• More precision of my philosophy about white nationalism and such and ab

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Thu Feb 2 13:22:49 2023

    More precision of my philosophy about white nationalism and such and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    So I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ,
    and now i will discuss more the problems of white nationalism and such problems, so i invite you to look at the following video
    about white nationalism:

    How big a threat is white nationalism?


    So i think i am a new philosopher and i will talk now about such problems of white nationalism in a philosophical manner, and first i will make you notice my below previous thoughts about human identity, so as you notice that i have just said the

    "Human identity comes from competition or the acts of competing so that to survive and so that to adapt, like in today capitalism."

    So as you are noticing i am not saying that there is a white or black or
    brown identity, since you have to notice that it comes "mostly"
    from competition or the acts of competing so that to survive and so that to adapt, since notice that for example when an individual in a society says that his identity is white, this white identity is considered by whites as something inferior, since an
    individual has to construct and enhance his identity much more than saying that he is gay or white or black or brown, so you are noticing that in philosophy we have to be pragmatic, so then i say as a new philosopher that the problems of identity
    politics like of the white nationalism in the above video comes from the the lack of meaning of human life or life, so then by a lack of spirituality, since i think that for example having faith or to a certain level enough faith in God permits, as i am
    saying below, to give a basis identity that reduces much more the problems, since i think it lighten much more the burden as i am explaining it in my below thoughts by speaking about the positive energy that comes from faith in God or a level of faith in
    God, so it is why i think that my way of speaking to you about my new ideas of my philosophy is something really important, and you can notice it by reading all my below previous thoughts:

    More of my philosophy about the positive energy and about faith and more of my thoughts..

    So I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ,
    and now i will discuss another of my new idea of my philosophy, and it is that "competition" between humans in our today capitalistic world is a negative energy that makes the burdens heavy for you, so it makes humans more violent, but how can you solve
    this problem? so i think that it is "spirituality" such as my new monotheistic religion that permits, like in Islam, to bring more trust between people or humans, and it permits to create like a big "family" of believers that have faith and that can meet
    in a church or mosque or in internet, and this way of being civilized by the way of faith "energizes" the believer in a "positive" way, so this then lighten much more the burdens, and i invite you to read my below ideas of my philosophy about human
    identity and to also read the rest of my other ideas of my philosophy below:

    More precision of my philosophy about the Islamist arab thinker Sayyid Qutb and about my philosophy and more of my thoughts..

    I have just looked at the following interesting video about the Islamist
    arab thinker Sayyid Qutb, and i invite you to look at it:


    And read about Sayyid Qutb here on Wikipedia:


    So I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, and I think that the Islamist arab thinker Sayyid Qutb is considered as "the Father of Salafi jihadism", the
    religio-political doctrine that underpins the ideological roots of global jihadist organisations such as al-Qaeda and ISIL. But i am a new philosopher and i think i am a new thinker too, and i will explain my point of views on Sayyid Qutb, so i have just
    looked at the above video and the above web page of Wikipedia about Sayyid Qutb and i think i am rapidly discovering patterns that show the big weakness of Sayyid Qutb's philosophy, so i think that the big weakness of Sayyid Qutb's philosophy is how to
    make humans have faith or enough faith in God? so you are noticing the weakness, since you can not force people to have faith or enough faith in God, so i think that the Takfirism of Sayyid Qutb is really problematic, since how do you know that a muslim
    have faith in God or enough faith in God ? so you are noticing the problem of Sayyid Qutb's philosophy, so i am a new philosopher and i am a new prophet from God that says that the best option is to avoid the violent revolution of Sayyid Qutb's
    philosophy, and the best option is to do what we call "Islaah" in arabic, and the Islamic concept of "Islaah" advocates for moral advancement through a reformation and not through violent revolution, since you have to know how to to do a "smart" non-
    violent Islaah as i am doing it below, so that to attract people and so that people have a level of faith or enough faith in God that solves the problems. So as you have noticed that i am a new thinker and a new philosopher and a new prophet from God
    that is showing you my new ideas of my philosophy and of my new monotheistic religion, so read them in my below thoughts:

    More of my philosophy about human identity and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am a new smart philosopher, and as you have just noticed that
    i have just given you my new ideas of my philosophy, read them below,
    but now i will discuss something important that is related to the meaning of human life or life, so i will ask a philosophical question of:

    From where comes the human identity ?

