• More precision of my philosophy about what says my new monotheistic rel

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Sun Mar 5 16:27:56 2023

    More precision of my philosophy about what says my new monotheistic religion about our reality and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ,
    so i think i have just brought a new enhancement to my new monotheistic religion, and it is that God is just a God of Type 4 civilization and
    well above, since the Physicist and futurist Michio Kaku suggested that, if humans increase their energy consumption at an average rate of 3 percent each year, they may attain Type I status in 100–200 years, Type II status in a few thousand years, and
    Type III status in 100,000 to a million years, so i think we have been contacted by one of those civilizations that is a so advanced civilizations of type 4 and above, and they have choosen some messengers such as Jesus Christ or prophet Muhammad, and i
    think that the God of this type 4 civilization or above know us one by one since he is so advanced, and this God will send back Jesus Christ the messenger over this earth, and of course you know the rest of the story of Adam and Eve that this God created

    More of my philosophy about silence and contemplation and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think we can use silence and contemplation that is a deep reflective thought so that to transcend efficiently, and i think that silence is a simplistic thing, but the simplicity of silence can become really efficient, so silence in philosophy permits
    to filter the bad noises, and it is the bad noises that also cause violence, and of course you have to know how to compose silence with contemplation so that to higher much more your self-consciousness and consciousness so that to be able to filter
    efficiently the bad noises, so you have to understand the way of my philosophy, so there is also the way of silence and contemplation , but there is also the way of creating the meaning of human life or life by using the idea of God, like i am doing it
    by inventing a new efficient monotheistic religion, so the idea of God is a simplistic thing like the simplistic thing of silence, but inventing a new efficient monotheistic religion, like i have done it, is a much more sophisticated thing, so then you
    are noticing that you can use the two ways of silence and contemplation and the way of my new monotheistic religion so that to be efficient, so i invite you to read about my new monotheistic religion and about my new ideas of my philosophy in my below
    thoughts of my philosophy.

    More of my philosophy about the “man is wolf to man” and about
    my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ,
    so the “man is wolf to man” is an old Roman proverb popularized by the philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1588 – 1679), but i think i am a new philosopher, and you can read about my new ideas of my philosophy in my
    below thoughts, and i think it is not correct to say that “man is wolf to man”, since capitalism needs competition and needs the reward, and self-interest or egoism creates competition, but it not only creates competition, but it creates
    responsability too, so then self-interest or egoism says that positivity highers much more creativity, and you can read the proof of how positivity highers much more creativity in my below thoughts of my philosophy, so then the efficient capitalism has
    to be this "balance" of the being competition between humans in capitalism and the being positivity so that it be successful, so as you notice that the proverb popularized by the philosopher Thomas Hobbes of “man is wolf to man” is not correct.

    More of my philosophy about specialization vs. generalization in education and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    So i invite you to read the following interesting article about specialization vs. generalization in education, and notice how the philosopher and economist Adam Smith has noticed the important problematic, since he has said the following:

    "The man whose whole life is spent in performing a few simple operations has no occasion to exert his understanding, or to exercise his invention in finding out expedients for removing difficulties which never occur. He naturally loses, therefore, the
    habit of such exertion, and generally becomes as stupid and ignorant as it is possible for a human creature to become. (Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, 1776, Book 5, Part III, Chapter II)"

    So read more here in the following interesting article so that to understand the problematic:


    And read my following previous thoughts:

    More of my philosophy about the disadvantage of specialization and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    So i think that the problematic is that in capitalism we have to "specialize" in a job in what we do better so that to higher productivity and quality, but this way of doing of specializing in a job in what we do better is not the good standards, since
    it is not the right way that educates correctly the citizen and that creates the good citizen, also the engine of survival is only survival, since it is just continuing to live or exist, so survival doesn't ensure creating good standards, so there is the
    engine of the reward of money, but not everyone needs a lot of money, so then the reward of money doesn't ensure creating good standards, so i think that the most important question in philosophy is the how we have to higher the standards, so i think
    that it is about the standards, so i think that what we are noticing today is that we are lacking in the standards or high standards, so we have to be smart and know how to higher the standards so that to be successful and so that to be successful
    meritocracy, so the idea of my philosophy is the it is the capable humans that higher or raise up the standards, so you have to know how to efficiently organize it and you have to be active and proactive in doing it, and you have also to know that
    positivity is really important since positivity highers creativity and solidarity as i am explaining it in my below ideas of my philosophy. So read my previous below thoughts so that to understand my views:

