• Iowa Gov Expands State Funding to All Private Schools - A Student-Centr

    From 26C.Z968@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jan 24 23:24:29 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.education
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans


    Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds signed an unprecedented school choice
    bill called the Students First Act on Tuesday, allowing any
    Iowa student to use public money to pay for private school
    tuition or other expenses.

    "For the first time, we will fund students not systems!"
    Reynolds said on Twitter.

    "Parents, not the government, can now choose the education
    setting best suited to their child regardless of their income
    or zip code. Iowa has affirmed that educational freedom belongs
    to all!"

    After the Students First Act was passed, Iowa is now the
    third state to pass a school choice measure that expands
    to every student in the state.

    . . .

    Good trend - and it's AWAY from the govt/woke propaganda
    machine set up to brainwash the kiddies and make them
    ignorant and incapable.

    BUT, be CAREFUL ... some of those 'private schools' are
    also propaganda machines, intent on turning Junior into
    some kind of xian jihadist. Relatively 'neutral' "just
    the facts" education is kind-of a thing of the past now.

    Politics has infiltrated, poisoned, ruined. It would be
    great if the gov's measures would spawn a bunch of
    rather apolitical schools - but I have doubts. At best
    we get a balance, or at least variety, of extremes.
    This is not so great.

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