• More of my philosophy about the debt crisis and about the currency and

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 21 13:52:00 2023

    More of my philosophy about the debt crisis and about the currency
    and about investments and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I have just looked at the following interesting video that shows that the problem of European Union can come from the debt problem or crisis of many european countries of European Union, so it is why European Union has to manage correctly and it is why i
    am talking below about the importance of the being high standards, so i invite you to look at the video here:


    So then i have to talk about the USA debt problem, so here is my thoughts and views about it:

    And about the US Debt Crisis, i think it is not so problematic, since USA economy is well diversified and powerful economy that is really resilient, and you can read more about it here in the following article:

    The Surprising Truth About the US Debt Crisis


    Also I think that USA will still be a super power in the future, and i say that we can not compare USA to China, since China has many defects like the "productivity" of China is not good both qualitatively and quantitatively, and China has a debt problem,
    so China is constrained by this factor of its debt problem, so China can not attain the level of
    productivity both quantitatively and qualitatively of that of USA in
    the near to medium future. But the productivity of USA is good both qualitatively and quantitatively, and China has other problems such as
    the quality of education of its workforce is much less than that of USA,
    this is why China is also lacking much in productivity both qualitatively and quantitatively. And you can look at the following video so that to understand more:

    Why won't China Surpass the United States? - VisualPolitik EN


    More of my philosophy about the long-term stock price and how to get rich and about more of my thoughts..

    And notice in my below thoughts that i am not talking about the benefits
    of selling your shares of stock, since i am taking into account the risk factor, so i think my way of investing is the safe way, So i invite you to read my following thoughts so that to understand my views:

    More of my philosophy about the stock price and about bitcoin and about how to get rich and more of my thoughts..

    Microsoft stock price stood in year 2022 at $268.09

    According to the latest long-term forecast, Microsoft price will hit $300 by the end of 2022 and then $400 by the middle of 2025. Microsoft will rise to $500 within the year of 2026, $600 in 2027, $700 in 2028, $800 in 2031 and $900 in 2033.

    Read more here:

    Microsoft Stock Forecast 2022 - 2025 - 2030


    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i think that my below thoughts
    about investments in stocks is valid, since look at the above example
    at the Microsoft stock prices above, the first thing to notice is that
    it is just a forecast, but as i am saying below that it is
    too risky, since you have to diversify your investment by
    for example investing in index funds as i am explaining it
    below, and second important thing to notice is that the stock
    price is the current price that a share of stock is trading for on the market , but it looks by analogy like the bitcoin currency, since
    it also follows demand and supply, but i think that investing in
    the stocks is better than investing in bitcoin, since there is
    a return of investment in stocks that also permits you to sell much easily your shares of stock, and i think that this return of investment doesn't exist in bitcoin, also i think bitcoin has still much lesser value.

    More of my philosophy about being a seller of Amazon products and more of my thoughts..

    I have just said the following:

    "I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, I have quickly taken a look at Amazon profit margin and ROI(Return of investment), and i think by being a sellers of Amazon(or the like) products you
    can become rich, since you can buy in more quantity so that to lower the price of an Item of Amazon, so it is better for you if you have more money when you start selling Amazon products, and after that i think that you can use Amazon shipment strategy
    that easy the things for you, and after you make much more money by being a seller of Amazon products, you can invest a part of your money in index funds in stocks that have an average ROI of around 10%, so i think you can become rich by this way of
    doing, and i think that it is better than Real Estate investment."

    But i think there is still a problem in the being a seller of Amazon products, and it is that when you are a seller and you buy more quantity of a product so that to lower the price of an Item, there is a "competition" in this process of buying more
    quantity of a product, like in the process of creativity below, so there can be others that can buy much more quantity than you, so that to lower more than you the price of an Item , so it is i think the problem, so i think so that to be successful as a
    seller of Amazon products, you have to have much more money when you start selling Amazon products and so that to "also" lower the Risk, also you have to know that in most cases, customers(that i think can be sellers of Amazon products) can request
    returns within 30 days of receiving their order, and this shows that it is not easy to become rich as i am explaining it below.

    More of my philosophy about Real Estate investment and about
    creativity and about stocks and bonds and more of my thoughts..

