• Re: Democrat sex offender Jovan Melton.

    From Democrats Deny Biological Genders@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 26 13:18:18 2022
    XPost: alt.politics.marijuana, you.can.thank.the.democrats, soc.support.transgendered
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, alt.journalism.newspapers, va.politics

    Boulder police arrested Jovan Melton in December 1999 on charges of
    trespassing and harassment related to domestic violence, according
    to Boulder police records. Melton is now an Aurora representative
    and Democratic majority deputy whip.

    It was not the only time the relationship became physically violent,
    according to information from police and court documents and
    interviews. The woman also told police Melton previously knocked her
    down and broke her tailbone in two places — an injury for which she
    sought medical attention.

    The night of the incident, the woman’s then-suitemate told police
    she could “recall at least three to five prior episodes” and that
    she had heard Melton hit her in the past, but she had “asked her not
    to say anything.”

    The Boulder police officer noted the woman’s reluctance to talk,
    saying she didn’t believe the police could help her. After talking
    with a victim’s advocate, however, she decided to request a
    permanent restraining order. In that request to the court, she said
    Melton sexually assaulted her twice and broke her tailbone in two
    places. A judge granted the restraining order.

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