• Re: Democrat sex offender Eliot Cutler.

    From Democrats Deny Biological Genders@21:1/5 to All on Mon Dec 26 12:52:04 2022
    XPost: alt.politics.marijuana, you.can.thank.the.democrats, soc.support.transgendered
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, alt.journalism.newspapers, va.politics

    Eliot Cutler will make his first court appearance at Hancock County
    Superior Court in Ellsworth at 1 p.m. on May 3. The former attorney
    and two-time gubernatorial candidate faces four counts of illegal
    possession of sexually explicit material of a minor under 12 years
    of age.

    He was arrested at his house in Brooklin on Friday, March 25 and was
    released on $50,000 bail the following day.

    His arrest came after Maine State Police received a tip from the
    National Center for Missing and Exploited Children that someone in
    Maine either downloaded or uploaded one illegal image. Authorities
    were able to trace that to Cutler, search his homes in Brooklin and
    Portland and make their arrest after sorting through some of the
    seized material.

    Cutler’s attorney, Walt McKee, successfully motioned for the arrest
    and search warrants to remain under seal until Cutler’s initial
    court appearance.

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