    According to the National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF), as of Q1 2021 the average 25-year return for private commercial real estate properties held for investment purposes slightly outperformed the S&P 500 Index, with average
    annualized returns of 10.3% and 9.6%, respectively. Residential and diversified real estate investments also averaged returns of 10.3%, and i think that a good ROI for a rental property is usually above 10%, but 5% to 10% is also an acceptable range.
    Real estate investing can be lucrative, but it's important to understand the "risks". Key risks include bad locations, negative cash flows, high vacancies, and problem tenants. Other risks to consider are the lack of liquidity, hidden structural problems,
    and the unpredictable nature of the real estate market, so i think because of the Risks in Real Estate, i think it is in accordance with what i am saying below, so reread it carefully:

    More of my philosophy about Benjamin Franklin and about investments..

    I have just looked at the following video about the US. president Benjamin Franklin that talks about the EASIEST way to become rich:


    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i am not in accordance with the US. president Benjamin Franklin in the above video, since let us take a look at the following interesting web page of
    the Investment growth calculator from Fidelity investments in Canada, since i am understanding it easily, and here it is and take a look at it carefully:


    But notice that it is asking to put two important informations that are:

    1- Rate of return
    2- Inflation rate

    But i think that for the long-term investment, the Inflation rate is not so important, so i think that we have to focus on the "Rate of return",
    so i am highly smart, and i say that you can not be rich easily as i am also explaining it above, since you also can not for example invest in stocks of this or that company since it is so much more risky, so you have to "diversify" correctly by
    investing in index funds in stocks, since they are much less risky and i think that they have an average of around 10% of rate of return or return of investment, so i think that you can not get rich easily with it, since the Time to grow in the above
    calculator has to be set to around 40 years or so and this will permit you to have a "good" retirement, but it will not permit you to easily become rich, and i think that the Bond that is a fixed-income instrument that represents a loan made by an
    investor to a borrower (typically corporate or governmental) is not better in rate of return or return of investment than index funds, so then this shows that it is not easy to get generally rich for the people, and i mean "generally".

    More of my philosophy about my other logical proof of why i think that the main problem in our world is the lack of high standards and more of my thoughts..

    As i just said previously that I think that the other problematic is that countries such as Russia and China want a multipolar world where they play an important role, but i think that it is not the main problem since also China or Russia or such
    countries can become powerful and play an important role in the world, but i think that the main problem in our world is the lack of high standards, i will give "another" logical proof of it so that you understand why our world needs high standards, and
    here it is , read my following thoughts so that to understand my logical proof:

    So, so that to understand more, I invite you to read the following interesting paper by John Cavanagh director of the Washington-based Institute for Policy Studies, and Jerry Mander a senior fellow at the Public Media Center:

    World Bank, IMF turned poor Third World nations into loan addicts


    And I invite you to read the following so that to understand how IMF and World Bank can be reformed:

    Reforming the IMF and World Bank

    Read more here:


    And read the following:

    UN, World Bank, IMF in need of urgent reforms: Sitharaman

    "Institutions such as United Nations, World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) need to be urgently reformed as they no longer speak for countries whose issues have remained unattended to for decades, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said."

    Read more here:


    And read my previous thoughts:

    More of my philosophy about the main problem of our world that is
    the lack of high standards and more of my thoughts..

    I think that the other problematic is that countries such as Russia and China want a multipolar world where they play an important role, but i think that it is not the main problem since also China or Russia or such countries can become powerful and play
    an important role in the world, but i think that the main problem in our world is the lack of high standards, i will give a logical proof of it so that you understand my views, and here it is , read my following thoughts so that to understand my logical

    More of my philosophy about the US problems and world problems and more of my thoughts..

    I think that i am highly smart, and the main problem of USA as i am showing it below by posting the web links, is that Management consultants, like of the powerful McKinsey, implemented and rationalized a transformation in the American corporation by
    downsizing in response not to particular business problems but rather to a new managerial ethos and methods; they downsized when profitable as well as when struggling, and during booms as well as busts. So i think it is the main problem, since for
    example read in the following paper that says that: "In contrast to the conventional wisdom, we find that plants of the U.S. manufacturing sector that increased employment as well as productivity contribute almost as much to overall productivity growth
    in the 1980s as the plants that increased productivity at the expense of employment."

    Read more here so that to understand:

    Downsizing and Productivity Growth: Myth or Reality?


    But about the other problem of part-time employment, i think American corporations have to understand that this way of managing
    by part-time employment is limited, since we know that a 10% increase in the part-time share is associated with 4.8% higher productivity, so read my below thoughts so that to understand my views:

    More of my philosophy about McKinsey and more of my thoughts..

