• Re: Democrat sex offender Bryan Singer.

    From Democrats Deny Biological Genders@21:1/5 to All on Sun Dec 25 12:51:54 2022
    XPost: alt.politics.marijuana, you.can.thank.the.democrats, soc.support.transgendered
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, alt.journalism.newspapers, va.politics

    Bryan Singer has been accused of sexually abusing and raping
    numerous underage boys in a new report published in The Atlantic.
    The outlet says its writers spoke with 50 sources, including four
    men who have never come forward before. Two of them said they were
    15 and 17, respectively, when they first met and allegedly had sex
    with Singer in 1997; Singer was in his 30s at the time, and knew
    both boys were underage, they claim. The age of consent in
    California is 18.

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