• ONE Step From "Handmaid" - Docs Wanna Keep "Brain Dead" Women Alive as

    From 26C.Z968@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 4 18:09:04 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics, alt.politics.uk
    XPost: alt.politics.usa


    Keep brain-dead women alive and use them as surrogate mothers,
    suggest doctors

    Medical association apologises after academic argued it could
    become a common way to bring new children into the world

    Colombia’s medical association has been forced to apologise
    after being accused of endorsing the controversial idea of
    keeping brain-dead women alive so their bodies can be used
    to have babies as surrogate mothers.

    The Colombian Medical College published an article focusing
    on a recent paper about whole body gestational donation (WBGD),
    which involves women who have given prior consent being used
    as would-be surrogacy mothers after being declared clinically
    brain dead.

    . . .

    Shades of the Handmaid's Tale !!!

    Why wait until they're "brain dead" - just judge them
    "incompetent" and then you can use them as breeder units
    over and over ... that WILL be the next step ya know.

    Meanwhile just add 'womb donation' as a DEFAULT when
    applying for a driver's license or whatever - something
    you have to check a box to DENY ? Tax penalties for
    non-donors, of course :-)

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