• Re: Democrat sex offender Jewell Jones.

    From Democrats Deny Biological Genders@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 26 07:58:26 2022
    XPost: alt.politics.marijuana, you.can.thank.the.democrats, soc.support.transgendered
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, alt.journalism.newspapers, va.politics

    Guess the race.

    (TJVNEWS.COM) Dashcam video released of Democrat Rep Jewell Jones
    resisting arrest and threatening to call Gov Whitmer. He had just
    driven drunk into a ditch. He was allegedly having sex while driving
    drunk !!

    He bragged to the arresting officers that he handles their “budget”,
    and as he was being arrested still tried to flex his political
    muscle, by asking the cops for their identification, and saying “it
    won’t be good for them”

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