• Re: Middle East and the Government

    From Y A@21:1/5 to Ilya Shambat on Sun Feb 19 02:40:51 2023
    Tere hommikust, tibla !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    On Sunday, February 19, 2023 at 4:16:16 AM UTC+2, Ilya Shambat wrote:
    There is a lot of anti-Americanism in the Middle East, and some of it is quite ugly. I’ve criticized America a lot; however I am not an enemy of America. I don’t want America destroyed, and I do not wish Americans ill. Whereas these people do wish
    Americans ill. And that makes them a real enemy.

    In this matter I would like to help Americans out; and I do so by helping them find the right arguments to confront this anti-Americanism. Now this argument has not been made, but it should be. Do you know what argument can be used to strike to the
    heart of anti-Americanism in the Middle East?

    It is as follows. If not for America, they would be practicing Communism. And if they were practicing Communism, they wouldn’t be able to be Muslims at all. Whereas with America at the top they can be as Muslim as they want to be for as long as they
    aren’t killing Americans or their allies.

    America is easy to attack. It is a big target. We see the same with any number of people in the West who attack their governments and accuse them of tyranny and corruption. These people don’t know what tyranny and corruption is. As far as governments
    go, the ones in the West are quite mild. If the government really were the way they described it as being, they would be facing a firing squad. That they are not, even in spite of their hatred, shows just how good the governments in the West are.

    We see the exact same thing with America. America has over 1000 nuclear warheads. If it wanted to, it could wipe the Middle East off the face of the Earth. Instead it leaves the Middle East alone to its errors. This shows just how good America is.

    Sometimes the little guy is the good guy; sometimes he isn’t. In this situation the big guy is much better than the little guy. The Muslims want to force everyone in the world to follow Sharia. Whereas American government is not trying to force the
    world to become Christian conservative.

    In this matter America deserves all the support that it can get. And I hope that my ideas on this matter are useful to the American people involved in this conflict.

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