• Hints China Will Retaliate Somehow Over Balloon

    From 26C.Z968@21:1/5 to All on Sun Feb 5 21:34:59 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.military, alt.survival
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans


    China threatens 'resolute' action as US warned to brace
    for 'further provocations' after 'Red Zeppelin' spy balloon
    was shot down off the coast of South Carolina sparking race
    to salvage secret payload

    Beijing warned of 'responses' to come after the U.S. shot down
    a Chinese spy balloon on Saturday that hovered over nuclear
    silos in Montana

    Defense experts said China could try to interfere in the recovery
    of the surveillance payload off the coast of South Carolina

    Beijing could try to use the incident as a way to justify
    'incursions into Taiwanese airspace', a military expert said

    . . .

    China WILL run with this as far as it can - that's part
    of The Strategy.

    China has long practiced the "camel's nose" technique,
    pressing in a little bit, then a little bit more then
    a little bit more, until .....

    But we don't have to let them get away with it.

    Oh yea, "interference" inside US waters - that's what
    submarines and such are for ........ let 'em get a
    good, incontestable, mile in and then *

    No more bullshit.

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