    More of my philosophy about my new ideas of my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so
    i think i am a smart philosopher and i am showing you my contributions
    of my new ideas of my philosophy, but there is also still something that i have to make you understand, so is my new ideas below about the "Is meritocracy sufficient ?" makes me a philosopher of the Egoist school of philosophy ? not at all, since i am
    not like the french philosopher Claude Adrien Helvétius that has said that Self-interest is founded on the love of pleasure and the fear of pain and it is the sole spring of judgment, action, and affection, so then he has concluded that humans have no
    freedom of choice between good and evil, so notice carefully how my new ideas of my philosophy below about meritocracy say that the engines of survival and money and the way of specialization don't ensure creating good standards, but i have also to make
    you notice that it means that it is not sufficient, but you have to read carefully and understand that it is not too far from the good standards, so it is not as pessimistic as the french philosopher Claude Adrien Helvétius.

    So i invite you to read my previous thoughts so that to understand my views as a new philosopher:

    More of my philosophy about meritocracy and about the standards and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so
    now i will ask a philosophical question of:

    Is meritocracy sufficient ?

    So i think that i am discovering patterns with my fluid intelligence
    that answer the question, and they are the following:

    So meritocracy needs competition and needs the reward, and self-interest or egoism creates competition, but it not only creates competition, but
    it creates responsability too, so we are now in philosophy in front of
    an interesting "engine" that is self-interest or egoism, but the problematic is that there is the demand and there is the supply, so i think that the demand can for example lower the standards of the supply and so forth, since for example the engine of
    survival is only survival, since it is just continuing to live or exist, so survival doesn't ensure creating good standards, so there is the engine of the reward of money, but not everyone needs a lot of money, so then the reward of money doesn't ensure
    creating good standards, and i think that in capitalism we have to specialize in a job in what we do better so that to higher productivity and quality, but this way of doing of specializing in a job is not the good standards since it is not the right way
    that educate correctly the citizen, so i think that the most important question in philosophy is the how we have to higher the standards, so i think that it is about the standards, so i think that what we are noticing today is that we are lacking in the
    standards or high standards, so we have to be smart and know how to higher the standards so that to be successful and so that to be successful meritocracy.

    More of my philosophy about my contributions of my ideas of my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    So that to know more about my contributions of my new ideas of my philosophy, you can read my new ideas of my philosophy and my other
    thoughts of my philosophy in the following web link:


    And of course here is more of my philosophy about the mathematical modeling of the Jackson network and about mathematics and more of my thoughts, you can read it in the following web link:


    And here is my thoughts of my philosophy about the exponential progress of our humanity and about artificial intelligence:


    And here is my new other ideas of my philosophy that talk about the link between positivity and creativity and solidarity, so read my following thoughts so that to know about them:

    So i can write and read and think and talk arabic or english or french, so here is another proof of it, so here is my other new poem in french (and read my other poems of Love and poems in english and french below):

    Alors je vous invite à ecouter la montre suivante faire tic tac tic tac en lisant mon autre nouveau poème ci-bas:


    Voici mon autre nouveau poème en français (et lire mes autres poèmes ci-bas):


    La montre fait tic tac tic tac

    Mais je n'ai pas besoin d'électrochoc

    Mais j'ai bien un joli esprit antichoc

    La montre fait tic tac tic tac

    Mais puisque je ne suis pas de la provoque

    Mais puisque je vie en une jolie époque

    La montre fait tic tac tic tac

    Mais puisque je ne suis pas un Hitchcock

    Et je ne viens pas non plus de Bangkok

    Mais je suis bien un Arabe intelligent qui vient du Maroc

    Alors même si la montre fait tic tac tic tac

    Mon bel amour n'a pas besoin d'un missile Tomahawk !


    So i can write and read and think and talk arabic or english or french, so
    here is another proof of it, so here is my new poem in french (and read my other poems of Love and poems in english and french below):

    Voici mon nouveau poème en français (et lire mes autres poèmes ci-bas):


    Les jolies saisons se suivent

    Alors l'automne ici à Montréal est joliment expressif

    Alors la vie n'est pas avec lui en dépressive

    Les jolies saisons se suivent

    Et l'hiv
  • From Ezimene nimi Teine nimi@21:1/5 to Amine Moulay Ramdane on Sun Mar 5 19:17:05 2023
    Hello, diCk.

