• The Incredible Success of Bram Stoker

    From 28C.I864@21:1/5 to All on Fri Mar 10 01:35:46 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.tv, soc.culture
    XPost: alt.hollywood

    Having little to do but watch late-night TV (hey,
    I'm old and boring at this point !) I am absolutely
    impressed by the basic paradigm set down by author
    Bram Stoker in the late 1800s. His re-imagining of
    Wallachian prince Vlad (Tepes) Dracula "Son of
    the dragon". Daddy was 'Dracul", THE Dragon.

    His romantic/mystical take on the prince has spawned
    endless fictions ever since - from 'Nosferatu' in the
    silent-film days to endless Hammer productions to
    "Buffy" and "True Blood" and "Blade" and "Twilight".
    It is a story line that has evolved and grown over
    100 years.

    Vlad himself WAS a real and nasty hard-ass, but he
    was under constant attack by the Ottomans and
    would-be's in his own country. Hard-asses were not
    unusual in that time frame. However Vlad wasn't
    a mystical devil-creature, just some guy eventually
    murdered by his no-better rivals.

    But that didn't matter. Stokers vision took over.
    The "tragic/noble" blood-sucker was a HIT that
    has resonated loudly for over 100 years now.

    I'd say the only one to out-do him when it comes
    to perpetual fictional paradigms was Mary Shelly.
    Her "monsters of our own prideful creation" theme
    shows up in even more forms.

    "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that"

    Pure Mary W. Shelly.


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