• Re: Anthony Fauci: The Medical Version Of Chicken Little

    From 26C.Z968@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 21 23:12:43 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, talk.politics, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.survival

    On 1/21/23 10:22 PM, Fauci Funded COVID-19 wrote:
    Despite all the evidence, and even the assurances of the doctor that discovered the Omicron variant, why is Anthony Fauci and America’s government acting like the sky is falling? For more information,
    Lars speaks with Bob Barr, a former CIA Analyst and Member of

    I will defend Fauci TO A POINT - especially early on
    in the epidemic. Covid WAS new and the particulars were
    NOT well known. Early research pointed in several directions
    at once. "Truth" was a constantly-moving target and there
    was nothing to do about that. A very conservative approach
    was the best medicine.

    However NOW ... well ....... he's pimping the virus for
    profit IMHO. Omicron and variants are vastly less lethal
    than Alpha and Delta. Not "safe", but VASTLY less lethal.

    China has a problem because, after it's CRAP domestic
    vax that almost nobody took, it decided to pursue an
    extreme lockdown philosophy as it's virus defense.
    Worked for awhile until NOBODY could STAND it anymore.
    Now - massive outbreak amongst an unprepared pop and
    there ARE considerable casualties.

    But that's CHINA.

    Now BE AWARE that those "gain of function"
    scientists - even in the USA - have been producing
    variants of Covid that have like a 90+ percent
    fatality rate. IMHO these people should all be
    arrested, sent to Gitmo, and all their notes burned.
    There are people - hostile govts, martyrdom
    intoxicated religious fanatics and, even worse,
    "Save The Planet (from humans)" fanatics who would
    be HAPPY to deploy such viruses, HAPPY to see 90%
    of humanity die. Covid ain't the only nasty virus
    that could be boosted using such research notes.

    It is VERY likely Covid WAS the result of GOF research
    in Wuhan - and leaked accidentally. The NEXT wave might
    not be an accident .... and every paranoid thing Fauci
    ever suggested wouldn't even be nearly enough unless
    you're one of those people who live out in the Alaskan bush
    and only come to town once a year. Better skip a year ...

    MEANWHILE ... the KNOWN Chinese variants are very catchy
    but not very strong. That COULD change however. What's
    the term - "an evolving situation" ? Stay informed, be
    aware - and don't skip vax and such for stupid political
    or 'religious' reasons or evolution WILL deal with you.

    (Oh, who put alt.satanism in the headers ???)

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