in eighteen
    months you'll pay the same price as today for twice as much storage. But other computing components are also seeing their price versus performance curves skyrocket exponentially. And data storage doubles every twelve months. And i think that we have "
    just" already attained the knee of the exponential progress curve, this knee of the curve is the place where growth suddenly switches from a slower to an even faster exponential mode, so now the curve of exponential progress of our humanity has "just"
    already started to go exponentially even much faster, and it means that in about 10 years to 15 years from now, we will be much more advanced, and of course so that to know more about the exponential progress of our humanity , i invite you to look at the
    following interesting video:

    Exponential Progress: Can We Expect Mind-Blowing Changes In The Near Future


    And don't forget to subscribe to ChatGPT Plus at only 20$ per month, read about it in the following web link:

    OpenAI launches ChatGPT Plus at $20 per month: what to know

    Read more here:


    And speaking about the exponential progress of our humanity ,
    i invite you to read all my following interesting thoughts
    about it in the following web link:


    And here is more of my thoughts of my philosophy about the exponential progress of our humanity and about artificial intelligence:


    And you can read more about my thoughts about productivity and capitalism and more in the following web link:


    And read my following thoughts about cancer and about health and about new interesting medical treatments and drugs etc.:


    And of course here is more of my philosophy about the mathematical modeling of the Jackson network and about mathematics and more of my thoughts, you can read it in the following web link:


    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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