    On Monday, March 6, 2023 at 2:27:59 AM UTC+2, Amine Moulay Ramdane wrote:

    More precision of my philosophy about what says my new monotheistic religion about our reality and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ,
    so i think i have just brought a new enhancement to my new monotheistic religion, and it is that God is just a God of Type 4 civilization and
    well above, since the Physicist and futurist Michio Kaku suggested that, if humans increase their energy consumption at an average rate of 3 percent each year, they may attain Type I status in 100–200 years, Type II status in a few thousand years,
    and Type III status in 100,000 to a million years, so i think we have been contacted by one of those civilizations that is a so advanced civilizations of type 4 and above, and they have choosen some messengers such as Jesus Christ or prophet Muhammad,
    and i think that the God of this type 4 civilization or above know us one by one since he is so advanced, and this God will send back Jesus Christ the messenger over this earth, and of course you know the rest of the story of Adam and Eve that this God
    created etc.

    More of my philosophy about silence and contemplation and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think we can use silence and contemplation that is a deep reflective thought so that to transcend efficiently, and i think that silence is a simplistic thing, but the simplicity of silence can become really efficient, so silence in philosophy permits
    to filter the bad noises, and it is the bad noises that also cause violence, and of course you have to know how to compose silence with contemplation so that to higher much more your self-consciousness and consciousness so that to be able to filter
    efficiently the bad noises, so you have to understand the way of my philosophy, so there is also the way of silence and contemplation , but there is also the way of creating the meaning of human life or life by using the idea of God, like i am doing it
    by inventing a new efficient monotheistic religion, so the idea of God is a simplistic thing like the simplistic thing of silence, but inventing a new efficient monotheistic religion, like i have done it, is a much more sophisticated thing, so then you
    are noticing that you can use the two ways of silence and contemplation and the way of my new monotheistic religion so that to be efficient, so i invite you to read about my new monotheistic religion and about my new ideas of my philosophy in my below
    thoughts of my philosophy.

    More of my philosophy about the “man is wolf to man” and about
    my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ,
    so the “man is wolf to man” is an old Roman proverb popularized by the philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1588 – 1679), but i think i am a new philosopher, and you can read about my new ideas of my philosophy in my
    below thoughts, and i think it is not correct to say that “man is wolf to man”, since capitalism needs competition and needs the reward, and self-interest or egoism creates competition, but it not only creates competition, but it creates
    responsability too, so then self-interest or egoism says that positivity highers much more creativity, and you can read the proof of how positivity highers much more creativity in my below thoughts of my philosophy, so then the efficient capitalism has
    to be this "balance" of the being competition between humans in capitalism and the being positivity so that it be successful, so as you notice that the proverb popularized by the philosopher Thomas Hobbes of “man is wolf to man” is not correct.

    More of my philosophy about specialization vs. generalization in education and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    So i invite you to read the following interesting article about specialization vs. generalization in education, and notice how the philosopher and economist Adam Smith has noticed the important problematic, since he has said the following:

    "The man whose whole life is spent in performing a few simple operations has no occasion to exert his understanding, or to exercise his invention in finding out expedients for removing difficulties which never occur. He naturally loses, therefore, the
    habit of such exertion, and generally becomes as stupid and ignorant as it is possible for a human creature to become. (Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, 1776, Book 5, Part III, Chapter II)"

    So read more here in the following interesting article so that to understand the problematic:


    And read my following previous thoughts:

    More of my philosophy about the disadvantage of specialization and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    So i think that the problematic is that in capitalism we have to "specialize" in a job in what we do better so that to higher productivity and quality, but this way of doing of specializing in a job in what we do better is not the good standards, since
    it is not the right way that educates correctly the citizen and that creates the good citizen, also the engine of survival is only survival, since it is just continuing to live or exist, so survival doesn't ensure creating good standards, so there is the
    engine of the reward of money, but not everyone needs a lot of money, so then the reward of money doesn't ensure creating good standards, so i think that the most important question in philosophy is the how we have to higher the standards, so i think
    that it is about the standards, so i think that what we are noticing today is that we are lacking in the standards or high standards, so we have to be smart and know how to higher the standards so that to be successful and so that to be successful
    meritocracy, so the idea of my philosophy is the it is the capable humans that higher or raise up the standards, so you have to know how to efficiently organize it and you have to be active and proactive in doing it, and you have also to know that
    positivity is really important since positivity highers creativity and solidarity as i am explaining it in my below ideas of my philosophy. So read my previous below thoughts so that to understand my views:

