• Great Salt Lake to Disappear ?

    From 26C.Z968@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 7 17:10:12 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa


    Great Salt Lake is set to EVAPORATE within five years due
    to ongoing 'megadrought' and failure to replenish water taken
    from the famous Utah site, as water levels slump 73%

    Dozens of scientists warned in a new report that Utah's Great
    Salt Lake will disappear in five years as water levels have
    dropped by 73 percent, which has left 60 percent of the lakebed

    . . .

    Oh well, not like you could drink it ....

    It'll be the Great Salt Dent now.

    Actually, it kinda looks like the weather pattern
    is finally changing, so maybe there WILL be enough
    rain to restore the GSL - maybe.

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