• More of my philosophy about sex and about the collective imaginary and

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Fri Feb 17 15:26:07 2023

    More of my philosophy about sex and about the collective imaginary and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    And what do i think about sex ? so i think that there is the collective imaginary of humans that makes us think that sex is like this or like that, i mean that sexual porno movies or too much sexual movies and the like are not the sexual behavior of
    humans, but of a really small minority of humans, and the being porno sex is not the sexual behavior of humans, but of a really small minority of humans, so i think that we have to be realistic and make a difference between the collective imaginary of
    humans and the reality of it, so for example you can think that arabs are not civilized, but i think it is not so realistic to think so, since notice how i am an arab that is civilized, so you have to make a difference between the appearances of a
    reality and the truth of a reality and you have to make a difference between the collective imaginary and the truth of the reality, and here is an interesting proverb of mine that makes you understand this problematic and how you have to be careful about

    "There is an important difference between the appearance of a reality
    and the truth of a reality, and it is why in science you have not to be confident with the appearances, since in science you have to understand
    the truth, so, so that to be able to understand the truth you have to know how to be patience before understanding the truth and not to rush in like a fool by lack of wisdom."

    More of my philosophy of what is Love and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am a new smart philosopher, but how to abstract Love so that to understand what is Love ? so i think that Love is the positive energy
    that attracts, so the positive energy also creates a kind of trust
    and attraction that makes Love, so i think i prefer this kind of abstraction of what is Love, since i think that the positive energy is also an engine that help you like move a heavy load and permits you to be optimistic, but notice carefully that a kind
    and a level of positive energy plays the role of "lever" like i am explaining it in my below new proverbs, and of course notice that i am a gentleman type of person that is also telling the truth in my kind of way, and i think that it is a positive
    energy, also notice how i can think with a kind of sophistication and write and read arabic and english and french, since you can also notice carefully in the following web link how i have quickly invented many interesting proverbs in french and english ,
    so i invite you to carefully look at my new ideas of my philosophy here in the following web link:


    More of my philosophy about Love and about poetry of Love and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am a smart, and i think that i am a new philosopher and i think i am also a wise type of person, so i will explain what is my poem of Love or poems of Love below:

    So i make you notice that i live in Montreal Canada, and when you look at the winter in Montreal , you will say that it is too cold and it means that it is not good for Montreal, but i think i am a wise type of person that says that the snow in winter in
    Montreal can in many times and in many days be beautiful that makes Montreal more beautiful, and from this beautiful, you can use it like a lever of positive energy that energizes in a positive way, and it is the same for human life, human life also
    comes by logical analogy with like the disadvantage of the being the too much cold of the winter of Montreal, but you have to know how to use the positive energy like a lever that help you like move a heavy load and permits you to be optimistic, and it
    is the way of my poems of Love, they are like the beautiful of the positive energy or the good vibes that is like a lever the help you like move a heavy load and be optimistic , so read my below poems of Love so that you understand my kind of personality
    and so that you understand my way of doing, and here is my new proverbs that abstract the way of doing of the positive energy of my poems of Love:

    So notice carefully that i have just invented quickly two proverbs and here they are:

    "I think that happiness comes from a kind of positive energy that
    you use as a lever that help you like move a heavy load, so for example when you listen to the good vibes of a beautiful song , it is like a positive energy that makes you move with optimism by like helping you move a heavy load , so it is the same for
    my new monotheistic religion that i think is smart, since notice the fact that i am saying that i am a new prophet from God that is here so that to reduce much more the curse from God is like the positive energy that plays the role of a lever. So i think
    the key to success is this positive energy that you use like a lever, and notice carefully in my below thoughts of my philosophy how i am creating and using smartly a kind of positive energy."

    But there is a pattern that you have to discover with your fluid intelligence, and it is that you have not to understand my above new proverb out of context, since as we say in french: "Il faudrait comprendre mon nouveau proverbe avec toutes les
    proportions gardées", and it means in english that: "You have to understand my above new proverb with all proportions kept", and the "all proportions kept" is or means also the my following new proverb that constrains the "context" that permits to
    understand my above proverb:

    More of my philosophy about my new proverb and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    So notice in my new proverb below that "harmony" also means:
    The agreement of ideas, feelings, or actions, and the agreement of ideas
    and actions.. need to be well educated and it requires the right hindsight and it requires the knowing of Self, so that to agree on the best ideas and the best actions , it is why i have used the word harmony with the requirements that i am giving in my
    below new proverb so that to "abstract" much better, so i think my new proverb below abstracts much better, so read my following new proverb so that you notice it:

    Here is my new proverb and read my below thoughts:

    "Happiness comes from the knowing how to enjoy life,
    and knowing how to enjoy life is the knowing how to live in harmony and how to be the right hindsight, and the how to live in harmony requires the good meaning of human life or life, and it requires to be well educated and it requires the understanding
    of Self and the ability of understanding , after something has happened, why or how it was done and how it might have been done better"

    More of my philosophy about my poems of Love and poems and more of my thoughts..

    So i have invented many poems of Love and poems so that
    to show my kind of personality, since i am a gentleman type of person,
    and I was also just listening to the following song of Aaron Neville called "La Vie Dansante", and i invite you to listen to it reading at the same time my poem of Love below that i find really beautiful and that i want to share with you:


    And i have just decided to explain more my following poem of Love below:

    So when i am saying in my poem of Love below the following:

    "But our love is consciousness of being truly rich"

    Is it that this love is "only" consciousness of being truly rich ?

    No, it isn't, because you have to place it in the "context" of "all" my
    poem of Love below, because as you are noticing, in my poem of Love,
    that i am also "enumerating" the characteristics of Love of my poem of
    Love below, so here is my new poem of Love (and don't forget to read my other poems of Love and poems below):


    I don't know much

    But i am with your love getting in touch

    I don't know much

    But your love is not a judge

    I don't know much

    But like one we are like a so beautiful bridge

    I don't know much

    But our love is consciousness of being truly rich

    I don't know much

    But beauty is our forever niche

    I don't know much

    But our love is like love that forever enrich

    I don't know much

    So don't ask me why or which

    I don't know much

    But our love is perfection without a glitch !


    And i invite you to read my poems of Love and poems in english and french that i have invented in the following web link:


    Thank you,
    Aminer Moulay Ramdane.

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