• More of my philosophy about the Islam and the corruption perceptions in

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jan 31 08:30:33 2023

    More of my philosophy about the Islam and the corruption perceptions index and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I invite you to look at the corruption perceptions index of year 2022
    of Transparency international and notice that "Islamic" Saudi Arabia (with Ethnic groups of 90% Arab and 10% Afro-Arab, and with Religion of 93.0% Islam) has ranked 54 in the highly in above 30%, so Saudi Arabia has ranked "better" than China that has
    ranked at 64, so i invite you to look at the corruption perceptions index of year 2022 of Transparency international in the following web link:


    And i invite you to listen to the following beautiful music
    played by an algerian "arab" musician:

    Ola ola ola olle - 2018


    Here is my new poem about the meaning of human life and life
    that i have just invented quickly and you can read my philosophy below:


    So is it about Love and hope ?

    So as you notice that i am not a pope

    So is it about Love and hope ?

    Since as you notice that i am not the simple isotope

    So is it about Love and hope ?

    So as you notice the good meaning of life is like a good telescope

    So is it about Love and hope ?

    So as you notice the good meaning of life is like hope

    So is it about Love and hope ?

    Since notice that hope is not a simple green soap

    So is it about Love and hope ?

    Since notice that hope is greatness that is not like a myope

    So is it about Love and hope ?

    Since as you notice that our meaning of life is not an horoscope

    But it is the "In God we trust" that is our so beautiful envelope !


    More of my philosophy about the goal and about the way or the path and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ,
    so i think i am a new philosopher that is showing you my new ideas of my philosophy, so notice how i am talking in my below thoughts, so what
    i am trying to explain that even if you have a high GDP per capita such
    as in Germany or USA, and even if you have a welfare system such as in China, so in my new philosophy i am making you understand that the problematic is not that you have to have a high GDP per capita, since
    even with a high GDP per capita there is still a problem, and the problem is not that you have to use self-interest or egoism as an engine of wealth and properity of nations as has said it the philosopher and economist Adam Smith, since i think that the
    problematic is how you make
    humans live in "harmony", and as i say in french: C'est une