• More of my philosophy about the how we have to grow economy and more of

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jan 23 16:00:23 2023

    More of my philosophy about the how we have to grow economy and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I think i am highly smart , since i have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and now i will talk about an important subject and it is about the how we have to grow economy , since i think that the Democrats and Republicans in
    USA have two different ways of how to grow economy, since as i have just for example said that the U.S. Congress believes that today's debt will be dwarfed by tomorrow's economic growth. Driving economic growth is one way to reduce the national debt, but
    Congress tends to disagree on how to create that growth. Most Democrats push increased spending, while most Republicans champion lower taxes, and it looks like the different economic ways in Japan of Abenomics and Kishidanomics, and i invite you to read
    the following article about them:


    But i will also say that Milton Friedman, an American economist awarded the 1976 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics for his contribution to consumption analysis and to monetary history and theory, including his observations of the complexity of
    stabilization policy, was the founders of the modern monetarist school of economics, that held that the business cycle is determined mainly by the supply of money and by interest rates, rather than by government fiscal policy - contrary to the long-
    prevailing view of Keynes and his followers. So then you have to understand that the modern way in economics with wich we manage inflation and unemployment is no more using keynesian economics, but it is by using for example the following way using the
    supply of money and by interest rates: I think i am highly smart, and i think that the Federal Reserve policymakers of USA are trying to slow down the economy and subdue inflation by highering interest rates, and highering interest rates make money
    costlier and borrowing less appealing and that, in turn, slows demand to catch up with supply, which has lagged badly throughout the pandemic, but that's the macroeconomics of it, and its potential effects include lower wages, a halt or even a drop in
    home prices and a decline in stock market valuations etc., but notice that the highering of interest rates reduces the demand, so i think it has a macroeconomic effects of balancing by creating lower prices in one side and part of the economy and this
    compensate much more for the higher prices in the other side and part of the economy, but notice that it doesn't mean that the highering of interest rates solves all the problems.

    More of my philosophy about the responsable economics and more of thoughts..

    I have just looked at the following video where a professor in economics that is a democrat and that has worked for the democrats is speaking and she is saying something irresponsible in economics and it is the following:

    She is saying that the government can not has a debt problem because it pays its debt by printing more and more money, but i think she is irresponsible by saying so, since the US dollar has a price and value
    that also follows globally the supply and demand rule, so for example if you are this irresponsibility, so the demand on the the US Dollar can lower and it can cause problems. So here is the video and look at it carefully so that you notice the


    But notice my way of explaining the US debt that is not the above irresponsible way:

    So i think that USA will solve its deficit problem efficiently,
    and i think that's not the problem, since i also think that USA is
    borrowing mostly at a low interest rates, since i think in a long-term the interest rates at wich it is borrowing are low since USA is also a well diversified and powerful economy that is really resilient, so it is why i think that the USA government can
    handle a "much" heavier debt load since also USA is a well diversified and powerful economy that is really resilient, so it is why i think that USA debt is not problematic, also I think that USA will still be a super power in the future, since the USA
    debt is not problematic as i am explaining it, and i also say that we can not compare USA to China, since China has many defects like the "productivity" of China is not good both qualitatively and quantitatively, and China has a debt problem, so China is
    constrained by this factor of its debt problem, so China can not attain the level of productivity both quantitatively and qualitatively of that of USA in the near to medium future. But the productivity of USA is good both qualitatively and quantitatively,
    and China has other problems such as the quality of education of its workforce is much less than that of USA, it is why China is also lacking much in productivity both qualitatively and quantitatively. And you can look at the following video so that to
    understand more:

    Why won't China Surpass the United States? - VisualPolitik EN


    More of my philosophy about the bad tendency of the shrinking of the middle class in USA and more of my thoughts..

    I have to give some statistics so that you understand more
    the holistic view of it, and here it is:

    "The shrinking of the middle class has been accompanied by an increase in the share of adults in the upper-income tier – from 14% in 1971 to 21% in 2021 – as well as an increase in the share who are in the lower-income tier, from 25% to 29%. These
    changes have occurred gradually, as the share of adults in the middle class decreased in each decade from 1971 to 2011, but then held steady through 2021."