    I invite you to look at the following interesting video about McKinsey:

    How McKinsey Became One Of The Most Powerful Companies In The World


    And i also invite you to read this interesting article about McKinsey:

    How McKinsey Destroyed the Middle Class


    I think i am smart, and i have just looked at the above video and i have
    just read the above article, and i think McKinsey was doing it with like the traditional levers, but i think this classical way of managing is not so difficult for countries, but i think this classical way of managing is much less important than the much
    important way of doing it
    with artificial intelligence, since compelling data reveal a discouraging truth about economic growth in western countries today, since there has been a marked decline in the ability of traditional levers of production capital investment and labor to
    propel economic growth in western countries, since i say that in economic management we know that firms with a large part-time employment share are more productive than firms with a large share of full-time workers, but a 10% increase in the part-time
    share is associated with 4.8% higher productivity, so as you notice there is a limit to this way of managing with part-time employment, like was doing it McKinsey, so i think that it is AI(artificial intelligence) that could increase much more the
    economic growth rates in western countries by changing the nature of work and creating a new relationship between man and machine. The impact of AI technologies on business can increase much more labor productivity and enable people to make more
    efficient use of their time, but the most important thing is that Digital and AI literacy is of utmost importance to help countries businesses scale and compete internationally. Investing in widespread digital and AI literacy for the entire population
    will increase domestic demand for technology and technology jobs. A technologically literate population will create more data, which fuels AI and thus the data-driven economy as a whole. It is also necessary for workers to be able to upskill and re-skill
    in order to remain productive and competitive in an automated workforce. Countries businesses that adopt AI technology will save from lower production costs, have increased output, and be able to invest more. Increased revenue from this domestic demand,
    and with a global reputation for responsible AI, will help countries businesses scale globally and compete on the international level.

    And read the two following web links so that to understand more what i am saying:

    "Compelling data reveal a discouraging truth about growth today. There
    has been a marked decline in the ability of traditional levers of
    production capital investment and labor to propel economic growth."

    And it it says the following:

    "Accenture research on the impact of AI in 12 developed economies
    reveals that AI could double annual economic growth rates in 2035 by
    changing the nature of work and creating a new relationship between man
    and machine. The impact of AI technologies on business is projected to
    increase labor productivity by up to 40 percent and enable people to
    make more efficient use of their time."

    Read more here so that to notice it:


    And McKinsey estimates that AI(Artificial intelligence) may deliver an additional economic output of around US$13 trillion by 2030, increasing
    global GDP by about 1.2 % annually. This will mainly come from
    substitution of labour by automation and increased innovation in
    products and services.

    Read more here:


    More of my philosophy about the american dream and more of my thoughts..

    The American dream was initially conceived by Thomas Jefferson as each citizen’s right to the pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, this american dream is not about guaranteed outcomes, of course, but the pursuit of opportunities, so
    notice carefully
    that i have just spoken more and more about those kind of opportunities
    that we have to have and that makes the american dream, like for example
    my talking in my below thoughts about Progressive Capitalism of Joseph E. Stiglitz, since Joseph E. Stiglitz is saying in his videos below that he has advised the democratic party about his reforms of his progressive capitalism, so read my below thoughts
    carefully so that to understand:

    And I have just looked at many videos on youtube of Joseph Stiglitz and
    i have just understood him well, but i have just quickly found the following interesting video of him that explains well the reforms that we need so that to be progressive capitalism, and he is saying in this video that he has advised the democratic
    party about his reforms of his
    progressive capitalism and i think that he is a democrat, so i
    invite you to look at his following interesting video so that
    to understand:

    Joseph Stiglitz on People, Power, and Profit | Munich Security Conference 2020


    And more precision about more of my philosophy about progressive capitalism..

    I invite you again to look at the following interesting video of Joseph E. Stiglitz that speaks about some thoughts of his interesting book “People, Power, and Profits: Progressive Capitalism for an Age of Discontent.”:

    Joseph Stiglitz on People, Power, and Profits: Progressive Capitalism for an Age of Discontent


    And read his following interesting article in The New York Times so that
    to understand:

    Joseph E. Stiglitz is a university professor at Columbia, the 2001 recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, a former chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, a former chief economist of the World Bank and the author, most recently, of “
    People, Power, and Profits: Progressive Capitalism for an Age of Discontent.”, and i invite you to read his following interesting article in The New York Times:

    Progressive capitalism is not an oxymoron

    Read more here:


    More of my philosophy about state planning or the too much state planning and more of my thoughts..