    More of my philosophy about my new ideas of my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so
    i think i am a smart philosopher and i am showing you my contributions
    of my new ideas of my philosophy, but there is also still something that i have to make you understand, so is my new ideas below about the "Is meritocracy sufficient ?" makes me a philosopher of the Egoist school of philosophy ? not at all, since i am
    not like the french philosopher Claude Adrien Helvétius that has said that Self-interest is founded on the love of pleasure and the fear of pain and it is the sole spring of judgment, action, and affection, so then he has concluded that humans have no
    freedom of choice between good and evil, so notice carefully how my new ideas of my philosophy below about meritocracy say that the engines of survival and money and the way of specialization don't ensure creating good standards, but i have also to make
    you notice that it means that it is not sufficient, but you have to read carefully and understand that it is not too far from the good standards, so it is not as pessimistic as the french philosopher Claude Adrien Helvétius.

    So i invite you to read my previous thoughts so that to understand my views as a new philosopher:

    More of my philosophy about meritocracy and about the standards and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so
    now i will ask a philosophical question of:

    Is meritocracy sufficient ?

    So i think that i am discovering patterns with my fluid intelligence
    that answer the question, and they are the following:

    So meritocracy needs competition and needs the reward, and self-interest or egoism creates competition, but it not only creates competition, but
    it creates responsability too, so we are now in philosophy in front of
    an interesting "engine" that is self-interest or egoism, but the problematic is that there is the demand and there is the supply, so i think that the demand can for example lower the standards of the supply and so forth, since for example the engine of
    survival is only survival, since it is just continuing to live or exist, so survival doesn't ensure creating good standards, so there is the engine of the reward of money, but not everyone needs a lot of money, so then the reward of money doesn't ensure
    creating good standards, and i think that in capitalism we have to specialize in a job in what we do better so that to higher productivity and quality, but this way of doing of specializing in a job is not the good standards since it is not the right way
    that educate correctly the citizen, so i think that the most important question in philosophy is the how we have to higher the standards, so i think that it is about the standards, so i think that what we are noticing today is that we are lacking in the
    standards or high standards, so we have to be smart and know how to higher the standards so that to be successful and so that to be successful meritocracy.

    More of my philosophy about my contributions of my ideas of my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    So that to know more about my contributions of my new ideas of my philosophy, you can read my new ideas of my philosophy and my other
    thoughts of my philosophy in the following web link:


    And of course here is more of my philosophy about the mathematical modeling of the Jackson network and about mathematics and more of my thoughts, you can read it in the following web link:


    And here is my thoughts of my philosophy about the exponential progress of our humanity and about artificial intelligence:


    And here is my new other ideas of my philosophy that talk about the link between positivity and creativity and solidarity, so read my following thoughts so that to know about them:

    So i can write and read and think and talk arabic or english or french, so here is another proof of it, so here is my other new poem in french (and read my other poems of Love and poems in english and french below):

    Alors je vous invite à ecouter la montre suivante faire tic tac tic tac en lisant mon autre nouveau poème ci-bas:


    Voici mon autre nouveau poème en français (et lire mes autres poèmes ci-bas):


    La montre fait tic tac tic tac

    Mais je n'ai pas besoin d'électrochoc

    Mais j'ai bien un joli esprit antichoc

    La montre fait tic tac tic tac

    Mais puisque je ne suis pas de la provoque

    Mais puisque je vie en une jolie époque

    La montre fait tic tac tic tac

    Mais puisque je ne suis pas un Hitchcock

    Et je ne viens pas non plus de Bangkok

    Mais je suis bien un Arabe intelligent qui vient du Maroc

    Alors même si la montre fait tic tac tic tac

    Mon bel amour n'a pas besoin d'un missile Tomahawk !