    So i will smartly answer this question by making you notice that
    the human identity comes from competition or the acts of competing so that to survive and so that to adapt, like in today capitalism, but i think that this way of doing is problematic, since it takes time to construct this human identity by the acts of
    competing so that to survive and so that to adapt, but i think that it is from this way of competing that from where comes the too much individualism in our societies, and i can also make you notice that there is a problem with this way of competing so
    that to survive and so to adapt so that to construct your human identity, since i can then ask the question of from where comes the "engine" that makes you move with a positive energy in constructing your human identity that takes time to construct? so
    as you notice that there is a problem, so as a new philosopher i also think that the way of constructing the meaning of human life and life as i am doing it below by inventing quickly my new monotheistic religion, solves this problematic, since it is
    faith or a level of faith in God that brings more trust between humans and it unifies them in a kind of positive way, and this also brings a positive energy as an engine that moves you forward in constructing your human identity and it also constructs a
    basis human identity that makes you positive, so i think that it is the faith or a level of faith in God that solves this problem. So read all my following thoughts as a new philosopher so that you understand my views:

    More of my philosophy about corruption and about arabs and more of my thoughts..

    The GDP per capita of United Arab Emirates is 44315.55 US dollars
    ‌and the GDP per capita of USA is 70248.63 US dollars, and
    United Arab Emirates scores 67 and rankes 27 in the corruption perceptions index of year 2022 of Transparency international, and USA scores 69 and rankes 24 in the corruption perceptions index of year 2022
    of Transparency international, so i think that GDP per capita is not just strongly correlated to corruption , but i think it causes corruption, so what i mean is that if you higher the GDP per capita you will have less corruption, so you can notice it by
    taking a look carefully at the statistical data of the corruption perceptions index of year 2022 , so i think corruption is not caused by the being an arab, since i think that the being arab is not statistically significative as a cause of corruption.

    So take a look carefully at the the corruption perceptions index of year 2022 of Transparency international in the following web link so that to understand:


    More of my philosophy about the arabic language and more of my thoughts..

    The proto-arabic language is very old and it is the earlier form
    of arabic language and it comes from northern Arabia
    and it comes from Jordan and Syria(Read here to notice it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proto-Arabic_language) and the arabic language comes also from the same places, and you have to know that even in that very old Arabia the literacy have been
    extraordinarily widespread(Look at the following video so that to understand it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWTB59TrNqQ )

    Here is my new poem about the meaning of human life and life
    that i have just invented quickly and you can read my philosophy below:


    So is it about Love and hope ?

    So as you notice that i am not a pope

    So is it about Love and hope ?

    Since as you notice that i am not the simple isotope

    So is it about Love and hope ?

    So as you notice the good meaning of life is like a good telescope

    So is it about Love and hope ?

    So as you notice the good meaning of life is like hope

    So is it about Love and hope ?

    Since notice that hope is not a simple green soap

    So is it about Love and hope ?

    Since notice that hope is greatness that is not like a myope

    So is it about Love and hope ?

    Since as you notice that our meaning of life is not an horoscope

    But it is the "In God we trust" that is our so beautiful envelope !


    More of my philosophy about the goal and about the way or the path and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ,
    so i think i am a new philosopher that is showing you my new ideas of my philosophy, so notice how i am talking in my below thoughts, so what
    i am trying to explain that even if you have a high GDP per capita such
    as in Germany or USA, and even if you have a welfare system such as in China, so in my new philosophy i am making you understand that the problematic is not that you have to have a high GDP per capita, since
    even with a high GDP per capita there is still a problem, and the problem is not that you have to use self-interest or egoism as an engine of wealth and properity of nations as has said it the philosopher and economist Adam Smith, since i think that the
    problematic is how you make
    humans live in "harmony", and as i say in french: C'est une