    I think what is happening today in our world is that the world Bank and IMF and many powerful western countries are wanting countries such as Russia and Algeria and many other Arab countries and such, by also forcing many of them in a kind of way with
    some mechanisms, to transition from the state planning or too much state planning to minimum state intervention by boosting competition and by enlarging the private sector and shrinking the public sector so that to be efficient economies, and
    specialization in a job is of course required so that to be efficient, and also they are wanting them to be Democratic and to have a separation of powers like in the U.S. Constitution that establishes three separate but equal branches of government: the
    legislative branch (makes the law), the executive branch (enforces the law), and the judicial branch (interprets the law) so that to be efficient, and i think it is what is lacking in countries such
    as Russia and Algeria and many arab countries and such that prevent
    them from being efficient economies, and so that to understand more ,
    i invite you so that to look at the following interesting video
    of how Israel was not long ago an inefficient economy like of that of Russia and it has transitioned to an efficient economy in the Time of prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and here is the video and look at it carefully:

    The Israeli Way of Doing Business


    More of my philosophy about how Algeria or many arab countries can boost there economy and more of my thoughts..

    I have just read the following interesting article about how Algeria
    can boost its economy, and i think it is also the way to follow
    for many arab countries, so i invite you to read it here:


    And as you notice in the above article that the boosting competition is essential, so competition is important as i have just explained it in my previous post, other than that read my following thoughts about Algeria so that to understand my views:

    More of my philosophy about corruption and about statistics and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ,
    so i invite you to look at the following new video of an algerian
    journalist that is speaking about the algerian system of governance:


    So i think i am discovering patterns with my fluid intelligence
    in the above video, so notice that the algerian journalist in the above video is saying that the algerian system of governance is fondamentally corrupt and he is saying it hurts a lot the system and it is why it is not working, but notice the mistake
    that he is making, that he has first to ask if Algeria has a good organization like statistics Canada that gives good statistics about economy and healthcare system and about the system, and the statistics have to be macrostatistics or macroscale
    statistics and microstatistics or microscale statistics so that to show the advantages and disadvantages and the weaknesses of the system, so we can not just say as the algerian journalist above that the algerian system of governance is not working
    because it is corrupt, since we have to speak and give good statistics as i am saying above, so it is why i think that the above algerian journalist is not objective, so i think that we can logically infer from my thoughts that one of the most important
    thing to have as a country is a good organization like statistics Canada that gives good statistics about economy and healthcare system and about the system, and the statistics has to be macrostatistics or macroscale statistics and microstatistics or
    microscale statistics so that to show the advantages and disadvantages and the weaknesses of the system.

    More of my philosophy about the way of prevention and about the way of statistics and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so as you notice that we have to be vigilant, since i think that Algeria is not Haiti, so i think that Algeria is
    not in a bad shape as Haiti or such, but of course i have to be more objective, so as you have just noticed that i have just talked about the good way of statistics as i am explaining it below, so as you notice we can monitor more the system with the
    way of statistics, but i think that there is also the way of "prevention", since there is for example the way of learning by making mistakes, but you have to be more smart and know how to be the right prevention from making mistakes, so i think it is the
    wise way, so then we can then talk about Democracy and about the separation of powers like in the U.S. Constitution that establishes three separate but equal branches of government: the legislative branch (makes the law), the executive branch (enforces
    the law), and the judicial branch (interprets the law), so i think we can ask a philosophical question such as of how to "ensure" the separation of powers so that to not corrupt the system and so that to be the right dose of meritocracy or quality ? so i
    think that Democracy has the mechanism of "competition" between the actors of Democracy like of that between the medias and congress and the government and the people, and i think that the separation of powers also comes with a kind of competition too
    that prevent corruption, so then we have to understand from it that statistics as i am explaining it below are not enough , since the basis of the system has to provide with the right mechanisms such as of Democracy and the separation of powers.