    So i can write and read and think and talk arabic or english or french, so here is another proof of it, so here is my new poem in french (and read my other poems of Love and poems in english and french below):

    Voici mon nouveau poème en français (et lire mes autres poèmes ci-bas):


    Les jolies saisons se suivent

    Alors l'automne ici à Montréal est joliment expressif

    Alors la vie n'est pas avec lui en dépressive

    Les jolies saisons se suivent

    Et l'hiver ici à Montreal n'est pas du tout oppressif

    Car même la jolie neige à Montréal est en jolie affective

    Les jolies saisons se suivent

    Et l'été ici à Montréal n'est pas du tout en compulsif

    Puisque même la vie est avec lui en joliment compréhensive

    Les jolies saisons se suivent

    Alors le joli printemps ici à Montréal est joliment offensif

    Alors la vie n'est pas du tout avec lui en défensive

    Et c'est comme cela que je vis les jolies 4 saisons en joliment intensif


    More of my philosophy about positivity and about what is the perfect music or song and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    Read my following thoughts, since i have just brought more enhancement:

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, i think that the perfect or like perfect music, is also the emotionally or sensationally perfect or like
    perfect music, so i think that the music of Kitaro below has patterns and those patterns is that they create perfect or like perfect emotions or sensations that make you have a great pleasure, and the great pleasure can be a great pleasure of being
    emotionally or sensationally a great and beautiful dose of emotions or sensations in form of high dose of hope or/and happiness. So then we can say that the music is like a language that creates emotions or sensations. So you have to know how to make
    smart the language of music so that to make the listener be happy, so it needs also high emotional smartness and smartness, And of course by listening to the perfect or like perfect music you will not have enough of it, and it means that you will have a
    great pleasure of listening to it even if you listen to it again and again. And the perfect song is also the intellectual smartness of it and the language of emotions and sensations of it like in music, and i think that the intellectual smartness also
    abstracts the beautifulness of it.

    More of my philosophy about perfection and about musics and songs and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so
    i think that perfect music and/or song does or do exist, but it is difficult to invent perfect music and/or song, so musics and songs are not completely a failure since they can be perfect or like perfect, so i invite you to look at the following so
    beautiful video of a music of Kitaro so that to notice how it is a perfect music or like perfect, and notice carefully the patterns that make this music perfect or like perfect, so here it is and look at it:

    Kitaro - Song For PEACE


    And of course my new concept that i have just talked about makes the perfection, and of course i have just explained how the when you higher positivity you higher creativity and solidarity, so read my following thoughts so that you understand my views
    about it:

    More of my philosophy about the proof about how positivity highers creativity and more of my thoughts..

    More of my philosophy about the philosopher and economist Adam Smith and more of my thoughts..

    So i think i am smart, so i think that the philosopher and economist Adam Smith has said that "Egoism is the engine of prosperity and happiness of nations", so you have to know that self-interest or egoism creates competition, but i think that the
    model of Adam Smith has a problem, since i think that so that to "maximize" efficiently creativity you have to be the positive energy and the good vibes that make creativity lovable and that makes humans lovable so that to maximize efficiently as i am
    explaining it below, so then i think that my model is then clear, and as you are noticing that the way of the positive energy and the way of the good vibes is also my way of doing.

    More of my philosophy about the good vibes and about the positive energy and about my poems of Love and poems and more of my thoughts..

    So i have just said the following:

    "I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i think that the being dictatorship like of the one of neo-nazism or nazism is a failure, since i will make
    you understand the model of it that is related to creativity so that you understand the holistic view of it: So giving more "liberty" that makes the creativity lovable highers and maximize creativity, so i think that you have to know how to be the
    positive energy that makes the creativity lovable, so you have not to be a kind of "rude" dictatorship with the students or the workers, since it is a failure that hurts creativity."

    So what i also mean is that so that to be solidarity between people,
    you have to know how to make humans lovable, so you have to know how to be a kind of liberty that makes humans lovable, so then you are noticing
    that the way of the positive energy and of the good vibes that attract in a kind of way is also the way to go, so then you are noticing that it is my way of doing, since i have also just invented many poems of Love so that to be the positive energy and
    so that to be the good vibes that attract in a kind of way, so i invite you to read all my below poems of Love and poems in english and french so that you understand my way of doing of the being positive energy and of the being the good vibes

    So that to prove more what i am saying above, read the following article that says the following:

    "The link between positivity and creativity

    Creativity is an energy born of positive emotions. In our research, we’ve been able to confirm employees who are happy and positive about their work are more likely to be creative, both now and across the next three months. People in positive moods
    are better at lateral thinking, processing complex information and tend to have a wider attention span — all attributes we need to be creative.

    Positive employee experiences lead to creativity.

