• Re: Fred Leuchter

    From V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V@21:1/5 to Chadlee Anvil Bryant on Thu Jan 26 01:03:03 2023
    Tere hommikust, Chadlee ......

    On Thursday, January 26, 2023 at 5:49:11 AM UTC+2, Chadlee Anvil Bryant wrote:
    "All that's necessary for Jews to triumph is for
    good men to do nothing."
    - Fred Leuchter


    Is there anything funnier or ghastlier than a jew sitting in moral
    judgment of a human?

    According to the New Yorker's Ron Rosenbaum, Leuchter is a man
    possessed of a frightening combination of "sinister innocence and
    criminal simplicity."

    Oh, a jew said it. They're such smart people, you know. We must defer
    to their higher morality. Fuck that. Jews are skunk-cabbage people.
    Their judgment is worth shit. All these jews so anxious to look under
    behind around back of everything, yet the minute you take a sideways
    look at their media manufactory, why, the hy-cry goes up. The truth
    about jews? "Hate." No, the media aren't controlled by jews, saith the
    fool. Every single paper frames things the same way because we all
    agree. The jewish agenda is always presented as the voice of the
    community. Always jews are jews when it comes to accepting praise.
    Marvelous! Unique! Always jews are "the community" when jews are under attack. The jew combines the qualities of the chameleon, the eel, and
    the cockroach. The result is unpleasant. The qualities that have
    allowed jews to triumph over Aryans, for the time being, appear to be: superior organization, hatred of non-jews amounting to mania (flip
    side of solipsism), contempt for truth, disbelief in values other than material advantage. These reduce in the jews' minds to the simple
    question: "Good for jews?" - the only reality.

    According to Leuchter, his main reason for doubting the mass
    executions at Auschwitz ever took place stemmed from his feeling
    that the idea of such wholesale slaughter -- so inefficiently
    conducted -- "just doesn't make sense."

    Fred Leuchter is a good man, and correct in his reasoning. The
    rosenbaums, who did execute tens of millions of whites in Eastern
    Europe -- there are no laws against denying these executions, since
    they actually took place -- conducted their murders by firing guns at
    backs of heads. Surprisingly, this was easy and effective. You
    know...if jews really are the bad guys...we live in a really scary
    world. Because all we ever hear is that the enemies of the jews are
    the bad guys. When the jews criticize the SS or the Nazis, White man,
    you do realize they mean ordinary whites like you?

    "I've had audience members tell me I should never have let him
    express himself on camera," he says, shrugging. "But to me,
    ignoring Holocaust denial is what reinforces it. History's not
    gospel. It's an attempt to understand ourselves through
    subjective analysis, through confronting misinterpretation with
    fact. And everyone has to sit down at the table at once, so no
    one can be excluded from the discourse and go away thinking,
    'Well, they never heard from me.'" Even Fred Leuchter? Morris
    chuckles dryly. "Especially Fred Leuchter."

    Gee, that's funny. I thought there were laws against allowing Fred
    Leuchter to speak. I thought the jews went after Leuchter to destroy
    his livelihood, building instruments to make executions less painful.
    If the "Holocaust" happened, you wouldn't need laws affirming it. Jews
    are the only race in the world with the power to cover up the
    holocaust, and in fact that's just what they've done. When I write 'Holocaust,' you and everyone else know I mean the body of things that supposedly happened to jews in World War II. But the real holocaust
    was the Red one, and it wiped out, IN REALITY, ten times the number of imaginary jews.

    Jews = perpetrator people. Gentiles = victims.

    Fighting the lies of the jews is YOUR duty, and one of the top
    ones. There is no way to live an honorable live acceding to jewish

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