• Re: Which men and women are bad?

    From Ezimene nimi Teine nimi@21:1/5 to Ilya Shambat on Fri Mar 3 21:02:56 2023
    Check out: meetupplace4everyone.medianewsonline.com/a.php .................

    I programmed this.

    On Friday, March 3, 2023 at 5:53:52 AM UTC+2, Ilya Shambat wrote:
    I have a friend named David. He is a successful businessman and a creatively endowed individual, and he has good ideas about how to treat women. Yet he was married for a long time to an English woman who was ugly to him.

    I get angry when I see such things happen. There are many good women in horrible situations; yet when someone good comes along he gets appropriated by a complete bitch who treats him like shit. Many such women justify their behaviour by claiming that
    men are bad. They don’t know what a bad man is. A bad man would never put up with their attitude. He would beat them to death and throw their bodies to the dogs and think that he’s doing God a favour.

    Of course this behaviour is even more prevalent in men. There are many men who believe that women are bad and should be oppressed. Basically, these men are a bunch of spoiled brats. They don’t know what a bad woman is. They haven’t had to deal with
    American feminists. Instead they have at their disposal women who are beautiful, kind and willing to be good to their men. And all they can think to do with such women is use them as punching bags.

    It does not make sense to side with men against women and it does not make sense to side with women against men. It makes sense to side with both men and women who are willing to treat their partners right. Both good men and good women deserve to be in
    good relationships. Specifically, they need to partner up with one another and leave the nasties to one another.

    On a larger level, what we really need to see is a large cross-cultural flux for intermarriage. There are cultures where men are good to women and women are bad to men, and there are cultures where women are good to men and men are bad to women.
    Creating such a flux will reward the better party in each culture with better relationships than they stand to have at home. And it will also create an incentive on the offending gender in each culture to improve their treatment of the other gender, or
    else see the other gender leave in large numbers to be with people who are willing to treat them right.

    David did not deserve to get what he got. Neither did the women I’ve loved who have been in bad relationships before me. Better men and better women need to know their worth and avoid people who will treat them like rubbish. As for the people who
    think that they’re bad, things need to be put into perspective for them. Specifically they need to be introduced to the people of the other gender who are actually bad. Then they may have some appreciation for how good they have it with their partners.

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