    Read more here:


    So as you are noticing that the lower-income tier has gone from 25% to 29%, so then there is more poor people in USA. So then you have to
    understand that we have to solve the "problematic" of this bad tendency
    by implementing progressive capitalism as i am explaining it in my
    below thoughts, so read all my below previous thoughts so that you understand my views:

    More of my philosophy of why americans feel so poor and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I invite you to look at the following video:

    Why Americans Feel So Poor | CNBC Marathon


    So you have to know that i have just talked about this problematic
    of why americans feel so poor, and it is the following, read the
    below article of how McKinsey Destroyed the Middle Class and you will understand, and i am also giving the way of how to solve the
    problem by being progressive capitalism, so read it in my below thoughts:

    More of my philosophy about the US problems and world problems and more of my thoughts..

    I think that i am highly smart, and the main problem of USA as i am showing it below by posting the web links, is that Management consultants, like of the powerful McKinsey, implemented and rationalized a transformation in the American corporation by
    downsizing in response not to particular business problems but rather to a new managerial ethos and methods; they downsized when profitable as well as when struggling, and during booms as well as busts. So i think it is the main problem, since for
    example read in the following paper that says that: "In contrast to the conventional wisdom, we find that plants of the U.S. manufacturing sector that increased employment as well as productivity contribute almost as much to overall productivity growth
    in the 1980s as the plants that increased productivity at the expense of employment."

    Read more here so that to understand:

    Downsizing and Productivity Growth: Myth or Reality?


    But about the other problem of part-time employment, i think American corporations have to understand that this way of managing
    by part-time employment is limited, since we know that a 10% increase in the part-time share is associated with 4.8% higher productivity, so read my below thoughts so that to understand my views:

    More of my philosophy about McKinsey and more of my thoughts..

    I invite you to look at the following interesting video about McKinsey:

    How McKinsey Became One Of The Most Powerful Companies In The World


    And i also invite you to read this interesting article about McKinsey:

    How McKinsey Destroyed the Middle Class


    More of my philosophy about the american dream and more of my thoughts..

    The American dream was initially conceived by Thomas Jefferson as each citizen’s right to the pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, this american dream is not about guaranteed outcomes, of course, but the pursuit of opportunities, so
    notice carefully that i have just spoken more and more about those kind of opportunities
    that we have to have and that makes the american dream, like for example
    my talking in my below thoughts about Progressive Capitalism of Joseph E. Stiglitz, since Joseph E. Stiglitz is saying in his videos below that he has advised the democratic party about his reforms of his progressive capitalism, so read my below thoughts
    carefully so that to understand:

    And I have just looked at many videos on youtube of Joseph Stiglitz and
    i have just understood him well, but i have just quickly found the following interesting video of him that explains well the reforms that we need so that to be progressive capitalism, and he is saying in this video that he has advised the democratic
    party about his reforms of his
    progressive capitalism and i think that he is a democrat, so i
    invite you to look at his following interesting video so that
    to understand:

    Joseph Stiglitz on People, Power, and Profit | Munich Security Conference 2020


    And more precision about more of my philosophy about progressive capitalism..

    I invite you again to look at the following interesting video of Joseph E. Stiglitz that speaks about some thoughts of his interesting book “People, Power, and Profits: Progressive Capitalism for an Age of Discontent.”:

    Joseph Stiglitz on People, Power, and Profits: Progressive Capitalism for an Age of Discontent


    And read his following interesting article in The New York Times so that
    to understand:

    Joseph E. Stiglitz is a university professor at Columbia, the 2001 recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, a former chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, a former chief economist of the World Bank and the author, most recently, of “
    People, Power, and Profits: Progressive Capitalism for an Age of Discontent.”, and i invite you to read his following interesting article in The New York Times:

    Progressive capitalism is not an oxymoron

    Read more here:


    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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