• Of Interest - Penis-Dimensions Have INCREASED by 25% Over Past 30 Years

    From 25B.R867@21:1/5 to All on Fri Feb 17 00:04:12 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.science, alt.society


    Men's penises have grown in length by a QUARTER in past 30
    years, Stanford study finds

    . . .

    "Doctors", probably with teenie weenies, say they
    are "concerned".

    This IS a statistically significant change, esp over
    a relatively short - 2 gens - period.

    They really don't know WHY. They want to blame those
    politically-unpopular "forever chemicals" and junk
    food and such. Well, all those things were around
    from the 1950s on in abundance - but the bigger
    weenies seem to have started around 1990 or so and,
    if anything, there are LESS of those factors during
    the period. This is also across a broad population,
    so few would have been exposed to the exact SAME
    combo of chems/foods.

    So what IS it ? Wishing ? It's rarely clear what might
    provoke an epigenetic change - maybe penis-length stress
    IS responsible. Maybe just SEEING bigger dicks in the
    middle-school shower or in porn makes YOURS bigger ?

    All very odd - but Gen-X *is* better hung and oughtta
    have a good time with it.

    Oh, there was also some of the angst about 'declining
    fertility'. Sorry, that's INTENTIONAL. 1st-world
    societies across the globe see under-replacement
    reproduction rates. 1st-world makes you feel safe -
    so you don't NEED nine kids to be your support/protectors
    anymore. As kids are a pain - people have a lot fewer
    of them on the whole. Those who don't practice BC methods
    seem to produce LOTS of kids, so I'm not worried about
    underlying fertility issues as of yet. Gen-X has more
    than enough testosterone/estrogen to breed IF it wants to.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From 25B.R866@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 18 02:16:22 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.science, alt.society

    On 2/17/23 12:04 AM, 25B.R867 wrote:

    Men's penises have grown in length by a QUARTER in past 30
    years, Stanford study finds

    . . .

      "Doctors", probably with teenie weenies, say they
      are "concerned".

      This IS a statistically significant change, esp over
      a relatively short - 2 gens - period.

      They really don't know WHY. They want to blame those
      politically-unpopular "forever chemicals" and junk
      food and such. Well, all those things were around
      from the 1950s on in abundance - but the bigger
      weenies seem to have started around 1990 or so and,
      if anything, there are LESS of those factors during
      the period. This is also across a broad population,
      so few would have been exposed to the exact SAME
      combo of chems/foods.

      So what IS it ? Wishing ? It's rarely clear what might
      provoke an epigenetic change - maybe penis-length stress
      IS responsible. Maybe just SEEING bigger dicks in the
      middle-school shower or in porn makes YOURS bigger ?

      All very odd - but Gen-X *is* better hung and oughtta
      have a good time with it.

      Oh, there was also some of the angst about 'declining
      fertility'. Sorry, that's INTENTIONAL. 1st-world
      societies across the globe see under-replacement
      reproduction rates. 1st-world makes you feel safe -
      so you don't NEED nine kids to be your support/protectors
      anymore. As kids are a pain - people have a lot fewer
      of them on the whole. Those who don't practice BC methods
      seem to produce LOTS of kids, so I'm not worried about
      underlying fertility issues as of yet. Gen-X has more
      than enough testosterone/estrogen to breed IF it wants to.

    A thought ... the, clearly epigenetic, penis-size increase
    was probably spawned by their PARENTS gen. So, what was
    popular in the late 80s to mid 90s and beyond ? Crack, of
    course, but also a lot of "party/club" drugs like 'X'.

    This WAS 'recent stuff' ... the dopey hippie-dippies did
    NOT produce the Well-Hung Generation. Neither did the
    Peruvian Flake sniffers of the 80s.

    The FLIP side of this is that Gen-X seems to have a
    large excess of quasi-NUTTERS who are as likely to
    suicide, or go postal, as they are to take a piss
    in the morning. That MIGHT be mom & pops drugs or
    maybe the fucked-up social/psychological environment
    mom & un-named dad created. "Woke" seems to KILL
    by and large.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)