• Expert - Look Like the Hindenburg ? Exercise Does Almost NOTHING To Hel

    From 26C.Z968@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 7 22:24:49 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.survival


    Exercise WON'T help you lose weight, says top diet expert...
    who says you should follow this advice to beat the bulge

    Exercise plays 'very little role in weight loss', an expert

    Exercise is 'grossly exaggerated as an easy fix' to tackle
    obesity problem

    . . .

    Wanna be lighter ? EAT LESS !!!

    That especially goes for CARBS.

    No bread. No pasta. No boxes of Bon-Bons. No
    cereal. No rice. No taters/fries. No beans.
    It's ALL just SUGAR in disguised form and will
    turn you into a BLIMP.

    A fairly (but skip "fanatically") "keto" diet is
    the way to go. Even then, don't go wild. There
    are some low-carb veggies, those are good, some
    protein-heavy nuts are good, some hard cheeses,
    and don't forget yer multi-vitamin. As a rule of
    thumb, an oil/fat calorie is only HALF as bad for
    you as a carb calorie. THEN you will slim down
    and stay that way.

    PS ... artificial sweeteners still cause insulin
    resistance - there are "sweet detectors" all
    through yer guts and they don't discern real
    from fake.

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