• Bristol Palin - NINTH Boob-Job ....

    From 26C.Z968@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jan 25 22:42:57 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, soc.culture


    Bristol Palin, 32, reveals she's undergone her NINTH
    breast reconstruction surgery to fix the 'botched'
    reduction she had at 19, saying she has been 'self-
    conscious her entire adult life'

    . . .

    Space-case seems to run in the family .....

    'Body Dysmorphia' as bad as Michael Jackson's IMHO.

    MOST women want nice decent tits ... Bristol has spent
    years trying to hack them off. Looks like her last hack
    job was done VERY poorly. She may as well just go 100%
    flat-chested now .......

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