• Is it yer banker, yer broker, yer granny - Or Is It VALL-E Pretending ?

    From 26C.Z968@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jan 11 22:00:44 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.survival, alt.politics
    XPost: alt.science


    A team of researchers at Microsoft has demonstrated a new AI
    system that is capable of mimicking a person's voice after
    training with a recording just three seconds long. The team
    explains developing the new app in a paper published on the
    arXiv preprint server. They have also posted a webpage
    demonstrating the app's capabilities.

    Artificial intelligence applications require training on
    massive amounts of data. But in this new endeavor, the team
    at Microsoft has shown that does not always have to be the

    The new app was built using Meta's EnCodec audio compression
    technology, and was originally intended as a way to improve
    the quality of phone conversations. Subsequent work showed
    that it is capable of far moreā€”not only can it mimic a voice,
    it can also simulate tone and even the acoustics of the
    environment in which the original recording was made.

    . . .

    Their bragging link is :


    So .... NOW they can combine deepfake video with
    deepfake audio - just a few secs of conversation
    with your significant reps and they can fake the
    voice - even the 'ambience' of their office - so
    perfectly YOU can't tell the diff.

    Do these tekkies REALLY think they're doing
    something GOOD ???????????????

    If they have 3-digit IQs then they OUGHTTA very
    acutely realize the massive disinfo/crime potential
    of their invention. So, arrest them. It's like
    inventing a much cheaper way to make fentanyl
    or something.

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