    More of my philosophy about Israel and about white supremacists of national vanguard and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I have just read the following article about Israel from the white supremacist website called national vanguard, and i invite you to read it(and you can translate it from french to english):

    Israel, Land of Asylum of the Great Scam


    So i am not in accordance with what is saying the above article about Israel, since there can be "some" corruption in Israel, but i don't think that jews in general or jews of Israel are corrupt people, since there is the engine of the fact that so that
    to be Liberty of our today and our future we have to be responsability, so then we have to adapt correctly, and i think that quality also comes from "competition", so then so that to be quality , competition is first and foremost the will to fight, since
    even America’s military argues that “will to fight” is the disposition and decision to fight, act, or persevere, and notice that this will to fight is a cause of quality that precedes the good smartness or good education as causes of quality, and i
    think that competition is also the acts of competition of the acts of being good smartness or/and the acts of being good wisdom and such , so then what we have to be is to be competition that brings the right quality, so then you have to be for example a
    competition in a fight for life, and you have to be economic competition of Adam Smith the father of economic Liberalism, and i also think that the seeking the big profit by being competition is also regulated by antitrust laws, and individual self-
    interest and egoism creates competition and by the mechanism of competition we become self-interest and egoism of a group and of a society or of a zone such as the European union and then we become collaboration and cooperation and even solidarity in a
    society or in a zone such as the European union or in global world and this creates prosperity and happiness of nations, and also we have to say that when we get a big profit we can also help the others by being solidarity, but we have to be patience
    since it takes some time so that this individual self-interest and egoism becomes collaboration and cooperation and even solidarity, and of course we have to be much more optimistic since capitalism is not a zero sum game, since with a reasonable level
    of growth, capitalism can both deliver rising living standards for most, and still ensure a relatively high rate of return to the owners of capital and we have to be much more optimistic since self-interest is most of the time regulated by competition to
    not lead to corruption, fraud, price-gouging, and cheating, as has said it Adam Smith the father of economic Liberalism, and notice that we have to look at competition from a broader point of view since competition is also competition inside a Democracy
    that fights efficiently corruption by using different political parties and different political groups inside the congress and the like and competition that fights efficiently corruption is also the separation of powers in USA, since the U.S.
    constitution establishes three separate but equal branches of government: the legislative branch (makes the law), the executive branch (enforces the law), and the judicial branch (interprets the law), so i think that for example USA is much less corrupt
    than African countries or such countries since they lack this kind of "competition" that balances this way the powers. Also i invite
    you to read my below thoughts about the other engine that i am talking about:

    More of my philosophy about adaptation and about the standard and more of my thoughts..

    So think i am talking philosophy about the how we are perfected , and i just said about it the following:

    "Since philosophically i can say that we are also perfected by the engine of the taking care of our own "image" in front of the others so that to not be discriminated or hated, so this permit us to take care of our dignity. And of course i say that our
    own image is judged by a standard, but this standard by wich we judge the others is also perfected by the exponential progress of our humanity and by our experience and by our education, and i think even the standard by wich we judge a product or service
    is perfected the same way, but i say we have not to be pessimistic about the standard by wich we judge the others since we are progressing in an exponential way."

    But you are noticing that i am not saying that we have to adapt or to survive, since we can adapt or survive and not be correctly perfected, so as you are noticing i am showing above wich engine is perfecting us and in wich way by talking about how to
    make the standard by wich
    we judge the others or by wich we judge the product or service , and i am talking this way so that to make it clear that so that to progress or advance correctly we have to take care of what i am saying above.

    More of my philosophy about Eric Zemmour and about dignity and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I have just looked at Eric Zemmour in the following french video, and
    i invite you to look at it:

    Eric Zemmour dénonce la décadence


    So i am noticing in the above video of Eric Zemmour that he is saying
    that the West is living a decadence or in what we call moral or cultural decline, but i think that Eric Zemmour is not right , since philosophically i can say that we are also perfected by the engine of the taking care of our own "image" in front of the
    others so that to not be discriminated or hated, so this permit us to take care of our dignity, so for example i don't think that maghrebis or maghrebians in France have no dignity, since they are also perfected by this same engine, also we have not to
    forget that we are advancing very fast in an exponential way, so it is why i think that humans will rapidly advance much more , but of course we have to know how to manage our exponential progress, so it is why we have not to be pessimistic as Eric
    Zemmour is pessimistic, also i invite you to read all my following views about artificial intelligence and about white supremacists and about the meaning of life or human life:

    More of my philosophy about white supremacism and about artificial intelligence and more of my thoughts..

    So I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored "above" 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ,
    so i have just read the following article from white supremacists of

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