• More of my philosophy about being a kind of graphist decorator and abou

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Tue Feb 28 14:54:47 2023

    More of my philosophy about being a kind of graphist decorator and about artificial intelligence more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I have just discovered that i score high in being a decorator or a kind of graphist decorator and it is genetical in me, so i have just invented another good concept of graphism decorator, so it is that constructing a beautiful movie about mother nature
    that has to give you pleasure is
    a difficult task and i think it doesn't make humans satisfied, and it is
    the same for graphism, since it is difficult to make humans satisfied
    by making movies with graphism , so i have just invented a good concept that solves the problem , and it uses my kind of graphism decorator
    so that to solve the problem. So stay tuned since i will show you the "good results" of newly other invented concept. And as you have noticed i have invented my ideas of my philosophy in front of you, and i think that philosophy is easy for me since it
    is also genetical in me, and as you have noticed that i have invented many poems of Love and poems in front of you, and i have invented many important scalable algorithms and algorithms and i have invented some important software programs.

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so
    i have looked more and more at how ChatGPT composes poems of Love, and i think that ChatGPT can write poems of Love and it can be good, but
    i think ChatGPT and artificial intelligence have a great difficulty at inventing new things such as inventing new algorithms, since ChatGPT can only detect or discover patterns and learn them on the data in wich it has been trained, and so that to
    understand how to beat artificial intelligence, here is my following thoughts about it:

    More of my philosophy about the process of reification and more about human consciousness and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    Reification is when you think of or treat something abstract as a physical thing. Reification is a complex idea for when you treat something immaterial — like happiness, fear, or evil — as a material thing, so i think that human conscicousness is by
    logical analogy like the process of Reification, i mean that a concept in our brain is not just a class or object like in object oriented programming, since i mean that a class in object oriented programming is not just a class but it is also reification
    by our brain, since we are also reifying the class with or by using the true meaning from our human consciousness, so it is like composability since we are composing with consciousness of time and space and reality from the low level to the high level,
    so it is the same for what i am explaining below, since so that to compose the theorem that is known as the transitive property of implication, we have to understand the meaning of the low level constructs such as: If a then b and if b then c then a then
    c, so then it is like a reification that we do, since when for example we say: a then b, we are like reifying from the low level constructs of consciousness of time and space and matter to the upper levels.

    More of my philosophy about self-awareness or self-consciousness and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so
    i have just explained more what is consciousness, and now i will explain what is self-awareness or self-consciousness:

    So i think that self-awareness or self-consciousness of a human is also
    like a reification + the smartness, since i think that consciousness of yourself is obtained by knowing about the true meaning of yourself by also using like a reification with feelings and consciousness of time and space and matter and reality with wich
    you compose the consciousness, so then after smartness obtains like a true meaning by using consciousness of who you are by looking at yourself, so self-awareness or self-consciousness is developed. And it is my explanation of what is consciousness.

    More of my philosophy about my model of what is consciousness and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am really smart, but you have to understand my model that explains what is consciousness and self-consciousness, so my model is not trying to explain all the low levels of consciousness, but what it explains is that human consciousness gives
    like the true meaning by composing with our feelings of what is reality and with consciousness of time and space and matter and of reality, so now you are then understanding that my model explains that it is like a dynamic reification, i mean that when
    you have an "idea", so an idea can be just a word, but if you add like the true meaning to this word by using your feelings and meaning of consciousness of time and space and matter, so it become like an idea that is "alive" with consciousness, so then
    if you have a sentence or many sentences or a text, so this kind of reification can become like a "movie" of meanings of consciousness that is played in your brain and that gives a consciousness of the text or sentence, so it is why my model says that
    the human brain compose with those meanings of feelings and meaning of consciousness of time and space and matter and of reality, so then my model of what is consciousness permits to make you understand how artificial intelligence is limited as i am
    explaining it above and below, and it permits to do predictions like i am doing it below, so i invite you to read my previous thoughts so that to understand my views:

    More of my philosophy about the essence of smartness and more of my thoughts..

