• New IOT Device - Put it in yer toilet and it does pee tests - NO Prob W

    From 26C.Z968@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jan 11 00:15:38 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics, alt.privacy
    XPost: alt.survival


    You're taking the p***! Withings unveils a smart device that
    you stick in your toilet and WEE on to monitor your metabolic
    and reproductive health

    Withings has unveiled its latest device at the Consumer
    Electronics Show 2023

    The device, called the U-Scan, fits in your toilet to check
    your urine

    It checks out hormone levels to help track ovulation and
    menstrual cycles

    It also tracks Vitamin C levels, ketone levels and hydration
    levels in your urine

    . . .

    I wonder what else it can scan ??? If not today ...

    Within the past week I warned of an explosion of
    cheap IOT devices - and how people would volunteer
    to kinda literally let the govt/industry in up their
    asses. All for fun, 'health', 'for your own good'.

    And any hint of freedom and privacy VANISHES. "They"
    always know everything about you - right down to the
    molecular level.

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