• Re: Democrat sex offender Jay Parmley.

    From Democrats Deny Biological Genders@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 23 13:26:31 2022
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    Rebecca Burgin, a long-time girlfriend of former North Carolina
    Democratic Party executive director Jay Parmley, told The Daily
    Caller that she believes Parmley infected her with HIV. Parmley
    resigned on April 15 amid sexual harassment allegations from a
    former young male staffer.

    On April 13, TheDC first exposed allegations, leveled in December by
    former North Carolina Democratic Party communications staffer
    Adriadn Ortega, that Parmley showed him a picture of a penis, gave
    him unwanted shoulder rubs and made apparent sexual advances toward
    him. Ortega also alleged that Parmley discussed with him in detail
    his past sexual activity, including “solicit[ing] sex from gay

    Parmley’s ex-girlfriend Rebecca Burgin told TheDC that Parmley
    forever changed her life by making her HIV-positive. She’s worried,
    she said, that Parmley may have done to someone else what he did to

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