• HA ! Hyper-Leftist Apple Hit With Class Suit - SmartWatch Oximeters are

    From 26C.Z969@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 26 19:06:12 2022
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics, alt.politics.republicans


    A New York man filed a class-action lawsuit against Apple
    on Dec. 24, alleging that the Apple Watch's blood oximeter
    has a "racial bias" against individuals with darker skin tones.

    The Blood Oxygen app is available on Apple Watch Series 6 and
    newer and can "measure the oxygen level of your blood on-demand
    directly from your wrist, providing you with insights into your
    overall wellness," Apple explains.

    New York resident Alex Morales alleges that he purchased an
    Apple Watch between 2020 and 2021, and was aware that the
    watch "purported to measure blood oxygen levels and he believed
    it did this without regard to skin tone," according to the
    lawsuit, which was filed in the Southern District of New York.

    . . .

    Yep, the things work by shining a light - and if you
    have dark skin they won't work as well ... and are
    thereby RACIST ! RACIST !! RACIST !!!

    Oh, and SmartWatches/iPhones/iTablets work MUCH better
    for people who can SEE ... and are therefore HORRIBLY
    BIASED against the visually impaired !!! And don't
    forget iTunes and the DEAF community !!!

    Go for it - Apple is rich as shit, so let loose the lawyers !

    SO fun when the leftists fall victim to their own pomp
    and divisive laws. There's likely a lot of potential
    here, rules/regs/positions they pushed through in the
    60s and 70s to cover their own asses .... :-)

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