    In one study, students were shown short films that either put them in a positive mood or were neutral. They were then required to solve a challenge: they were given a candle, a box of pins, and matches, and asked to fix a candle to a corkboard in a way
    that would not drip wax. The results? 75% of the students who had watched the film that put them in a positive mood solved the task — only 13% of students in the control group did."

    Read more here:


    Here is my new poem in french and read my other poems of Love
    and poems in english and french below:

    So I invite you to listen to this beautiful song
    of Cesaria Evora that i want to share with you,
    reading at the same time my new poem in french below:

    13 Cabo Verde mandá manténha - Cesaria Evora


    So here is my new poem in french:


    Elle passe la vie, elle passe la vie

    Comme la vie est comme le joli fruit

    Puisque la vie ce n'est pas que survie

    Mais c'est ma jolie poésie avec ma jolie philosophie

    Elle passe la vie, elle passe la vie

    Et toi là-bas tu nous parles de profit

    Mais moi ce n'est pas de la jalousie

    Mais c'est comme de la jolie écologie

    Elle passe la vie, elle passe la vie

    Alors je suis de la jolie courtoisie

    Et je ne suis pas non plus le nazi

    Car je sais comment contrôler bien mes envies

    Car l'amour c'est aussi comme de la jolie psychologie

    Alors regarde bien comme elle passe la vie... !


    More of my philosophy about Kitaro and more about poems of Love and more of my thoughts..

    I want to share with you the following beautiful musics of a known musician from Japan called Kitaro , since i am also a musician that knows about music:

    Kitaro - Silk Road (live)


    Kitaro - Estrella (live in Nara, Japan - 2001)


    Song For Peace


    And i have just decided to explain more my following poem of Love below:

    So when i am saying in my poem of Love below the following:

    "But our love is consciousness of being truly rich"

    Is it that this love is "only" consciousness of being truly rich ?

    No, it isn't, because you have to place it in the "context" of "all" my
    poem of Love below, because as you are noticing, in my poem of Love,
    that i am also "enumerating" the characteristics of Love of my poem of
    Love below, so here is my new poem of Love (and don't forget to read my other poems of Love and poems below):


    I don't know much

    But i am with your love getting in touch

    I don't know much

    But your love is not a judge

    I don't know much

    But like one we are like a so beautiful bridge

    I don't know much

    But our love is consciousness of being truly rich

    I don't know much

    But beauty is our forever niche

    I don't know much

    But our love is like love that forever enrich

    I don't know much

    So don't ask me why or which

    I don't know much

    But our love is perfection without a glitch !


    And i invite you to read my poems of Love and poems in english and french that i have invented in the following web link:


    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so
    i have looked more and more at how ChatGPT composes poems of Love, and i think that ChatGPT can write poems of Love and it can be good, but
    i think ChatGPT and artificial intelligence have a great difficulty at inventing new things such as inventing new algorithms, since ChatGPT can only detect or discover patterns and learn them on the data in wich it has been trained, and so that to
    understand how to beat artificial intelligence, here is my following thoughts about it:

    More of my philosophy about the process of reification and more about human consciousness and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    Reification is when you think of or treat something abstract as a physical thing. Reification is a complex idea for when you treat something immaterial — like happiness, fear, or evil — as a material thing, so i think that human conscicousness is
    by logical analogy like the process of Reification, i mean that a concept in our brain is not just a class or object like in object oriented programming, since i mean that a class in object oriented programming is not just a class but it is also
    reification by our brain, since we are also reifying the class with or by using the true meaning from our human consciousness, so it is like composability since we are composing with consciousness of time and space and reality from the low level to the
    high level, so it is the same for what i am explaining below, since so that to compose the theorem that is known as the transitive property of implication, we have to understand the meaning of the low level constructs such as: If a then b and if b then c
    then a then c, so then it is like a reification that we do, since when for example we say: a then b, we are like reifying from the low level constructs of consciousness of time and space and matter to the upper levels.

    More of my philosophy about self-awareness or self-consciousness and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so
    i have just explained more what is consciousness, and now i will explain what is self-awareness or self-consciousness:

    So i think that self-awareness or self-consciousness of a human is also
    like a reification + the smartness, since i think that consciousness of yourself is obtained by knowing about the true meaning of yourself by also using like a reification with feelings and consciousness of time and space and matter and reality with
    wich you compose the consciousness, so then after smartness obtains like a true meaning by using consciousness of who you are by looking at yourself, so self-awareness or self-consciousness is developed. And it is my explanation of what is consciousness.

