• The New Thing - "Eternal" Cruises ... Buy Permanent 'Condo' On Ship

    From 26C.Z968@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 11 00:00:23 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics, alt.survival
    XPost: soc.culture.eu


    Ready for a VERY lavish life on the high seas! Couples who
    have splashed out MILLIONS of dollars to BUY cabins on a
    luxury 'floating city' cruise ship (that isn't even built yet)
    reveal why they're so keen to live on the water full-time

    Future residents of the MV Narrative have spent millions of
    dollars to live at sea

    The ship sets sail in 2025 and will spend over three years
    going around the world

    . . .

    APPARENTLY these are sort of "lifetime tickets" - you're
    buying a floating condo (600-1900 sq ft) on a 'forever'
    basis. Once the ship rusts you get digs on the replacement.

    Seems the 1900-ft rooms are about three million.

    ANYway ... no country, 'woke' or 'fascist' or 'theocrat',
    appeals - DUMP 'EM and just sail around. Just takes MONEY.

    Now I *suspect* these people are gonna get screwed -
    it's all "too good to be true", so .....

    But they'll be OK for awhile anyhow. BETTER have like
    10 mil stashed away however, there WILL be 'contract
    changes' and 'special fees' and such fer sure ......

    Hey ... COVID screwed a lot of the cruise lines. Maybe
    THEY have some "spare" ships, can get into this immediately.

    Hmmm ... build a central docking pillar in a good spot out
    in international waters where half a dozen or more of these
    ships can pull in - it basically becomes a new country.
    Check yer maps, there ARE places way out nowhere where there
    are atolls just BARELY underwater - so that's where you anchor
    your 'central dock'. Sports stadium, entertainment halls,
    shops, 5-star dining ..........

    And every so often you de-anchor and MOVE the central dock.
    How'd the song go ... "To avoid complications, she never
    kept the same address ...." :-)

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