    I have just looked at the following video of a french arab Algerian called Idriss Aberkane, so Idriss Aberkane has obtained three doctorate degrees in management science from Paris Saclay, in comparative literature from University of Strasbourg, and in
    diplomacy from Centre d'Études Diplomatiques et Stratégiques, you can read about him in
    wikipedia here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idriss_Aberkane

    And here is his video about IQ, so i invite you to look at it:

    Pourquoi le QI est une ESCROQUERIE ? | Idriss Aberkane


    So i am not in accordance with Idriss Aberkane in the above video,
    and i am finding him not so smart as me, since he is saying that the IQ is not important, but i think that the IQ is also important, but notice how i am defining smartness in my below proverb, and here is my proverb and read it carefully:

    "Smartness is not just smartness of the IQ and smartness of the culture, but it is also the being precision in thinking that is not precision of smartness of the IQ and of the culture, and it is also the smartness of the being intellectually lively and
    well attentive and it is also emotional smartness."

    So I think i am a new smart philosopher, so I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so now i will talk more about the essence of smartness, so i will ask a
    philosophical question of:

    What is smartness ?

    So i think that you have to discover a pattern or patterns with your fluid intelligence that answers the question more precisely, and the patterns are the following:

    Smartness is the quality of intellectual meaning of a pattern that you can discover with your fluid intelligence or of a system that permits to adapt well, since i think that the goal of smartness is that it permits to adapt well, so then we can define a
    mechanism in the material reality that is mapped to an intellectual mechanism that brings precision as a smartness, so then you are noticing that in my above proverb i am defining the precision that is not the precision of smartness of the IQ or of the
    culture as a smartness, and it is understandable by my way of defining smartness, so as you notice that we can not neglect the fact that the quality of human intellectual meaning enhances smartness, so then it is not logical to say that artificial
    intelligence without the human intellectual meaning can be the same smartness or level of smartness as the human smartness, and i have given a logical proof of it by saying the following:

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so now i will ask a philosophical question of:

    How to beat artificial intelligence ?

    So i think i am smart and i will start by giving you a good example so that you understand:

    So if i say:

    If a then b
    if b then c

    A human can logically infer that it means: then a then c

    But the problem in artificial intelligence is that the patterns
    comes from the data on wich artificial intelligence was trained ,
    so how for example artificial intelligence does "generalize" the above example and make it a theorem in mathematics?, i mean that so that a human generalizes from the above example he also use the "meaning" from human consciousness, so i think that it is
    the weakness of artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT or GPT-4, i mean that human consciousness is able to make such generalizations with the help of the meaning from human consciousness when the pattern to be discovered is unknown to artificial
    intelligence, so you have to understand that human consciousness is also consciousness of space and time and matter that permits to "compose" the meaning , so then you are understanding from my explanation that what is lacking to artificial intelligence
    is this meaning from the human consciousness that permits smartness to be such sophisticated smartness such as constructing a mathematical theorem from the above example, so now i think you are getting more the bigger picture of it. So i will give you an
    example of my interactions with ChatGPT so that you understand more,so here it is:

    So i have just asked ChatGPT the following question:

    "Make a theorem of the following: if a then b and if b then c then a then c"

    And here is what answered ChatGPT:

    "The theorem can be stated as follows:

    If a implies b, and if b implies c, then a implies c.

    This theorem is known as the transitive property of implication, or the principle of transitivity. It states that if a statement (a) implies another statement (b), and if that statement (b) in turn implies a third statement (c), then the original
    statement (a) must also imply the third statement (c). This principle holds for all statements that have the logical structure of implication, regardless of the specific content of the statements."

    So if you are smart you will notice that in the above answer of ChatGPT, ChatGPT is not understanding the meaning of the theorem, and it has
    not constructed the theorem from the low level constructs such as in my above example, but it is just discovering the theorem from the patterns on the data on wich it has been trained, so now you are understanding the limit of the smartness of ChatGPT
    and of artificial intelligence, and of course i think you are now understanding how to beat artificial intelligence, since i think that artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT needs patterns that help it compose other new patterns, but it can not compose
    a pattern if the patterns that compose it are lacking from the data on wich it has been trained, so you can compose this pattern by using the meaning from human consciousness as in my above example.

    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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