    More of my philosophy about my model of what is consciousness and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am really smart, but you have to understand my model that explains what is consciousness and self-consciousness, so my model is not trying to explain all the low levels of consciousness, but what it explains is that human consciousness gives
    like the true meaning by composing with our feelings of what is reality and with consciousness of time and space and matter and of reality, so now you are then understanding that my model explains that it is like a dynamic reification, i mean that when
    you have an "idea", so an idea can be just a word, but if you add like the true meaning to this word by using your feelings and meaning of consciousness of time and space and matter, so it become like an idea that is "alive" with consciousness, so then
    if you have a sentence or many sentences or a text, so this kind of reification can become like a "movie" of meanings of consciousness that is played in your brain and that gives a consciousness of the text or sentence, so it is why my model says that
    the human brain compose with those meanings of feelings and meaning of consciousness of time and space and matter and of reality, so then my model of what is consciousness permits to make you understand how artificial intelligence is limited as i am
    explaining it above and below, and it permits to do predictions like i am doing it below, so i invite you to read my previous thoughts so that to understand my views:

    More of my philosophy about the essence of smartness and more of my thoughts..

    I have just looked at the following video of a french arab Algerian called Idriss Aberkane, so Idriss Aberkane has obtained three doctorate degrees in management science from Paris Saclay, in comparative literature from University of Strasbourg, and in
    diplomacy from Centre d'Études Diplomatiques et Stratégiques, you can read about him in
    wikipedia here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idriss_Aberkane

    And here is his video about IQ, so i invite you to look at it:

    Pourquoi le QI est une ESCROQUERIE ? | Idriss Aberkane


    So i am not in accordance with Idriss Aberkane in the above video,
    and i am finding him not so smart as me, since he is saying that the IQ is not important, but i think that the IQ is also important, but notice how i am defining smartness in my below proverb, and here is my proverb and read it carefully:

    "Smartness is not just smartness of the IQ and smartness of the culture, but it is also the being precision in thinking that is not precision of smartness of the IQ and of the culture, and it is also the smartness of the being intellectually lively and
    well attentive and it is also emotional smartness."

    So I think i am a new smart philosopher, so I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so now i will talk more about the essence of smartness, so i will ask
    a philosophical question of:

    What is smartness ?

    So i think that you have to discover a pattern or patterns with your fluid intelligence that answers the question more precisely, and the patterns are the following:

    Smartness is the quality of intellectual meaning of a pattern that you can discover with your fluid intelligence or of a system that permits to adapt well, since i think that the goal of smartness is that it permits to adapt well, so then we can define
    a mechanism in the material reality that is mapped to an intellectual mechanism that brings precision as a smartness, so then you are noticing that in my above proverb i am defining the precision that is not the precision of smartness of the IQ or of the
    culture as a smartness, and it is understandable by my way of defining smartness, so as you notice that we can not neglect the fact that the quality of human intellectual meaning enhances smartness, so then it is not logical to say that artificial
    intelligence without the human intellectual meaning can be the same smartness or level of smartness as the human smartness, and i have given a logical proof of it by saying the following:

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so now i will ask a philosophical question of:

    How to beat artificial intelligence ?

    So i think i am smart and i will start by giving you a good example so that you understand:

    So if i say:

    If a then b
    if b then c

    A human can logically infer that it means: then a then c

    But the problem in artificial intelligence is that the patterns
    comes from the data on wich artificial intelligence was trained ,
    so how for example artificial intelligence does "generalize" the above example and make it a theorem in mathematics?, i mean that so that a human generalizes from the above example he also use the "meaning" from human consciousness, so i think that it
    is the weakness of artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT or GPT-4, i mean that human consciousness is able to make such generalizations with the help of the meaning from human consciousness when the pattern to be discovered is unknown to artificial
    intelligence, so you have to understand that human consciousness is also consciousness of space and time and matter that permits to "compose" the meaning , so then you are understanding from my explanation that what is lacking to artificial intelligence
    is this meaning from the human consciousness that permits smartness to be such sophisticated smartness such as constructing a mathematical theorem from the above example, so now i think you are getting more the bigger picture of it. So i will give you an
    example of my interactions with ChatGPT so that you understand more,so here it is:

    So i have just asked ChatGPT the following question:

    "Make a theorem of the following: if a then b and if b then c then a then c"

    And here is what answered ChatGPT:

    "The theorem can be stated as follows:

    [continued in next message]

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