• Shame on Waffle-House - Fires Hero Worker for Self-Defense

    From 26C.Z969@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jan 3 23:20:04 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.food.waffle-house, alt.politics.usa


    Texas Waffle House worker who deftly caught chair thrown
    by unruly customer claims she was BLACKLISTED from working
    at the joint because she threw a sugar shaker at the woman
    in self-defense

    Former Waffle House employee, identified as Halie in a YouTube
    video, gave her side of what happened during a massive fight
    at the eatery in Texas last year

    The professional wrestling-style brawl ended only when Halie
    flawlessly caught a chair that was thrown at her with just
    one hand

    But she claims she was blacklisted from working at Waffle House
    because the resurfaced video shows her chucking a sugar shaker
    in self-defense

    . . .

    And now I can never spend a penny at a Waffle House again ...

    Leave it to the corporates ... She and WH were heros for
    a day - and now ... SHAME !!!

    Hope she sues them for Big $$$ - lawyers will find reasons.

    Hey, somebody pick her up for private security - she's
    got the moves and the attitude.

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